
Chapter 197: Surprise

“Now we’re talking,” Su Su whispered to herself, remembering the first time she saw the Ferrari in action on that overpass. Zhao Ying Jun had been behind the wheel then, and Su Su had been deceived by her earlier, seemingly unimpressive performances.

The real competition had begun.

Since that day, Su Su had changed. With her coach’s strict training and her relentless practice on the track, she felt ready to challenge the Ferrari.

As they approached a sharp curve, the Ferrari took the turn flawlessly, speeding past and overtaking the McLaren with ease.

No matter how hard Su Su pushed, Zhao’s strategic driving kept her either blocked or forced to slow down. It was as if the Ferrari could anticipate and counter every move she made.

Frustration mixed with determination tightened Su Su’s grip on the wheel.

Inside the Ferrari, Zhao Ying Jun smiled triumphantly. Lin Xian, seated beside her, had one hand on hers, helping with the steering and shifting gears, while his other hand managed the electronic handbrake.

Despite their awkward driving position, their teamwork was enough to keep the less experienced Su Su behind.

Throughout the race, the McLaren never managed to overtake the Ferrari. On the final stretch, Zhao Ying Jun skillfully blocked the McLaren, weaving provocatively across the lanes, mimicking Su Su’s earlier taunts.

Laughing, Zhao Ying Jun drove off the track and out of the parking area.

“Racing is really exhilarating,” Zhao Ying Jun said, grinning at Lin Xian.

“It is. You should teach me more when you have time,” he replied with a warm smile.

“Definitely,” Lin Xian agreed, his mind wandering to old tales of martial arts masters mentoring promising disciples. He realized how rewarding it was to mentor a talented student.

That evening, Lin Xian and Zhao Ying Jun had dinner at a restaurant he had booked in advance. They discussed the recent arrest of a notorious criminal and Lin Xian’s temporary assignment at the police station.

“This case is complex. The government will likely get involved to uncover who’s behind these murders, possibly extending the investigation to the USA,” Lin Xian said, pausing with his fork mid-air.

“But they’ll keep it quiet,” he continued. “Accusing the USA without solid evidence could provoke unwanted international backlash. The government is always cautious with sensitive matters. Within our jurisdiction in Donghai, these three murder cases are considered closed.”

Zhao Ying Jun nodded, understanding the delicacy of the situation. “Now that the police work is done, shouldn’t you get back to your regular job? It’s been ages since I’ve seen my secretary,” she teased.

Lin Xian chuckled, a hint of resignation in his tone. “I’ll return soon. Just let me have a little more downtime.”

But deep down, he knew it wasn’t over yet.

Lin Xian’s thoughts drifted to Ji Lin. Recently, Ji Lin and his associate, Zhou Duan Yun, had gone quiet, as if they had disappeared. He speculated about their next move. They weren’t in any rush, and neither was he. After all, if Ji Lin wanted something from him, he would come calling, even if it meant inviting him out at midnight.

No one else would dare.

Except maybe Ji Lin, Zhou Duan Yun, and Ji Xin Shui.

“I’ll be ready,” Lin Xian silently vowed.

A few days of calm followed, then Lin Xian received a call from Chu An Qing.

“Senior, May 3rd is coming up. It’s Ji Lin’s birthday! We need to think of a gift for him!”

Checking the calendar, Lin Xian marveled at how time flew. It felt like just yesterday they had celebrated Chu An Qing’s birthday, and now Ji Lin’s was approaching. Should he really get him a gift, given their complex history?

Chu An Qing was bursting with enthusiasm. “I’m heading over! Let’s go shopping!”

Unable to resist her excitement, Lin Xian agreed. They met and started their quest through the nearby mall.

“Senior, what should we get for Ji Lin?” Chu An Qing asked as they moved from one shop to another, occasionally stopping to play at claw machines and browse through boutiques.

“Something practical might be best,” Lin Xian suggested casually, thinking of Ji Lin’s usual lack of sleep. “Maybe some vitamins?”

Chu An Qing laughed heartily. “Senior! Who gifts vitamins for a birthday? That’s almost insulting! Besides, Ji Lin once mentioned he’s never really celebrated his birthday or received gifts before. This is his first real birthday party, so we should make it special.”

Convinced by her argument, Lin Xian reflected on Ji Lin’s troubled background. Ji Lin had once shared that after his parents’ deaths, he was taken in by Ji Xin Shui, who named him and raised him alongside other orphans in a competitive environment, showing favor only to the most clever among them.

Initially, Lin Xian had dismissed these stories, seeing Ji Lin more as an adversary and taking his tales with skepticism. But gradually, he began to see the sincerity in Ji Lin’s stories. It was hard to describe, but he sensed Ji Lin held a deep appreciation for concepts like family and birthdays, having been deprived of them during his upbringing. The upcoming birthday party, which Ji Lin mentioned repeatedly, seemed incredibly important to him, almost as if he feared Lin Xian might forget.

A birthday party…

Lin Xian pondered the implications.

Would Ji Lin try something during the celebration?

It was unlikely a normal birthday party would stretch until the unusual hour of 12:42 AM, especially considering Chu An Qing and her college friends would need to return to campus by early evening. The scenario didn’t lend itself to a long, drawn-out gathering at the villa.

That would be too awkward.

Lin Xian was not one to idle away time needlessly.

However, nothing was ever certain. Ji Lin’s birthday party, with its controlled timing and the secluded villa by the lake, could potentially set the stage for an unforeseen incident. Lin Xian had grown increasingly cautious, steering clear of potential dangers, especially on the roads.

In any case, he had to stay vigilant on Ji Lin’s birthday.

“Haha, since you agree, let’s do it!” Chu An Qing exclaimed, misinterpreting Lin Xian’s thoughtful nod as approval. She quickly took out her phone and began scrolling through ideas.

“Hmm?” Lin Xian, lost in his thoughts, was momentarily confused. What had he just agreed to?

Chu An Qing was already talking about some plan. Had his nod, intended for his own considerations, been mistaken for consent?

“Senior, look at this photo!” She handed her phone to Lin Xian.

On the screen was a candid photo from Chu An Qing’s recent birthday party. Lin Xian and Ji Lin were descending a staircase, with Chu An Qing posing happily in front. The two men looked slightly surprised, but the scene was warm and harmonious.

Lin Xian listened as Chu An Qing laid out her plan.

“Ji Lin gave me a painting for my birthday, which shows he values meaningful gifts. Let’s do the same for him!”

“You’ll sketch this photo, and I’ll paint it with watercolors. It’ll be a unique gift from both of us, and I’m sure Ji Lin will cherish it!”

“Though I’m not much of an artist, I’ve been practicing watercolor painting, and I’m confident I can do a good job with the coloring!”

A sketch and watercolor?

What an odd combination.

Lin Xian couldn’t suppress a chuckle. “This blend might turn out stranger than you expect.”

“It doesn’t matter, Senior. It’s the thought that counts!” Chu An Qing insisted. “Please, Senior! I know Ji Lin will love it!”

“Alright,” Lin Xian agreed softly. Since Chu An Qing was so passionate, he didn’t want to dampen her spirits.

He was curious. “An Qing, what did Ji Lin’s painting look like? Can he actually paint?”

Chu An Qing hesitated, her eyes flickering away. “Ah… his painting? I’ll show you sometime! Hehe…”

Lin Xian nodded and handed back her phone. “Send me the original photo. I’ll sketch it in the next few days, and then you can color it. We’ll decide later whether to frame it or not.”

That evening…

Lin Xian pulled out a sheet of drawing paper back in his home. Opening the photo on his phone, he began sketching.

Sketching himself and Chu An Qing was straightforward and familiar. But when it came to capturing Ji Lin’s distinctive features and his characteristically lazy eyes, Lin Xian found himself struggling, unable to accurately replicate Ji Lin’s unique appearance.

Memories of Xu Yun, lying in the street, her body mangled and blood flowing, came flooding back. He remembered Tang Xin, her eyes empty, trembling, leaving bloodstains on his face.


Lin Xian tossed the pencil onto the table, where it rolled off and shattered on the floor.

“No, I can’t do it,” he muttered to himself. The accumulated anger and bitterness made it impossible for him to prepare a birthday gift for someone he considered a murderer. The idea of drawing a picture for Ji Lin, a man he associated with such violent acts, was beyond him.

Moreover, the thought lingered that Ji Lin’s birthday celebration could well be a setup for something more sinister.

“I’ll persuade Chu An Qing to pick a different gift,” Lin Xian resolved, opening his eyes to gaze at the bright moon outside. In his mind, an enemy remained an enemy, a murderer a murderer.

A blood debt demanded a blood payment.

Ring ring… ring ring…

The sudden sound of his phone ringing cut through the silence of the room.

Ring ring… ring ring…

He glanced at the clock. It was precisely 12:42 AM.

And the caller was Ji Lin…

Lin Xian answered the call, his voice steady.

“Lin Xian, I knew you wouldn’t be asleep,” Ji Lin’s voice came through calm and clear.

“How did you know?” Lin Xian asked, a tinge of curiosity in his voice.

“Because you always stay up late,” Ji Lin replied simply.

Lin Xian remained silent for a moment. During their time at the Donghai Police dorm, he had indeed formed the habit of staying awake until past midnight to disrupt any predictable patterns that could be used against him.

“What do you need, Ji Lin?” Lin Xian finally asked.

“I was wondering if you have time tomorrow afternoon,” Ji Lin continued, his tone casual but perhaps holding an undercurrent of something more. “I’ve bought a lot of decorations for the house, and they’ve all arrived. If you’re free, would you like to come over and help set up the living room? My birthday is coming up, and I promised everyone a party. But, honestly, I have no experience in organizing something like this, so I could really use your help.”

“Ji Lin,” Lin Xian paused, weighing his words. “What are you planning for your birthday?”

“Anything will do. You said you wouldn’t tell me in advance,” Ji Lin chuckled on the other end. “It’s almost here. Don’t spoil the surprise. Just… let it be a surprise.”

Lin Xian glanced at the half-finished sketch on his desk, Ji Lin’s face still missing from the drawing.

“A surprise…” He replied, a mix of resignation and determination in his voice, “Alright, then I’ll wait and see.”

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