
Chapter 442: Elucidating (2)

Chapter 442: Elucidating (2)

“First of all, I\'d like to thank you for coming here today,” said Kang Jin-Ho before awkwardly coughing to clear his throat. \'This... doesn\'t really suit me, does it?\'

Kang Jin-Ho rarely, if ever, had to step in front of a crowd and say something. Even back when he led the demon cult\'s elites, which numbered several times higher than this crowd, Kang Jin-Ho didn\'t need to do something as cumbersome as making a stirring speech.

His job was to issue orders back then, and it was Azure Demon\'s duty to convey the messages to the underlings. However, the era had changed, and what people demanded from the higher-ups had also changed accordingly. Since that was the case, Kang Jin-Ho knew he also needed to change.

“Over there. You,” Kang Jin-Ho suddenly pointed at Yi Myeong-Hwan.

Yi Myeong-Hwan flinched and hurriedly got up. “S-sir? You mean... me?”

“I know you, don\'t I?”

“A-ah, yes! I accompanied you back when you were heading to the Yeongnam Group, sir!”

Kang Jin-Ho smiled brightly. “I\'m relieved to find a familiar face among you. I was getting a bit nervous about speaking in front of so many people, you see.”

Yi Myeong-Hwan wasn\'t sure how he was supposed to respond to that clear attempt at lightening the mood.


Kang Jin-Ho was getting what now?

Wasn\'t that joke a bit too much? How could a monster like him get nervous?

Getting nervous only happened when people were talking to those with similar status. If a regular person was told to address hundreds of other people like him, they might nervously shudder and start sweating buckets. However, would they behave the same way when addressing hundreds of kindergartners?

“I heard that Assembly Master Bang Jin-Hun has assembled you all. However...” Kang Jin-Ho scratched his head. “I\'m not quite sure what to tell you.”

“...I\'m sorry?”

“If you don\'t mind me asking, what did you hear before coming here?”

Yi Myeong-Hwan dazedly listened to Kang Jin-Ho before realizing that question was directed at him. He jolted awake and stammered ungainly. “Uh, oh... That...”

Even though Yi Myeong-Hwan stuttered and failed to answer, Kang Jin-Ho didn\'t get impatient and quietly waited.

Yi Myeong-Hwan relaxed at the easy-going expression on Kang Jin-Ho\'s face and calmed himself down with a fake cough. “Uhm, yes. I\'m... not sure if I should address you as Mister Kang Jin-Ho, but... uh... Forgive me since I\'m not sure how to address you. I\'ve come here after being told that you\'ll be teaching us. And that I can become stronger by receiving your wisdom.”

Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded. “I see. And you believe that, yes?”

“Yes,” Yi Myeong-Hwan confidently replied. “I witnessed the truth that day, after all.”

No other explanation was necessary. The powerful magnet that attracted all these people here was the memories of Kang Jin-Ho destroying the Yeongnam Group that day. And they didn\'t even need explanations or detailed breakdowns on how Kang Jin-Ho would strengthen them.

After all, Kang Jin-Ho had already proven himself. And with the surest, most impactful method, too! Demanding him to explain his plan was an incredibly arrogant thing to do in that case. No one here was conceited enough to do that.

Yi Myeong-Hwan knew he could answer without hesitation.

Kang Jin-Ho asked another question. “Does that mean you wish to learn from me?”

“Of course. It\'s something I\'ve been dreaming of. I\'ll definitely say yes.”

The corners of Kang Jin-Ho\'s lips faintly curled up at that reply. And Yi Myeong-Hwan suddenly felt his heart tumble to the pit of his stomach at that smirk. Because it... contained clear ridicule.

Then, Kang Jin-Ho\'s tone of speech changed. “Even if you might die during my teachings?”


That was when Yi Myeong-Hwan began thinking that his memories and reality had finally aligned. That somewhat naive-looking Kang Jin-Ho from a second ago was morphing into the monster from Yi Myeong-Hwan\'s memories.

He wasn\'t sure what caused this switch. Just a subtle tweak in Kang Jin-Ho\'s expression shouldn\'t be enough to make Yi Myeong-Hwan feel this way.

There was no easy way to explain it, but... But, Yi Myeong-Hwan\'s instincts were screaming at him. They said that this \'Kang Jin-Ho\' was not the same creature as the \'Kang Jin-Ho\' from a few seconds ago.

“Now, answer me.”

What was the question again? Yi Myeong-Hwan\'s mind wasn\'t with him at this moment. The task of conversing face-to-face with this monstrous Kang Jin-Ho was like a nearly-unbearable pressure crushing down on Yi Myeong-Hwan\'s psyche. Even though Kang Jin-Ho wasn\'t being hostile to him.

That was when Yi Myeong-Hwan suddenly had an epiphany—and appreciation—about those Yeongnam Group martial artists that didn\'t back off and tried to confront Kang Jin-Ho that fateful day. Those people were truly gutsy. Incredibly brave. Yi Myeong-Hwan never quite understood why people kept saying the Yeongnam Group was far ahead of the Martial Assembly until now, but this situation helped him see the light. However, he didn\'t have a choice, really.


If Yi Myeong-Hwan had been stuck in the same situation as those folks, he\'d have turned tail and run from there. Those Yeongnam Group martial artists deserved enormous respect and acknowledgment for trying to stop Kang Jin-Ho and even pointing their weapons at him.

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head. “What are you doing?”

“...! Ah!” Yi Myeong-Hwan sobered up instantly and stammered again. “Can you... Can you ask me that question again?”

“I asked you if you\'ll still be okay with the possibility of dying during my training.”

“That... I...” Yi Myeong-Hwan couldn\'t immediately answer. Then again, how was he supposed to respond to a question like this?

Obviously, no one wanted to die. So, Yi Myeong-Hwan should say no here. However, how could he say that in front of this man and in this atmosphere?

Thankfully, it seemed Kang Jin-Ho never expected an answer from Yi Myeong-Hwan as he began tutting loudly. “I see that you\'ve been living a comfy life.”


Kang Jin-Ho scanned the crowd of martial artists inside the auditorium. Every single one hurriedly lowered their head to avoid meeting eyes with him. Finding enough guts to hold Kang Jin-Ho\'s gaze wasn\'t easy enough to cultivate, it seemed.

“...Everything in this world demands appropriate compensation,” said Kang Jin-Ho in a cold, withdrawn voice. “Learn just enough to become moderately strong... You can never truly become strong with such a rubbish mindset. You are weak not because your martial art techniques are bad. No, it\'s because you never fought tooth and nail before.”

Yi Myeong-Hwan and his Martial Assembly peers wanted to deny that. Some among them had sacrificed their youth in the pursuit of their martial arts. They minimized sleep and break times and trained nonstop to the point where trying to do more would\'ve been physically impossible.

While their peers were having fun and enjoying their lives, these people dedicated their entire beings only to walking the path of their martial arts. But now... Kang Jin-Ho said they weren\'t fighting hard enough? Just how much more were they supposed to sacrifice, then?

“I shall make you stronger,” Kang Jin-Ho smirked ominously. “You will attain strength beyond your wildest imaginations.”

Their hearts began racing at that announcement. Even though the Assembly\'s martial artists were on the receiving end of Kang Jin-Ho\'s insults, his promise was still powerful enough to shake their hearts.

“However!” Kang Jin-Ho suddenly raised his index finger. “Half of you... will die!”


“And no, I\'m not trying to mess with you. Let\'s be perfectly clear about something. I\'m not the type to enjoy pulling pranks on people. Precisely half of you will die. However, if you beat that fifty percent odds of survival...!” Kang Jin-Ho didn\'t immediately finish his sentence, instead choosing to draw it out until everyone\'s attention was completely focused on him. “Not only will you become stronger, but I shall also help you see a completely different world. A new realm! And I am capable of making it happen.”

Utter silence...!

The silence was so still and oppressive that it verged on crushing everyone ruled the auditorium\'s interior. Not even one person inside dared to breathe loudly.

Kang Jin-Ho continued to address the crowd. “I don\'t know any tricks or shortcuts. How to become strong in a short period of time? Such a thing does not exist. My martial arts, the path of cultivation I chose, is straightforward and honest. You will become as strong as your suffering. You will become as strong as all the blood you shed! It would be strange if a man going through Hell didn\'t grow strong at the end of his experience. What I\'m about to show you isn\'t some wishy-washy training regime, but Hell itself!”

Someone in the crowd nervously swallowed.

“I won\'t force you to do this. There is no need for that, anyway. Those who unwillingly follow my teachings will definitely lose their lives. That I guarantee you! So, I won\'t force you. It\'d be a waste of my time to train some punks who couldn\'t even survive to become someone useful, after all,” said Kang Jin-Ho while lowering his hand. “The people I\'m looking for aren\'t some random idiots wanting to receive training tips from me. Those who wish to become stronger, those who will try anything to attain power... Those with the determination to break through any sort of Hell with smiles on their faces for the sake of attaining greater strength...! That\'s who I\'m looking for!”

Kang Jin-Ho scanned the crowd again. It was as if he was asking them whether they were prepared or not.

“Only those with the resolve will come and join me. That will be all for today. One day from now... I shall start accepting applicants.”

Was it because Kang Jin-Ho had announced the grace period of one day? The tension in the auditorium, which had been taut enough to cut through with a knife, suddenly loosened slightly.

But then, Kang Jin-Ho landed one last blow to this slightly relaxed atmosphere.

“One more thing...” Kang Jin-Ho muttered as a cruel smirk floated upon his lips. “You better not apply while thinking that I\'m bluffing or exaggerating things. Doing that will really be a dog\'s death for you.”

Kang Jin-Ho baring his fangs and smirking was incredibly chilling to behold.


“No one\'s gonna apply after that, Mister Jin-Ho!” Bang Jin-Hun cried out while making a dismayed face. He and Kang Jin-Ho were already back in the Assembly Master\'s office. “What were you thinking, Mister Jin-Ho?! That\'s not a show of your authority, more like a straight-up death threat! You basically told them, I\'m gonna kill anyone stupid enough to ask me for my teachings!

Bang Jin-Hun continued to yell while tearing at his hair, but Kang Jin-Ho remained unperturbed. As a matter of fact, Kang Jin-Ho was enjoying a cup of coffee while relaxing on a couch. “Mm. I guess it\'s okay to sample instant coffee every now and then.”

“Please don\'t change the subject!” Bang Jin-Hun groaned while doing his absolute best not to blow his top from sheer frustration.

Convincing the younger generation to join the training already seemed like a tall order, even if carrots and other sweet incentives were dangled in front of their eyes, yet Kang Jin-Ho just had to issue those scary-sounding threats. In that case, who would want to apply now?! Even Bang Jin-Hun would flinch and hesitate at the suggestion of risking his neck, so it wouldn\'t be any different with the younger martial artists, no?

“Mister Jin-Ho, not everyone can risk their life every day like you, you know! Please remember that!”

“Yes, I do remember,” Kang Jin-Ho replied without showing much concern.

Bang Jin-Hun groaned in frustration. “Then, why did you say all that back in the auditorium?”

“I know everyone doesn\'t live that way. However, I don\'t need people like that.”

Bang Jin-Hun clamped his mouth shut.

Kang Jin-Ho glanced at him. “What were you expecting from me?”


“Were you hoping that I\'d take in any random rabble and train them? Then, applaud at my handiwork for raising the overall strength of the Assembly?” Kang Jin-Ho muttered coldly, sending shivers down Bang Jin-Hun\'s spine.

This Kang Jin-Ho was not his... \'daily\' self. His switch had been flipped up. Which indicated he was taking this matter very seriously.

\'This guy, he... He\'s not joking!\'

Kang Jin-Ho was seriously planning to put his words into action. He was genuinely thinking of thrusting the Assembly\'s younger generation into the proverbial Hell, then picking the promising survivors to train them even further! However, such a method was simply too extreme in the modern era, was it not?!

“Assembly Master Bang. There is no need for everyone to become stronger,” said Kang Jin-Ho.

“...May I know why you think that?”

“I\'m sure you\'ve noticed it already.”

“Huh? I don\'t follow?”

Kang Jin-Ho put the paper cup down and looked at Bang Jin-Hun. “The era is changing, Assembly Master Bang. Surely, you must\'ve noticed how much behind-the-scenes maneuvering was necessary before you could move against your opponents. However, you can\'t keep fighting like that. You having tens of thousands of troops and my forces numbering in the thousands are altogether meaningless. It\'s not like every soldier in your army will go to war, anyway.”

Bang Jin-Hun\'s expression froze. That was something he hadn\'t thought about before.

Kang Jin-Ho continued to lay out his case. “What we need is a small pool of elites consisting of truly powerful individuals. Focusing almost all of our resources into a few will ensure that we will be more agile and flexible by several folds.”

As someone who had experienced it first-hand, Kang Jin-Ho could say this with utmost confidence. The demon cult boasted over ten thousand direct followers and called the vast mountain range of Shiwan Dashan its home, but Kang Jin-Ho as the demon cult\'s leader only ever directly commanded a small number of people, including the members of the Demon Flames. And the Demon Flames were responsible for helping Kang Jin-Ho rule Gangho with an iron fist.

The numbers game was meaningless in the face of a unit consisting of truly powerful elites. Since the upcoming battles weren\'t between powerless civilians!

“...I understand what you\'re trying to say, Mister Jin-Ho. I really do. However!” Bang Jin-Hun groaned loudly, his expression stiff. “Will the younger generation agree to join us after you threatened them like that? Wouldn\'t this whole thing be a colossal waste of time if no one applies? And you said recruiting and forcing people will be useless, too.”

“Don\'t worry,” Kang Jin-Ho slowly nodded. “Someone will step up.”

“How can you be so sure?”

Kang Jin-Ho stared into Bang Jin-Hun\'s eyes. “Regardless of era, regardless of factions...”


A faint smirk crept up on Kang Jin-Ho\'s lips. “There always are insane bastards, you see?”

“Hah…” Bang Jin-Hun shook his head in resignation.

Kang Jin-Ho was being serious again. He genuinely believed in what he was saying!

\'Are we even doing the right thing here?\'

Bang Jin-Hun suddenly thought it might be better for no one to apply and let this whole training idea be quietly forgotten. Unfortunately, he had a hunch that... that wouldn\'t happen.

He learned his lesson by now, after all. Whenever Kang Jin-Ho said something would happen, it\'d inevitably happen sooner or later.

Bang Jin-Hun groaned under his breath, then glanced at Kang Jin-Ho finishing his coffee.

Kang Jin-Ho put his empty paper cup down and asked, “I\'d like another cup of coffee, please.”

“...Get it yourself.”

That was the best \'resistance\' Bang Jin-Hun could offer under the current circumstances.

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