
Chapter 20: Cherry Blossom Today (1)

Chapter 20: Cherry Blossom Today (1)


[Writer Kim Soll-Ip: This is the first draft of Blue Sky. Fortunately, I secured a time slot where another show got canceled. Please read over the script and let me know which role you want. (Attachment: Blue Sky Script.pdf)]

Good news had been pouring in continuously since this morning.

Yoo-Jin’s ad offer, confirmation of Blue Sky securing a time slot, and Kim Soll-Ip’s offer to choose whichever role we want? Today is going to be a good day.

I wished such luck would continue for Cherry Blossom as well.

“Yoon-Ho! What are you doing? Hurry up.”

I came back to my senses as Han Myung-Ho got out of the car and called out to me.

Right. Let’s deal with Cherry Blossom’s issue first.

“Yes, sir. I’m on my way.”

I quickly replied Kim Soll-Ip.

[Talent Agent Jung Yoon-Ho: Thank you, Writer Kim. I’ll discuss it with Yoo-Jin and get back to you in a couple of days.]

[Writer Kim Soll-Ip: Okay. I feel like your constant recognition of me as a writer contributed to me becoming a real writer so quickly. Anyway, please do your best and reply as soon as possible because the production company already identified candidates for a couple of good roles.]

After replying to her, I sent the script of Blue Sky to Yoo-Jin and Gu Seong-Cheol. Then, I followed Han Myung-Ho to Cherry Blossom’s accommodation.


Beep beep beep.

Han Myung-Ho covered the keypad with his hand as he entered the door code.

It was a habit every talent agent picked up, but I already knew that the password was 1004[1].

Yoo Eun-Ah had originally set a more complex code which was harder to remember, like 9038. However, Kim Sae-Ri changed it, saying that 9038 was too tacky. I had no idea why she found the code tacky, but that was her view.


When the door opened, Han Myung-Ho gestured for me to come in.

“Come on in and make sure you don’t step on their shoes. If they get dirty, the girls will get incredibly upset. Apparently it’s some kind of a jinx for them.”

Oh, I am well aware of that.

Yoo Eun-Ah was especially superstitious about this. Among the members of Cherry Blossom, Yoo Eun-Ah was in charge of dance, visuals, and sub-vocal. Perhaps because she had the most introverted and shy personality, she had a habit of not speaking at all if something was not to her liking.

Once, she stopped talking to the rest of the members for an entire month.

Eventually, Yoo Eun-Ah would walk out of this phase in her life and overcome these challenges. I remembered her telling me she was going through a turbulent time when I asked about it in my previous life.

At that moment, the door flung open and Kim Sae-Ri, dressed in blue pajamas, walked out with her eyes closed. She was the main vocalist of Cherry Blossom and also played the role of the group’s cutie.

Standing at 160cm, her long legs had earned her the nickname baby long-legs.

“Well, this is new. You’re the first to wake up and come out?”

“Um, I’m still asleep~.”

Sae-Ri shook her head with her eyes still closed in response to Han Myung-Ho’s question. Looking at how one side of her hair was slightly flat, she seemed to have gone to bed immediately after washing her hair last night without blow drying.

Then, I noticed her pajamas had a character from Powertuff Girls.

Powertuff Girls? Really? Are you sure you\'re fifteen years old?

“Sae-Ri. We need to get to the salon. Wake up.”

Staggering as if she was sleepwalking, Sae-Ri slowly opened her eyes at Han Myung-Ho’s words.

“Hmm? Who is this oppa?”

I was grateful Kim Sae-Ri called me oppa.

Han Myung-Ho introduced me in a hoarse voice.

“He’s a temporary talent agent helping out just for today. He manages actress Jung Yoo-Jin from Actor Division 2.”

“Oh, that pretty unnie from the drama? Wow~. I’m so jealous of her looks.”

But she’s pretty too. Actually, she’s the cute type rather than the pretty type.

Appearing exhausted, Sae-Ri staggered over to the couch and collapsed onto it. Once her head touched the cushion, she drifted back into slumber, accompanied by soft snores.

Despite being a girl group idol, she looked just like a vulnerable child.

Sigh. What did I expect? It was my mistake hoping she’d wake up in one go. Hey! Wake up you guys!”

When Han Myung-Ho’s voice echoed across the living room, the door on the opposite side opened.

It was Yoo Eun-Ah.

Eun-Ah peeked out from the door, looking shy and hesitant to step out, perhaps because a stranger was present.

Standing tall at 173cm with a delicate figure, she looked innocent in her white lace-trimmed pajamas. Sometime in the future, she would become an actress who made waves in Korea with her bold performances, showing no concern for her public image

But for now, she was just an extremely shy girl.

“Oh, h-hello...”

“Hey, Eun-Ah. It’s okay. He’s also from our company. His name is Jung Yoon-Ho.”

The extremely shy and introverted Eun-Ah nodded slightly.

“I-I know. He’s the talent agent who was on the 9 o’clock news...right?”

Han Myung-Ho let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that Eun-Ah recognized me.

“Yes, that’s him. Introduce yourselves in advance because he’s the one who will be helping out today in place of Talent Agent Lee Ju-Yung.”


After I finished exchanging greetings with Eun-Ah, Woo Yeon-Hee, the leader of Cherry Blossom, came out of her room.

“Hello. Wow, you look too young to be a team lead.”

Perhaps because she found it odd that I was wearing a suit, Woo Yeon-Hee tilted her head in curiosity.

“He’s the talent agent temporarily helping out for today, Jung Yoon-Ho. As for the suit, he considers it his battle attire.”

“Oh, I see. It suits you well.”

I greeted her upon Han Myung-Ho’s introduction.

“Thank you. My name is Jung Yoon-Ho.”

“Ah, yes. And please, feel free to speak casually with me.”

“Oh, okay, Yeon-Hee.”

“Yes, oppa.”

Woo Yeon-Hee, the oldest of the group and a lead vocalist, had slightly puffy cheeks as if she hadn’t gotten enough sleep last night. Alongside Eun-Ah, Woo Yeon-Hee was one of the tallest members of the team.

While Eun-Ah had a delicate figure, Woo Yeon-Hee gave off a healthy and sexy South American vibe.

Wait. She’s also wearing the Powertuff Girl pajamas like Kim Sae-Ri. Hers is red.

When my gaze lingered on her pajamas without realizing it, Woo Yeon-Hee blushed and started to become chatty.

“Oh, this is just...Sae-Ri ordered them in different colors for everyone and it seemed like a waste not to wear it! Hey, Kim Sae-Ri! Wake up. Our new talent agent is here and you’re sleeping?”

Ughhh. I don’t want to. I need more sleep. Mom.”

Woo Yeon-Hee shook Sae-Ri to wake her up, but Sae-Ri just waved her hand dismissively. They looked like a mother and a daughter.

Come to think of it, Woo Yeon-Hee’s nickname within the group was Mom.

Finally, Yang Eun-Bi with a tomboy-like short haircut appeared while scratching the back of her head. She was wearing yellow Powertuff Girls pajamas.

As the main dancer and rapper of the group, Yang Eun-Bi stood at 162 cm and was the only one in the team with a glamorous figure. Contrary to her youthful and cute face, her curvy figure made her stand out from the rest.

“Huh? Mr. Han. Who is this oppa?”

Her huge round eyes seemed to take up half her face.

At that moment, Han Myung-Ho frowned upon hearing the way Eun-Bi addressed me.

“Eun-Bi. You call me Mr. Han but you’re calling him oppa?”

“Well, I mean...you’re married now, have a bit of a belly, and are a bit older. So...”

Han Myung-Ho found himself unable to retort as Eun-Bi listed the reasons she couldn’t call him oppa.

Since all the girls had gathered, I bowed my head politely and introduced myself again. After all, I would have to take care of all the members of Cherry Blossom if I wanted to assist the two members of Faithful.

“I’ll introduce myself once again. I belong to Actor Division 2, but I’ve temporarily taken up the role of your talent agent for today. My name is Jung Yoon-Ho and I look forward to working with you all.”

When I greeted them politely, they nodded and bowed in response.

“Yes, us too. Please take good care of us.”

Following the oldest Woo Yeon-Hee’s greeting, the rest of the members also began to greet me.

“Yes~ oppa,” Sae-Ri answered with her eyes only half open.

“Let’s make it a good day today!” Yang Eun-Bi said energetically.

“Thank you in advance...”

After receiving greetings from everyone, including Eun-Ah’s quiet voice, I headed toward the door and put on my shoes.

“Where are you going?”

“I’ll have the van waiting downstairs.”

“Oh, okay. Sounds good.”

Looking at Eun-Ah taking a step forward and taking two steps back every time she made eye contact with me, I felt like I had to leave and let her comfortably use the washroom.

“Alright then. I’ll bring the girls down in a bit. Wait downstairs.”

I nodded and turned around with a determination to support Cherry Blossom. I never wanted to see Eun-Ah and Sae-Ri sad again.


Like a shepherd herding his sheep, Han Myung-Ho led the girls down.

Seeing each of them carrying a bag, I quickly jumped out of the car to help them.

“Thank you, Yoon-Ho oppa. Uh, uh oh.”

While thanking me, Kim Sae-Ri momentarily lost her balance and nearly fell over. Seeing this, I quickly reached out and grabbed Kim Sae-Ri.


“Oh, I didn’t fall!”

Kim Sae-Ri gave a bright smile while holding onto my arm.

“Wow~! Yoon-Ho oppa. You’re so fast!”

Yikes. She almost got hurt before the schedule even started. She hasn’t changed a bit.

Kim Sae-Ri was known for being clumsy, having a poor sense of direction, and having no athletic skills. It was surprising she’s in a girl group despite having all these traits.

But through extensive training coupled with hard work, she managed to improve her dancing to a basic level.

“Sae-Ri. Seriously, be careful. You’re gonna end up scraping your knee.”

Woo Yeon-Hee rushed out in a hurry and scolded Sae-Ri as she took her by the hand.

However, Sae-Ri only laughed when being scolded.

“Mom~ I almost fell over.”

Then Woo Yeon-Hee gave Sae-Ri a smack on the head.

“Ouch! Why did you hit me?”

As Sae-Ri opened her eyes widely, Woo Yeon-Hee gave her a light glare.

“Don’t you remember the last time you scraped your knee and couldn’t wear skirts on stage? I’m still heartbroken thinking about the scar on your knee. You need to start taking care of yourself.”

Seeing Woo Yeon-Hee genuinely heartbroken like a real mother, Sae-Ri hugged her with a remorseful expression.

“Aww~. Don’t be mad, unnie. I’m sorry.”

Sae-Ri looked like a cicada on a tree.

“Oh my goodness. Honestly, this girl. Sigh.”

The more Woo Yeon-Hee expressed her annoyance, the deeper Sae-Ri sank into Woo Yeon-Hee’s arms.

Eventually, Yeon-Hee softened her expression and patted Sae-Ri on the head. Then she spoke to me.

“Thank you, Yoon-Ho oppa. Sae-Ri is a bit clumsy as you can see.”

“Good thing she’s not hurt.”

Woo Yeon-Hee nodded her thanks and got into the van with Sae-Ri. Right behind them was Yang Eun-Bi who came running, draggin the hesitant Eun-Ah behind her.

“Hey, we need to hurry up. We’re going to be late at this rate.”


“What do you mean but? Come on. Get in the van quickly.”


Eun-Ah lowered her head and moved slowly as she trailed behind Yang Eun-Bi, who was noticeably shorter than her. She couldn’t even look me in the eye and quickly passed by, clinging on to Yang Eun-Bi’s arm.

It’s going to take quite a long time for her to break that habit. At least her shyness doesn’t show on stage.

“Come on, Yoon-Ho. Let’s get in the van.”

As the members paired up to get in the car, Han Myung-Ho gave me a piece of advice.

“Everyone gets along just fine, but try to have them move in pairs. Fans like seeing this combination.”

Indeed, Woo Yeon-Hee and Sae-Ri looked like a mother and daughter, while Yang Eun-Bi and Eun-Ah looked like a bold older sister and shy younger sister.

“Alright. Let’s hope for a good day today, Yoon-Ho. Let’s go.”

“Yes, sir.”

Once I got in the car, I looked at Han Myung-Ho and the girls, making a promise to myself in my head.

I’m gonna do my best to avoid the unfortunate events tonight and prevent the cancellation of their next album.

I promised to ensure Cherry Blossom’s schedule today will be full of good events.


First, we visited the hair salon to prepare for the stage.

After dropping Cherry Blossom off at the hair salon, I left to buy kimbap[2] for them and returned.

“Here you go, girls. Eat up.”

I handed out kimbaps to the girls who were getting their hair styled. They were at an age where two rolls of kimbap wouldn’t suffice, but they each had just one roll for a late breakfast because they were on a diet.

Wow. They eat true to their personalities.

Woo Yeon-Hee ate her kimbap one by one in a careful manner, while Yang Eun-Bi shoved two pieces in her mouth at once and chewed vigorously. Sae-Ri quickly swallowed after only a few chews, and Eun-Ah took her time, chewing a single piece for quite a while.

Sae-Ri was the first to finish eating. She was sucking on her fingers as if she wanted more.

One roll of kimbap would indeed be insufficient given her age. She should be eating more.

My heart suddenly ached at the sight. If the girls’ parents saw them starving to lose weight, they might immediately tell them to leave the entertainment industry.

However, I quickly shook off these thoughts.

There was no room for a weak heart if I wanted to make Cherry Blossom the center of attention today.

Let’s become successful, guys. You need to succeed for all the hard work you’re putting in.

Han Myung-Ho watched the girls finish their meals and suggested that it was now our turn to eat.

But I quickly grabbed and stopped Han Myung-Ho who was about to leave.

“Mr. Han. Can we spend a bit more money on the girls today?”

Han Myung-Ho tilted his head in wonder, as if he couldn’t grasp the meaning behind my words.

1. 1004 reads as cheon-sa in Korean, which is a homophone for angel ?

2. Korean sushi ?

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