Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 801 An Important Conversation

Chapter 801  An Important Conversation

As we made our way to the third and last Miasmic Swamp, we couldn't help but have a small conversation on the way. I had slightly figured out how Luck's powers worked based on what I've analyzed out of his fighting behavior and growth.

"So one of the things I've figured out is that Luck's Magic Circle is much different than any of ours." I explained.

"Different?" Luck wondered. "How so?"

"Well, for starters, your magic circle doesn't have normal Elemental Runes like ours." I explained. "Dad, did Elise had any difference?"

"Oh right, I do remember your mom said… like years ago something like that, but I can't remember a thing now." My father sighed.

"Me neither…" Shade said. "Though, I do remember she said it was unique."

"Hmmm, something to do with the runes?" Uncle wondered.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Luck possess Unique Runes inside of his Magic Circle named Beast Runes, and they shape differently depending in what they boost. His Magic Circle is also directly connected to his Physique, so both grow at the same time unlike any of us."

"W-Woah, really? What do these beast runes do?" My father asked.

"I haven't analyzed that much, but I saw that there were Claw Runes, Leg Runs, Fang Runes, Senses Runes, and Wild Runes." I said. "They probably relate to the thing they enhance… And the work directly to boost Beast Magic as well."

"Woah, so I am that unique?!" Luck said in surprise. "I wonder if Lara has something unique too, she was able to summon any spirit around her. She was able to call the spirits of the land instead of making permanent contracts with specific spirits like you guys."

"That's a powerful ability… The spirits of the land maintain the world by itself." My father said. "If she were to develop such an incredible power further, she would probably bend the world to her will…"

"Was there not a hero like that before?" Aquarina wondered.

"Hm, no, not that I remember." My uncle said, the one that had lived the longest among us.

"If you had told me that such a thing was possible I would had laughed!" My father said. "It sounds ridiculous, but Lara is real at the end…"

"Well, maybe our daughters' abnormal growth speed have desensitized us a bit over such things." Shade smiled slightly pridefully.

"I guess you're right…" My father sighed. "Though Lara's Magic really sounds pretty amazing. You and Lara are very talented."

"I am beginning to imagine why they haven't taken her down yet." Arafunn said. "I think Arachne must want her for her powers, and killing her… well, it wouldn't make her useful. He's using her to lure Luck towards her as well. Once she has both of them, I can think of a thousand weird rituals she could do to absorb their powers somehow… Especially now that Gray is helping the Extremist Demon Factions and cooperating with the Evil Gods… The "True Demonification", the "Dungeon Breaks" and everything else… there's no way she doesn't have some way to absorb their powers or blessings."

"That's…" Luck sighed, feeling even more sad and worried. "Are these Extremist Demons all hellbent on this? Is there no… other way? Maybe if we could talk things out…"

"Arachne's faction is quite recent, and she has gathered only her most loyal servants with her. I think she doesn't have much correlation with the rest of the Demons back in their continent anymore, as she's moving alone with the backup of her "Swarm" a power that I think might have been given to her thanks to her Evil God's Blessing." Shade said. "I don't know if we can resolve this by talking, even less when she and her faction has tried to kill us a few times already."

"We are Demons too and we believe she needs to be stopped…" Mist sighed. "Killing innocent people's lives just for a grudge is not right…"

"Demon or not we'll kick her ass." Celeste said. "She's a bitch that reminds me of my own past self… I have changed, and I want to defeat her with my own hands to show that change too."

"Mama once told me that just like there are good and bad humans or elves, there are also good and bad demons! They're no different from the bad humans or bad elves that tried to hurt us before, or hurt innocents… I won't forgive them." Celica said.

"Hahh… I-I guess I shouldn't had worried so much." Luck sighed. "Have you meet these bad humans and elves?"

"Of course." My father said. "We've taken down hundreds of nasty bandits, most of the humans. In fact my family of mercenaries dedicated themselves to exterminate bandits and criminals. I've been taking down human trash since I was like ten."

"I've been an assassin since I was six years of age." Shade said. "I've taken down all matter of garbage. It was until I was chosen as a Hero that I was able to take down demons too but… in front of my face, good people is good people, and bad people is bad people, whatever race they have doesn't matter. Those that have done horrible things to innocent lives don't deserve pity."

"I guess." Arafunn shrugged. "Well, it isn't as if we haven't… committed our own sins. But now that ya'll got families, I guess just trying to make yourselves pay for them is nonsensical. It is better to continue doing good deeds for the benefit of the innocents, it could be considered a way to pay for your sins."

"Yeah…" My father sighed. "Though even now, I cannot forgive myself… Children, I hope that when you grow up, you won't commit the same mistakes we did. Never… let yourselves be manipulated by people, even less from political figures. Follow your heart, instead of following the ideals and words of rotten bastards."

"I know you are all good people." Shade smiled. "Especially Aquarina and Sylphy. I have… the hope that you might one day change the world… for the better."

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