A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 879: First Project

Aisha watched Farrah approach her with a smile, "Hello, My Lady. It's good to see you out here," she warmly greeted.

She nodded at the full-figured woman who was a genius in engineering. Aisha had received reports that the dwarfs were in love with Archer's cousin, and the two sides teamed up to design many things for the kingdom.

"Will you show me, Dellah and Admiral Anderson, the Deep Sea Mining Platform?" she questioned the younger woman.

Farrah smiled, "Of course, my lady. Follow me."

Aisha and the two women followed Farrah, who explained all the buildings being constructed on the platform. There were barracks for the workers, a canteen, and living space for a detachment of Dragon Legionnaires.

She learned that four Titan Wrath Cannons were on the corners for defense while Thunderbolt Throwers were stationed on every building to ward off attacks or intercept mana shells.

Farrah then led them to a warehouse where the materials mined beneath the waves were stored. When Aisha inquired about using storage rings, Farrah explained it was against company policy; only trusted individuals could carry and store the products using them.

Following that, Farrah led them toward the middle of the platform. As they walked across the football field-sized area, she noticed dozens of armored guards that she assigned to the company from the Dragon Legionnaires.

'It was a good call to assign them to husbands private company,' she mused with a smile.

After a ten-minute walk, they arrived at a massive hole in the center with a device resembling a massive elevator. When Aisha saw this, she wondered, "Is this the lift Archer helped you with?"

Farrah nodded, "Yes, My Lady. Keep your eyes on the sea below through those things," she said while pointing at glass panels built into the platform.

Aisha, Olivia, and Dellah walk over to it before glancing through it, only to see darkness. The older dwarf woman commented, "It's amazing what Farrah has done in such a short time, but I must admit Dagny and Solveig did help out on the design."

"Your granddaughters are very talented, Dellah; they take after you," Aisha replied with a smile.

Olivia suddenly yelped and stumbled back as the two women talked, and a huge eye emerged beneath the platform. Farrah noticed and quickly smiled, "The Kraken are here! Activate the shield!"

She observed workers scrambling while Farrah pressed a button. A green mana shield deployed below the platform, forcing the sea creature to retreat, revealing the land beneath that no one gets to see.

Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a few miles on a seabed with monsters flopping around on the bottom. Farrah approached with a big smile, saying, "This is the Wyldheart Shield powered by Lady Mary's mana that scares away most sea monsters."

After speaking, Farrah shouted, "Sea Guards, get ready to descend and kill any monsters we see!"

The soldiers saluted in response as Aisha smiled, "I see the Dragon Legionnaires are enjoying the work."

"They've only done this once before, but it's an easy experience earner," Farrah said while she led them toward the lift.

As Aisha, Olivia, Dellah, and Farrah gathered on the lift, surrounded by Sea Guards, they watched as a cage secured the perimeter. The older dwarf remarked, "Using the cage to protect the product as it travels to the surface is smart."

Farrah nodded in agreement. "That was Archer's idea. He contributed as much to this project as I did. His ideas may seem unusual, but they certainly prove effective."

After her remark, the lift abruptly jerked and began descending beneath the platform, startling Aisha and the two other women as cold air rushed in, causing them to shudder. Aisha glanced around and saw a bright green shield holding back the seawater.

She marveled at the sight, but as they descended further, the cold intensified. Farrah then retrieved four winter jackets from her ring and handed them to the group. "Here, ladies. These will keep you warm during our tour of Wyldheart Industries' first project."

Aisha smiled as she donned the jacket, feeling the lift touch down on the seafloor, which appeared strangely alien to her. It resembled a landscape from another world, with tree-like formations sprouting from the ground and numerous caves scattered about.

Farrah signaled for the Sea Guards to disembark from the platform, with the women following closely behind. As they stepped onto the damp ground, the lift rose again, causing Olivia and Dellah to spin around in surprise.

Quickly reassuring them, Farrah explained, "They're fetching the workers who will begin resource collection while the soldiers clear out the caves and sea forest of monsters."

It took the Sea Guards half an hour to clear the area inside the shield. Aisha watched as they were ambushed by centipede-like monsters that shot out of holes in the ground. Once the creatures were dispatched, the workers arrived and began mining.

They discovered veins of rare metals and a mountain-sized gold ore, which sparked great excitement. Farrah quickly ordered the White Dragon Knights to descend with additional workers to secure the kingdom's newfound wealth.

Aisha was astounded by the sheer amount of resources they were uncovering.


[Sia & Mary's POV]

Sia watched Mary step in front of the Arachne as the Cave Rhinoe closed in. She saw the Primordial woman throw a punch that struck the monster on the forehead, causing it to


But that wasn't the end; more creatures rushed out of the darkness, and she started slaughtering the cave rhinoes. Blood splattered all over the walls, and Arachne, who was watching them, had wide eyes.

An Hour passed, and Mary was finally finished before turning around with a radiant smile. "That felt good! Now, are we traveling north to help the girls? Have you contacted them?"

she questioned.

Sia nodded, "Yes, and I've tried, but I get no replies, so they don't know we're coming." "Okay, that makes things difficult," Mary said while holding her chin as she thought. "Well, the Underrealm is dangerous, but with me here, many monsters will be driven away." Following that, Sia and Mary continued while being followed by the Arachne. They traveled through the Underrealm, and whenever the spider was spotted, people sensed powerful creatures while traveling deeper.

Shila briefed Mary, who swiftly dispatched the enemy before addressing the group. The journey had been challenging, but they finally secured a safe chamber amidst a nest shared by Arachne and Cave Spiders.

The newcomers willingly joined forces, bolstering their numbers. Shila relayed to Sia that the workers had confirmed the eggs would soon hatch, yielding formidable Hunters known for

their size and strength.

Upon hearing this, they nodded in agreement. The group strategically blocked both entrances and established their camp in the depths of the Underrealm. Mary said she would explore and bring back more monsters when they were settled.

Mary walked for a few hours and encountered all kinds of insectoid creatures. She beat them into submission and recruited them to their growing army.


[Lucrezia's POV]

The mosasaur woman was patrolling Draconia after leaving Archer with Fianna, who has continued to look after him with her. She was swimming in the deep when she spotted a swarm of sea monsters heading for the island.

When she saw this, Lucrezia quickly sent a message to Demetra and Kassandra, alerting them to the new threat and requesting their assistance. The girls responded promptly, informing her that they were nearby and eager to join the battle.

Now aware that reinforcements were coming, Lucrezia plunged into the darkness, biding her time for the perfect moment to strike. As a swarm of sea monsters passed overhead, she burst from the depths, targeting the largest creature.

She tore the creature in two with a powerful strike, unleashing chaos upon the sea. As all the monsters focused on her, Lucrezia deftly dodged most strikes, relying on her speed to evade danger. However, as they closed in around her, a Dark Kraken advanced.

Reacting swiftly, Lucrezia lunged forward, biting the creature in half. Yet, their focus was interrupted by a sudden swarm of mana shells raining down from above. The shells plunged into the sea among the monsters, detonating explosively and creating a devastating


Lucrezia pressed on in her relentless assault, tearing apart numerous creatures in her path. Amidst the chaos, she caught sight of Demetra, Kassandra, and another Titan. However, her attention was abruptly drawn elsewhere when she sensed a familiar aura.

"Teuila!" she exclaimed, recognizing the unexpected presence that shook her to the core. After seeing the four girls, Lucrezia joined in the battle and quickly slaughtered the sea monster swarm. Once the fight was over, they headed back to Dragons Cove to wait for the others.

'Glad they turned up in time,' she mused. 'It would have taken forever to kill all the monsters.'

Lucrezia had maintained contact with Ella's and Nefertiti's group, who were a day's journey away from the kingdom. There was palpable excitement upon reuniting with Demetra, Kassandra, Teuila, and Hemera.

The Kraken girl handed her the Ghost Leviathan Heart and Blue Grass, which Lucrezia stowed

away in her storage ring. Leading them onward, Lucrezia guided the group towards Archer's new palace, which had just been finished.

She showed the girls a shower that excited the group, who soon rushed inside and started relaxing as Lucrezia asked the maids to cook something for them.

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