
Chapter 272: Another Genius

The scene was familiar: a luxurious European-style clubhouse where the influential mingled. Chu Shan He, a notable figure in Donghai City, descended the staircase with a warm, inviting smile. As he approached the gathered guests at the “Science Charity Dinner,” he raised his glass in a welcoming gesture.

“Every year at this time, I host the ‘Science Charity Dinner’ right here in Donghai City,” he began. “It’s a call to action for entrepreneurs and community members to bolster our nation’s burgeoning scientific research.”

“This past year, thanks to our dear friend Mr. Xu Yun, the global scientific community has surged forward. We’ve seen dormant fields reawaken and new inventions spring to life!”

“Consider the advancements: hibernation capsule technology is nearly ready for mass production, and breakthroughs in room-temperature superconductors and new aluminum alloys are revolutionizing aerospace and industry. Just recently, X Country’s space shuttle completed its first test flight—a testament to our national strength and the leaps in our scientific capabilities!”

“While many here tonight from the Donghai Chamber of Commerce may not deal directly with research, we all benefit immensely from these technological advances. It’s these innovations that spawn new enterprises, cutting-edge companies, and fresh industry sectors. In essence, technology reshapes our lives and drives our success.”

“So, let’s not dwell on words alone. Actions speak louder, and today, I am proud to announce that on behalf of Shan He Group, we are donating 200 million yuan each to the Donghai City Science Development Fund and the Donghai University Research Institute!”

Applause thundered throughout the room, a wave of genuine respect for Chu Shan He, the respected and pragmatic leader of the Donghai Chamber of Commerce.

Among the attendees, Lin Xian clapped, his eyes scanning the crowd until they rested on Zhao Ying Jun. Tonight, she wore a rare accessory: a pair of long, teardrop-shaped sapphire earrings that danced lightly below her fair earlobes, casting crystalline reflections.

She seldom wore these earrings, preferring attire that underscored her authoritative presence. Her meticulous nature meant these earrings were reserved for only a few occasions each year, typically at formal events like this.

In contrast, Yellow Finch, another figure in the crowd, always sported blue earrings, varying only in style but never in color. Unlike Zhao Ying Jun, she seemed unconcerned with matching her accessories to her outfit.

This carefree attitude often led Lin Xian to speculate if Yellow Finch was actually Zhao Ying Jun from the future, possibly a time traveler. Yet, he could never confirm his suspicions—their habits were too distinct.

Caught staring, Lin Xian was brought back to the moment as Zhao Ying Jun touched her earring and smiled at him. “What’s wrong? Do you like them?” she asked.

“They look beautiful,” Lin Xian responded sincerely. “A very pretty shade of blue.”

Following Chu Shan He’s generous donation, the other guests, spurred by his example, also opened their wallets to support scientific research. The donations varied, with some contributing millions and others tens of thousands. In charity, every contribution mattered, regardless of the amount.

Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun represented their companies—MX Company and Rhine Company—with a joint donation of 50 million yuan. Brother Wang had informed Lin Xian that the larger share of this contribution came from Zhao Ying Jun, reflecting her commitment to their collaborative efforts despite the financial strains of a budding enterprise.

In many ways, Lin Xian felt like little had changed despite the new business arrangements. He mused on his role, feeling almost as if he had merely shifted his office across the street rather than establishing a new venture.

But he was not one to dwell on these details. Last year, the success of the Rhine Moisturizing Cream had brought substantial profits to MX Company, dominating the global market and establishing a strong brand reputation. The profits made their generous donation seem all the more fitting.

For Lin Xian, it wasn’t about competing over figures. Whether it was the massive investments from figures like Chu Shan He or Zhao Ying Jun, he recognized the scale of their resources compared to his. What mattered was the impact they were all contributing toward—a brighter future fueled by scientific advancement.

Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun were walking up to make their donation when Chu Shan He approached them with a beaming smile. He clapped Lin Xian on the shoulder and introduced him to the surrounding guests:

“Let me tell you about Mr. Lin Xian. His accomplishments are well-known, but it’s always a pleasure to highlight them. This young man is not only one of Donghai City’s top ten citizens but also the inventor behind the globally successful Rhine Cat brand. His contributions don’t end there; he’s a partner in cutting-edge research with several universities and a world hacking champion. Lin Xian truly epitomizes what it means to be a role model for our youth!”

Chu Shan He continued with enthusiastic pride, “My friendship with Lin Xian is something I cherish deeply. Just recently, we were at the National Academy of Sciences together, meeting with President Gao Yan, who couldn’t stop praising Lin Xian’s extraordinary talents. His Rhine Laboratory has even begun a joint venture with the Academy’s Astronomical Research Institute. It’s young minds like his that show us seasoned folks are truly being surpassed!”

Chu Shan He’s warm endorsement made it abundantly clear that he held Lin Xian in high regard, signaling to everyone that Lin Xian was not only his close friend but also someone worthy of their respect and support.

This unusual display of warmth from Chu Shan He, who had long been a dominant figure in Donghai City, raised quite a few eyebrows. His newfound pride in Lin Xian was so pronounced that it led some to jokingly wonder if Lin Xian might secretly be his son, or perhaps even a potential son-in-law, though the latter seemed less likely considering Chu Shan He’s daughter was only a sophomore in college and not even twenty yet.

In X Country, traditional parents viewed dating before the age of 23 as premature and after 25 as delayed. The ideal was to swiftly navigate through dating, marriage, and parenthood within this brief window, which was considered both sensible and filial.

Interrupting Lin Xian’s thoughts, VV’s voice buzzed through his Bluetooth earpiece, sounding a bit puzzled, “Where’s Chu An Qing?”

“She’s likely caught up with her final exams,” Lin Xian whispered in response.

VV sighed, “Boring. I’m out,” followed by a sound effect that mimicked footsteps walking away.

Then, abruptly, VV’s voice returned, louder this time, “Oh, by the way, you’re about to have an interesting visitor.”

“Who?” Lin Xian asked, intrigued.

“None other than the world’s richest man, CEO of Tesla, President of SpaceX, owner of Twitter—Elon Musk!” VV said with a chuckle. “His motorcade is pulling up to the clubhouse entrance now. Remember, you asked me to keep an eye on your safety, so I monitor everything around us. If there’s any sign of trouble, you’ll be the first to know.”

Lin Xian joked nervously, “He’s not here to make us pay for that satellite mishap, is he? I returned them all to their orbits and patched up some extra vulnerabilities. He wouldn’t be that ungrateful, right?”

VV reassured him, “Probably not. He’s the richest man in the world; he’s got to have some class. At most, you might need to cover the fuel costs. But really, what is there to compensate for when the satellites are still up there?”

Afterward, many prominent figures from the city made their way to Lin Xian, with Chu Shan He graciously introducing him to everyone. As the introductions wound down, Lin Xian recalled Zhao Ying Jun’s earlier mention of a foreign philanthropist attending the charity dinner, which was the reason Mr. Chu had postponed this event. If this philanthropist was interested in supporting X Country’s scientific research, they were more than welcome.

Connecting this to VV’s information about Elon Musk’s arrival, Lin Xian began to suspect that this philanthropist might be the world’s richest man himself.

Turning to Chu Shan He, Lin Xian inquired, “Mr. Chu, I heard from Zhao Ying Jun about a foreign philanthropist attending tonight’s event?”

Chu Shan He replied with a smile, “Yes, quite unexpectedly. But we should always welcome those who wish to support our scientific endeavors, no matter who they are.”

As they were speaking, the grand wooden doors of the banquet hall swung open. A tall figure, about 1.9 meters in height, entered. He wore a crisply tailored white suit, left unbuttoned to reveal a casual striped shirt underneath. His relaxed appearance, with no tie and the top shirt button undone, contrasted with the usual formal attire at such events. His hair was neatly styled, and he looked energetic, much younger than other men his age.

This was Elon Musk, known as the Silicon Valley Iron Man, the visionary leading ambitious projects like Starlink and Mars colonization.

Musk entered with a broad smile, clapping his hands and greeting everyone in slightly accented Mandarin, “Good evening! Good evening, everyone!”

The room went silent for a moment as the guests processed the unexpected presence of such a renowned figure.

Suddenly, the atmosphere electrified:

“Oh my god, it’s Elon Musk! How did he end up here?”

“President Chu said a foreign guest was coming… but Elon Musk? This is incredible!”

“It’s a surprise that President Chu and Musk seem so connected. Why would the world’s richest man show such support here? They don’t have any known business or personal ties.”

It was no surprise that everyone at the dinner was taken aback by Elon Musk’s presence. As an American entrepreneur known for his active social media engagement, Musk had a certain approachable image, but his status as the world’s richest man added an extraordinary weight to his actual appearance. After all, which businessperson in the room didn’t harbor dreams of reaching such heights, whether it be global, national, or even city-wide wealth?

The banquet hall, buzzing with initial excitement, quieted down as everyone’s attention turned to the interaction between Chu Shan He and Elon Musk. The two shook hands warmly.

“Hello, Mr. Elon Musk.”

“Mr. Chu, it’s been years. How have you been?”

Chu Shan He ushered Elon Musk into the crowd, giving a brief rundown of his guest’s achievements—though such introductions seemed superfluous. After all, who in the business or scientific world didn’t recognize Musk? Known not just as a business magnate but also as a figure sometimes criticized for his dramatic publicity stunts, Musk’s name sparked conversation across all sectors globally.

Chu Shan He reminisced about 2018, a pivotal year when Donghai City had facilitated a significant deal with Musk. They had sold a large tract of land at a very favorable price to establish the world’s largest Tesla factory specializing in electric vehicles. This deal was not without its strings; it mandated that all Tesla components be produced domestically within three years and required technology sharing—moves designed to boost the domestic new energy vehicle industry.

This strategic decision turned out to be a masterstroke. The new energy vehicle sector in X Country was now thriving, leading the global market in sales and innovation. The Tesla Donghai Super Factory, set up during a time when Tesla was grappling with production hurdles, financial woes, and a plummeting stock price, had not only saved Tesla but also catapulted Musk to the pinnacle of global wealth.

The ties between Elon Musk and Donghai City ran deep, thanks to this transformative project. Chu Shan He, as the president of the Donghai Chamber of Commerce, had played a significant role in this collaboration. Though he and Musk had only met a few times, the impact of their partnership was profound.

Recently, Musk had contacted Chu Shan He, expressing his wish to attend the “Science Charity Dinner” to give back to the city that had supported him in his time of need by contributing to X Country’s scientific endeavors. Chu Shan He, a staunch patriot and supporter of scientific advancement, had eagerly agreed, even postponing the dinner to accommodate Musk.

The grandeur of the evening was evident as Musk addressed the crowd, having taken the microphone from Chu Shan He.

“After our last meeting in 2018, it’s been six years. I am honored that Mr. Elon Musk still remembers our brief encounters and welcome him to this ‘Science Charity Dinner,’ generously donating to X Country’s scientific development!”

The room erupted in applause as Musk spoke, “I love Donghai City. It holds a special place in my heart. Today, at Mr. Chu’s ‘Science Charity Dinner,’ I am here not just to speak but to act. To show my gratitude for the support Donghai City has given me, I am personally donating 500 million US dollars!”

The announcement was like a thunderclap, sending shockwaves through the room. The world’s richest man had not just attended; he had transformed the event with his staggering generosity.

As the applause thundered, Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun exchanged knowing looks. The generosity displayed by Musk was not just remarkable but transformative.

Chu Shan He himself had donated a substantial amount, 400 million yuan, but Musk’s donation of roughly 3.5 billion yuan dwarfed it.

Lin Xian had been concerned about the unspoken rule in X Country: that guests usually did not outshine the host’s donation at such gatherings. But Musk, an outsider, had shattered this convention. Watching Chu Shan He applaud more vigorously than anyone else, Lin Xian realized he had underestimated the man. Chu Shan He was less concerned with personal glory and more focused on the broader benefits such generosity could bring to the nation.

As the applause died down, Musk’s gaze swept across the room until his eyes met Lin Xian’s. Lin Xian felt a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Was he the target of Musk’s next move? Could VV’s warning about the satellites be coming true?

“Friends, my second reason for attending this ‘Science Charity Dinner’ is…” Musk began, walking towards Lin Xian with a friendly smile.

“Satellites, satellites, satellites…” VV’s voice trembled through the Bluetooth. “Just remember, we only cover the fuel! Don’t let him squeeze a penny more out of us!”

Musk stopped in front of Lin Xian, extending his hand, “Mr. Lin Xian, thank you for hacking into the Starlink satellite system and identifying its vulnerabilities. The potential damage if exploited could have been catastrophic for global communications and space safety.”

“My second purpose here is to personally thank you. Your expertise in cybersecurity saved us from a possible disaster. I hope we can see more of your work in the future.”

As they shook hands, Lin Xian felt something small and hard pass into his palm—a wax seal with a raised pattern. It was familiar, one he had encountered many times at home, embossed with an upward-pointing index finger and the words “Genius Club” beneath it.

Though he couldn’t see the letters, the context made it unmistakable.

Elon Musk stood back, raising his finger towards the sky, “We’ll see you up there, Mr. Lin Xian.”

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