Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 693 All Familiar Evolutions


Sapphire seemed to have a rather hardy personality, and immediately barked back at Scarlet the moment she was able to speak. The two then began fighting, floating in midair and striking at one another for a while.

"S-Shouldn't you stop them?" Wondered Alice.

"Hah, nah, that'll help them level up Skills much easier." I sighed. "So anyways guys, time to evolve the rest of you! We'll go through each of your best evolutions I can find from within the options."

I wanted to hurry up this process so it wouldn't last forever, so I quickly began checking on everyone's evolution options, thinking for a few minutes and selecting them one after the other. Beelzebub's evolution was especially funny.

"A-Aaaah! Mama! Big… me!"

One of today's beautiful surprises was Naturia finally being able to speak. I was shocked just as everyone else. For some reason her growth had been very slow in terms of mentality, but after evolving into a Magical Spirit Tree, she was finally able to talk. Although she speaks very adorably, like a little baby girl, and she treats me as her "mama".


<Status System>

[System Owner]: [Naturia]

[Race]: [True Nature Spirit]

[Rank]: [C+]

[Level]: [0/50] 

[Class]: [Magical Spirit Tree]

[HP]: [1665/1665]

[MP]: [2375/2375]

[Strength]: [367]

[Defense]: [720]

[Magic]: [2350]

[Resistance]:  [1810]

[Agility]: [705]

[Luck]: [520]

[Charm]: [1000]

[Skills]: [Photosynthesis: Lv9] [Seed Bullet: Lv8] [Nature's Healing: Lv8] [Entangling Vines: Lv7] [Leaf Of Life: Lv7] [Mana Fruit: Lv4] [Spiritual Healing Aura: Lv4] [Life Enhancement: Lv4] [Nature's Rage: Lv1] [Forest Spirit Domain: Lv1] [Spiritual Buds: Lv1]


She became a full-fledged tree spirit, which means she looks even more "mature" and her shape has now changed, making her resemble a young girl in her teens, completely made out of wood and with leaves and flowers for hair. Her three new Skills are good, the first one allows for an all-out-attack using her surrounding nature, the second generates a domain of forests with her which can heal and protect allies, and the last one lets her create tiny nature spirits to assist her, which fade away afterwards. Overall, she's becoming an incredibly solid ally.

"Yes dear, you've become very big and beautiful." I praised her, giving her head pats, she hugged me tightly and rubbed her face on my belly.

"W-Why the heck am I like this?! I wasn't supposed to look like this!" Beelzebub began to cry.


<Status System>

[System Owner]: [Beelzebub]

[Race]: [Abyssal Poison Insect Spirit]

[Rank]: [C+]

[Level]: [0/50]

[Class]: [Venomous Dark Ghost Butterfly]

[HP]: [1150/1150]

[MP]: [950/950]

[Strength]: [780]

[Defense]: [650]

[Magic]: [2250]

[Resistance]: [780]

[Agility]: [2080]

[Luck]: [500]

[Charm]: [350]

[Skills]: [Aura of Pestilence: Lv7] [Poison Creation: Lv7] [Shadow Thread: Lv6] [Demon Lord Authority: Lv6] [Roll: Lv4] [Venomous Cocoon Armor: Lv4] [Poison Bullet: Lv4] [Destructive Jaws: Lv4] [Paralyzing Wing Scales: Lv1] [Venomous Domain: Lv1] [High-Speed Flight: Lv1]


He became a beautiful butterfly. His body was black colored and his eyes were big and red. His wings were purple, with two big red eyes as decorations to scare off enemies.

Beelzebub looked no longer disgusting, but fabulous. His newest Skills were rather self-explanatory, but the first one generated paralyzing scales, the second a domain of venoms to trap and kill foes, and the last enhanced his flying speed to insanely super sonic levels.

"What do you mean? That look suits you!" Ignatius laughed.

"Shut the fuck up you damn lizard!!!" Beelzebub couldn't take it anymore.


<Status System>

[System Owner]: [Ignatius the Red]

[Race]: [True Fire Dragon Spirit]

[Rank]: [C+]

[Level]: [0/50]

[Class]: [Juvenile Volcanic Flare Dragon]

[HP]: [2515/2515]

[MP]: [920/920]

[Strength]: [2450]

[Defense]: [1470]

[Magic]: [1280]

[Resistance]: [1065]

[Agility]: [1245]

[Luck]: [450]

[Charm]: [700]

[Skills]: [Eggshell: Lv10] [Dragon King's Son: Lv8] [Juvenile Dragon Breath: Lv9] [Roll: Lv8] [Dragon Scales: Lv8] [Dragon Claws: Lv8] [Fire Absorption: Lv10] [Physical Damage Resistance: Lv6] [Magic Damage Resistance: Lv5] [Intimidation: Lv4] [Furious Dragon Bite: Lv4] [Blazing Dragon Domain: Lv1] [Grand Flare Explosion: Lv1] [Volcanic Wrath: Lv1]


Meanwhile, Ignatius changed a little bit. He now had black scales over his body, which was now finally taller than me. At his full size, he was around two meters big, with big claws that could blow the entire walls with a single slash.

His horns grew longer and now were permanently on flames, and behind his back there were orifices resembling small volcanoes, which could produce pipping hot magma to unleash his [Volcanic Wrath] Skill.

The other two skills were rather self-explanatory, a domain of flames to trap foes and give him an advantage, and the second one being an ultimate "fuck everything and everyone" fire magic spell.

"Will you guys cut it off already? Honestly you're always fighting…" Furoh sighed.


<Status System>

[System Owner]: [Furoh]

[Race]: [Greater Mimic Demon]

[Rank]: [C+]

[Level]: [0/50]

[Class]: [Master Shapeshifter]

[HP]: [2500/2500]

[MP]: [1260/1260]

[Strength]: [1900]

[Defense]: [880]

[Magic]: [1770]

[Resistance]: [840]

[Agility]: [1450]

[Luck]: [250]

[Charm]: [300]

[Skills]: [Mimicry: Lv10] [Body Shapeshifting: Lv10] [Gluttony: Lv7] [Shadow Blast: Lv7] [Stealth: Lv4] [Illusion: Lv4] [Deception: Lv4] [Masterful Imitation: Lv1] [Devouring Assimilation: Lv1] [Mirage: Lv1]


Meanwhile, Furoh had reached the stage where his true form was already completely incomprehensible. When he just evolved he resembled… well, a mix of everything. He quickly took the form of an adorable Fenrir wolf, so it was hard for me to see what the heck he had turned into, sadly.

His new Skills were rather good, enhancing his ability to mimic the powers of what he shapeshifts into, alongside being able to better mimic something he devours, and also giving him the power to create mirages alongside illusions.

"Hmph, well, they've always been an annoying bunch." Curse sighed. "It is funny that we're the calm ones here."

"You two get along surprisingly well." I laughed.

"Well, for being my former curse, he's quite polite." Furoh said.

"Oh~? Then would you let me become your curse again? I miss that comfortable soul I liked to parasitize…" Laughed Curse rather evilly.

"Ugh, please no…" Furoh sighed.


<Status System>

[System Owner]: [Curse]

[Race]: [Greater Ancient Curse Spirit]

[Rank]: [C+]

[Level]: [0/50]

[Class]: [Abyssal Devouring Curse]

[HP]: [520/520]

[MP]: [1550/1550]

[Strength]: [400]

[Defense]: [510]

[Magic]: [2470]

[Resistance]: [1650]

[Agility]: [880]

[Luck]: [250]

[Charm]: [200]

[Skills]: [Devourer of Darkness: Lv7] [Ancient Curse: Lv7] [Demon King's Will: Lv7] [Black Chains: Lv7] [Abyssal Energy Manipulation: Lv4] [Abyssal Cursed Tentacles: Lv4] [Shadow Beam: Lv4] [Soul Parasite: Lv1] [Spirit Drain: Lv1] [Prolonged Suffering: Lv1]


After Curse's evolution, strangely enough, "his" appearance changed, now gaining a rather asexual humanoid form, almost at the same size as mine. Though his personality was rather feminine, so "he" might be a "she" though he said he doesn't care about genders, so he doesn't mind being called any of the two, or none.

Curse's three new Skills enhanced his ability to be a pain in the ass to the enemy. Soul Parasite allowed her to parasitize souls and Spirit Drain goes together with that, draining both HP and MP from a parasite foe. The last Skill enhances the durability of all Curses.

With all of them evolved and with this whole ordeal done with, the only thing to do now was to get working!

Before starting my day fully and do some other extra quests, there was one, rather important quest, I wanted to get quickly done this morning.


[New [Special Quest]: [Gift Aquarina a [Sea Dragon Elixir] of A Grade at minimum!]


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