I Gave Up Being Stronger

Chapter 77

“I guess Kihael has a date with his girlfriend.”

Otherwise, Kihael would never ask to leave early.

“Wait, didn’t Kihael say that there were two people over there?”

Serchan immediately called Kihael. However, Kihael did not pick up the phone.

“I guess he really went to meet his girlfriend, huh.”

That was the only explanation as to why Kihael would not pick up his senior’s call. Thus, Serchan left instructions via KakaoTalk.

[About the ‘Wishing Good Luck’ Mystery, I’ve thought of something.][1]

Wishing Good Luck was a Mystery that brought luck to the owner of the Mystery. Luck was something that could not be concretized or standardized; it was inherently mysterious. Mysteries of this kind generally had their own will—a will to bring luck to their owners.

[I hope the person nearby wouldn’t suddenly steal the Mystery. I need you to confirm that. That Mystery has its own will.]

[Could you imagine what would happen if someone who obtained the luck Mystery suddenly dies or gets seriously injured? The Mystery would fall into self-contradiction. Then its power will likely amplify on its own.]

[I know that this scenario has significant influence in the Seodaemun-gu Scenario, and even further in the Seoul Scenario, so please make sure to check.]

After texting the work instructions, Serchan put down his phone and started focusing on his own tasks, firmly believing that diligent Kihael would handle everything today.

Of course, Kihael did not read the texts, and, in fact, he had been single for the past three years.

⁎ ⁎ ⁎

There were two main ways to obtain a Mystery—one could acquire it directly, or one could steal it from someone who just acquired it. Cha Jin-Hyeok found stealing to be easier.

‘I think stealing is a lot easier.’

From the perspective of Song Ha-Young, who had her Second Identity stolen, it might feel a bit unfair, but that was life.

Now Jin-Hyeok had to make another choice. He could knock out the opponent, or just straight up kill him. He didn’t really hesitate much.

“Time for you to die.”


Jin-Hyeok raised his dagger. Knocking the opponent unconscious was one way, but killing him was better.

“You’re going to stab me with that dagger?”

Jeon Nam-Gil chuckled and raised his sword, but Jin-Hyeok knew that was all for the show. Nam-Gil was not a Swordsman. He was an ability-class Player. He had the ability to attack opponents using needles launched with mana.

[S-Mania has used the Skill 「Silver Needle」.]

Jin-Hyeok didn’t avoid the attack and went straight toward him. Jin-Hyeok saw a smile spreading on Nam-Gil’s face.

‘Activate Broadcasters’ Barrier.’

Jin-Hyeok blocked the Silver Needle with his Broadcaster’s Barrier. He tried to avoid using Broadcaster's Barrier as much as possible when fighting nowadays, but in this situation, it was okay because this was not a fight.

It was a hunt.

Jin-Hyeok approached him closely and stabbed his dagger into his neck.

[You have used the Skill 「Sharper Spirit」.]


Nam-Gil’s defense was pathetic. Even before his regression, it was only Nam-Gil’s Skill, Silver Needle, that was troublesome, but his defense was nothing special.


Nam-Gil screamed and started stumbling backward.

“W-Who the hell are you?!”

“Me? I’m Asdfsadf.”

‘Or was it Asdfasdf?’

Jin-Hyeok could not remember it well since he had made up the name on the spot.

Jin-Hyeok got even closer to him.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

Jin-Hyeok glanced back for a moment.

“Why did you do that to him then?” Jin-Hyeok asked.


Nam-Gil’s back hit the wall. There was no way out for him anymore.

“Still, you’re lucky.”

Jin-Hyeok could not give him too much time. As time passed, the Mystery would completely permeate itself throughout his body.

“You should consider yourself fortunate to have met me now.”

When Ji-Hyeok used to kill people before, he made them suffer a lot.

“I’ll make sure you die without pain.”

“W-What the… What the hell are you saying?”

He stabbed the dagger into Nam-Gil’s heart.


He thought he hit the heart perfectly, but Nam-Gil twisted his body at the last minute, causing the dagger to only graze his heart. It seemed like it wasn’t something personally done by Nam-Gil, but instead, it was the Mystery helping him. However, Jin-Hyeok was not sure if missing the heart was a lucky thing for Nam-Gil.

“I was actually going to kill you without any pain…”


Nam-Gil screamed in pain again.

‘I guess stabbing someone doesn’t hurt, but getting stabbed hurts like hell.’

“What an ungrateful Mystery,” Jin-Hyeok said.

Dust and dirt rose from the ground as Nam-Gil struggled. Due to the obstruction in Jin-Hyeok’s field of view, he couldn’t attempt another stab to his heart. He didn’t know if he should consider that lucky or unlucky.

It was just a matter of time before Nam-Gil died. Eventually, he collapsed, and a green pattern emerged from his body.

‘Should I try to consume it?’

Jin-Hyeok tried to touch the pattern, but sparks flew out.


This was something new. It felt like the Mystery was rejecting him. He knew that some Mysteries had their own will, but it was the first time he encountered a Mystery that rejected him.


In such cases, it was wise to just give up on acquiring the Mystery. There was no point in trying to obtain something that would only cause conflicts in the mental realm.

‘It’s a shame. Where else can I find a luck-related Mystery?’

Jin-Hyeok examined the Mystery with his Broadcaster’s Clairvoyance. However, it was challenging to understand the reasons or principles behind the Mystery rejecting him. The green light continued to emit from the pattern, almost as if it was growing stronger. It felt like the Mystery was mocking him.

‘That bastard! If you’re mocking me, I can’t let this slide.’

Jin-Hyeok immediately activated the Inherent Trait Skill from his All-Rounder Trait.

[You used the Trait Skill[2], 「See the Future」.]

[You have temporarily accelerated the revealing of Job Skills by 30 Levels.]

Jin-Hyeok activated Exclusive In-Depth Interview, a Streamer-exclusive Skill. This was a Skill Streamers learned at Level 80.

[You used the Skill 「Exclusive In-Depth Interview」.]

While Broadcaster’s Clairvoyance was a Skill that read the overall situation and flow, Exclusive In-Depth Interview was a Skill that focused on one subject only. It was kind of like an ability that could let Streamers see the individual tree instead of the forest.


As he used the Skill, the threads of mana surrounding the Mystery became more visible. They were densely intertwined like tightly wound threads.

‘Maybe it’s because the Mystery is a high-Level skill, my mental strength is lacking.’

He decided to rely more on the All-Rounder Trait.

[You used the Trait Skill 「Persevering Genius」.]

He cautiously stood in front of the Mystery.

Using Exclusive In-Depth Interview, he could feel even stronger hostility emanating from the Mystery. This made it more fun.

Play should be challenging to be enjoyable.

[You used the Mystery 「Unleashing Technique」.]

Now he could see it.

[You have failed to unlock the Mystery.]

Unleashing Technique could unlock a lock set by the GM, yet this Mystery managed to block it. This made Jin-Hyeok even more excited.

‘How powerful is this Mystery?’

[You used the Mystery 「Unleashing Technique」.]

[You have failed to unlock the Mystery.]

Sweat started pouring down his back. Through Exclusive In-Depth Interview, Jin-Hyeok applied what he grasped with his eyes to the Mystery. It was physically and mentally demanding, but he had no choice. Unlocking was impossible by simply using the Unleashing Technique.

[You used the Mystery 「Unleashing Technique」.]

Jin-Hyeok knew constantly trying would unlock the Mystery.

[You have unlocked the Mystery.]

‘I did it!’

A sense of accomplishment surged within him. This was why he loved Playing. The threads of mana surrounding the Mystery unraveled at once, revealing the clear green pattern.

In an instant, Jin-Hyeok felt dizzy.

‘Wow, I almost fainted.’

And if he had fainted, it would have been a big problem. Jin-Hyeok didn’t know how he got there, but he had walked up to the unglazed window. It seemed like while Jin-Hyeok was engrossed in unlocking the Mystery, the Mystery had lured him to this area. If he had fainted, he could have fallen out of the window.

[You have acquired the Mystery 「Wishing Good Luck」.]

However, that was not the end.

[The ability of the Mystery, 「Wishing Good Luck」, has been amplified.]

‘Huh? What’s going on?’

The Mystery, as if trying to enter his body, suddenly exploded. It felt like it was going on a rampage. Green mana lines burst out randomly.

[You have acquired the Mystery 「Pure Luck」.]

After that, Jin-Hyeok didn’t remember anything.

⁎ ⁎ ⁎

Jin-Hyeok opened his eyes.

‘What the hell just happened?’

His head was throbbing painfully. He looked around.

“It’s not just feeling like my head will split, but it almost did, huh?”

Based on the situation, it seemed like he fell from the fifth floor. Fortunately, he landed on a flower bed with a lot of soil, so he wasn’t severely injured.

“Thankfully, I didn’t fall down head first.”

It was nighttime, as his surroundings were completely dark.

"What kind of Mystery would resist this much?”

His entire body was drenched in sweat. He did not even have the strength to move a finger. However, thanks to that, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

‘Being this exhausted feels so good.’

The fact that his body was exhausted was proof that he gave his all. In the end, the sense of accomplishment from obtaining the Mystery made him happy. Jin-Hyeok closed his eyes to savor the moment.

However, an uninvited guest appeared.

“Why didn’t you answer my call… huh?”

Song Ha-Young came running toward Jin-Hyeok.

“Your head… Are you okay?”

“What about my head?”

Jin-Hyeok’s head was covered in blood. He tilted his head in confusion.


He thought he didn’t fall down head first, but apparently, he did. There were signs of bleeding when he touched his head.

Ha-Young’s eyes widened.

“How are you not dead?”

“That sounds awfully like you were wishing me to be dead.”

“Hehe. Was that too obvious?” Ha-Young said while scratching the back of her head.

Jin-Hyeok shrugged his shoulders.

“I got lucky.”

“I’m not sure being lucky can explain what happened here. You’re a calmly insane guy.”

“How can you be calm and insane at the same time?”

“I thought that was impossible too, but seeing you, it seems fairly possible. Didn’t you almost die just now?”

“I’m alive, that’s all that matters.”

Jin-Hyeok pointed upward with his finger.

“There. I’ve left you a gift. Take it. It’s on the fifth floor.”

“A gift?”

Ha-Young swiftly climbed up the wall to the fifth floor at the mention of a gift. Jin-Hyeok could hear a joyful cheer from above.

“Oh my goodness!”

There was a pile of money. Ha-Young immersed herself in ecstasy as she smelled the money.

‘I was planning on betraying you…!’ Ha-Young thought.

Thinking back to the moments with Jin-Hyeok, he did not seem like such a bad person.

“Why are you giving this to me?”

“Those are stolen money.”

The money was not exactly clean. Leaving to a Thief was the best option.

“Any unclaimed money is yours,” Jin-Hyeok said.

“Really? You are really giving this to me?”

“It suits you more than me. And it’s your sibling’s birthday, right? Get a lot of presents and stuff.”

Swordsmen wielded their swords.

Streamers did their livestreams.

And Thieves took the loot.

From Jin-Hyeok’s standards, this was the right thing to do. However, it was different for Ha-Young.

‘He’s insane, but he’s a good kind of insane!’

“I will be your loyal servant from now on! I love you!”

“You can leave now.”

“Okay~ See you!”

Ha-Young left the place, very pleased. Jin-Hyeok got up and chugged a potion in one gulp. He was surprised again when he saw the amount of blood around him.

“I can’t believe I didn’t die with this much bleeding. I guess I was lucky.”

‘Was it because of the Mystery?’ Jin-Hyeok thought.

He tried to see the description for Pure Luck, but it was impossible. There was no description,

‘That’s how Mysteries are, I guess.’

There were more Mysteries without description than those with them. That was because Mysteries were the realm of the unknown. Players could only understand them by trying them out.

[You used the Mystery 「Pure Luck」.]

Suddenly, a flash, like a lightning strike, seemed to illuminate the area.

‘What was that?’

Smoke was rising from a distance far away. And in a moment, the smoke vanished like illusions. Jin-Hyeok tried to use the Mystery again, but further usage was no longer possible.

‘This Mystery is a bit tricky. The cooldown for this must be quite long.’

He had to figure it out by using the Mystery multiple times.

‘But what the hell was that flash just now?’

It felt like an opportunity of great fortune had passed by. Jin-Hyeok moved to find the area where the lightning had struck.

“I think it was here…”

Like most houses in the area, it was an extremely old and worn-down house, more resembling a shack than a proper house.

It was a house made of bricks, on the verge of collapsing. Jin-Hyeok opened the creaking door and went inside. In the yard, there was a black gate that had suddenly appeared.

[Hope Rising From the Ruins]

It was the entrance to a Dungeon, and it had just been generated by chance.

[Hope Rising From the Ruins]

[Search for a glimmer of hope amidst the crumbling ruins. For hope is the most sublime value.

Entrance limit: 1 person.]

It was a Dungeon with a name he had never heard before. However, the entrance gate started to become hazy.

‘Wait, could this be an Event Dungeon?’

There were Dungeons that randomly appeared from time to time in various parts of the world and then disappeared. These were referred to as Event Dungeons. They were quite rare, and there was limited data on their clears, making them less known than Hidden Dungeons, which were hidden in specific places.

‘The entrance is limited to one person?’

Jin-Hyeok quickened his pace. It was a Solo Dungeon.

‘If I don’t go in there, I wouldn’t call myself a Player.’

[You have entered the Dungeon 「Hope Rising From the Ruins」.]

1. I guess smaller-sized fonts indicates that they are messages sent on Kakaotalk. ☜

2. Maybe Inherent Skill might make more sense here, but we also thought that the author might be trying to say that it’s a skill that came inherently from a trait. ☜

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