A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 707 Your Wish Is My Command

Chapter 707 Your Wish Is My Command

Soon, the large group arrived at the ship they were meant to travel on and were ushered on board by some attendants until they encountered Headmistress Ophelia standing in the foyer.

Archer smiled when he saw the older witch smiling at him before she spoke, ''You're stronger than you let on. I hope you continue to fight the way you have been.''

He raised an eyebrow before commenting, ''I thought you wanted me to leave the college? Now you want me to bring it honor? Interesting.''

Ophelia sighed as she replied, ''I don't want you to go, but we have nothing to teach you. White Dragons are notorious for growing in power as they age.'' She glanced at the girls before continuing, ''But I won't lie and say we need you to bring prestige to the college so we receive more funding from the empire.''

''What do I get out of it?'' Archer gave her a charming smile after speaking.

''The location of dangerous ruins that exist in northern Pluoria. Rumors speak of uncountable wealth and much more,'' the older witch offered.

When Archer heard this, his interest was piqued, but he knew there was something to it, so he asked, ''What's the catch? Why haven't you gone there?''

The headmistress sighed before revealing the truth, ''I don't have the time, and it's dangerous, but I also know you have a knack for escaping bad situations.''

Archer stared into her violet eyes and nodded, agreeing, ''Okay, you have a deal. How will I find these ruins?''

''Here,'' a scroll appeared in her hand. She handed it over to him and concluded, ''The ruins are in the far north, where the Forsaken Kingdoms are located. Good luck, White Dragon.''

He smiled while taking the map and responded, ''Thank you, Ophie.''

''Find your room, and don't rush north. Head there once the tournament ends, as you will need a lot of free time,'' Ophelia commented before disappearing.

After disappearing, Sera stepped forward with a big smile and asked, ''We're going treasure hunting, darling?''

Archer nodded, ''Yes, but not now. I want to relax with you girls while traveling back to the empire.''

Once he finished speaking, the group was escorted to their room by the same attendant who led them into the ship. It took them ten minutes to reach the room, and once inside, they all relaxed.

However, as Archer sat down, he started to fade. The girls panicked when they?saw this, but he reassured them, ''It's just Sia summoning me. I'll be right back.''

After vanishing, he reappeared in a large clearing. There, Archer saw Sia and Eldric engaged in combat with a large group of bandits who had ambushed them. He saw his soldiers surrounding a makeshift camp, where the Dawnbreaker soldiers were flinging spells over the dragonkin's heads.

With a smile, Archer let out a roar that halted everyone in their tracks before he joined the fray. Using Blink, he darted around the battlefield, slaughtering every bandit he could reach with his claws.

Archer killed twenty bandits before the leader challenged him, ''Stop relying on magic, you coward! Face me like a true warrior!''

Upon hearing this, Archer chuckled and reappeared in front of the man. The bandit leader swung his massive axe, but he quickly caught the blade, stunning all who witnessed it. He then yanked the weapon toward him while throwing a punch at the man's face.

The bandit leader attempted to block the attack, but when his fist connected with the man's arms, they exploded in blood and bone. The man started screaming in pain, but his cries were silenced when Archer slashed his throat and let him fall to the ground with a thud.

He turned to see Sia rushing toward him, with Eldric and the dragonkin knights kneeling respectfully. The older dragonkin wrapped her strong arms around his shoulders and passionately kissed him.

Archer returned the kiss as he held her close. Soon after they separated, he smirked at her before commenting, ''Lucky I gave you the Dragon Orb, Sia. You're always getting in trouble.''

''Shut up, Arch! We suspect the Novgorodians are sending soldiers disguised as bandits to attack the empire,'' she informed him, capturing his interest.

Archer was just about to speak but heard a meow from his bracelet, indicating that the Tressyms had returned. He turned to Eldric and commanded, ''Secure the area! And make sure no one else sneaks up on you.''

''Yes, Your Majesty,'' Eldric responded before returning to the soldiers and issuing orders.

Afterward, Archer opened a portal to the domain, and dozens of flying cats flew through it, dumping treasure, rare plants, scrolls, spellbooks, and notes that instantly caught his attention.

Archer stooped to collect a stack of notes before stashing them in his Item Box. One note was intended for the Pluoria region. His shock was palpable as he delved into its contents, and he discovered unsettling revelations.

It became apparent that the Novgorod and Nightshade Empires were indirectly targeting him while pursuing their agenda against the Avalonians. This revelation ignited a simmering anger within him.

'Sia was right. What is their problem with me? Well, I did butcher a Novgorod army, but these bandits were here before then,' Archer thought to himself after reading the intel.

Once Archer calmed down, he ordered the Tressyms to find any enemy soldiers in the empire and inform him. The cats happily agreed before flying off. After they were gone, Archer turned to Sia, who was watching the scene with wide eyes.

He turned to her and said, ''When I find out their location, I will deal with them immediately and let them know I'm aware of their games.''

Sia nodded in agreement, replying, ''I will come with you, husband.''

Archer smiled before looking around and asking, ''Where is your camp?''

"We're staying at a nearby fortress. Let's head back there and await the return of your flying beasts. Then we can spend some time together," Sia proposed, and he concurred.

As they returned to the fortress, the soldiers followed them, their armor clinking softly with each step. After walking for an hour, Archer spotted a giant castle in the distance that stood tall next to a river.

Archer noticed the castle's towers and sturdy walls standing tall against the landscape. The castle seemed to rise from the earth. Its black stone gleamed in the afternoon sunlight, casting a warm golden shade across the countryside.

The castle's sheer grandness struck him, its imposing presence commanding respect and awe. He marveled at the detailed carvings that decorated its walls, each telling a story of battles won and heroes celebrated.

After crossing the fortress's threshold, Sia tightened her grip on his hand, gently pulling him towards her. Her eyes glinted with desire and mischief, a silent invitation dancing in their depths.

Catching her gaze, he felt warmth flood through him, igniting a flame that burned brightly. They broke from the soldiers with a shared glance and wordless agreement and slipped away to Sia's room.

In mere moments, they reached Sia's room. As she swung the door open, she seized Archer's hand, pulling him inside before swiftly shutting it behind them. She pressed him against the door with a determined motion, her lips meeting his in a passionate kiss once more.

Their lips moved in perfect harmony, a dance of passion and longing. Archer's hands found their way to Sia's waist, pulling her closer to him as he deepened the kiss. He felt a surge of heat coursing through him, igniting a fire that threatened to consume them both.

Sia's hand trailed down Archer's toned body, sending shivers of pleasure down his spine. Her touch was electric, igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume him whole. He gasped against her lips as her fingers danced over his skin, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.

With each caress, Archer's desire grew, his body responding eagerly to Sia's touch. He pulled her closer, his hands roaming over her curves as he sought to deepen their connection. Sia moaned softly against his lips, her desire mirroring his own as she surrendered herself to him completely.

As they reluctantly parted from their passionate kiss, Sia's lips trailed along Archer's jawline, reaching his ear. With a delicate nibble, she sent a shiver down his spine, eliciting a quiet gasp.

Before he could respond, she gently pressed against his chest, silently urging him to surrender to her touch. Archer complied with a grin, allowing Sia to explore his body as she pleased.

Her lips found their way to his neck, igniting a wave of desire that surged through him. With each kiss, the flames of passion burned brighter, fueling the growing heat between them. As Sia's lips left his skin, Archer felt a pang of longing, craving her touch more than ever.

With a swift motion, Sia removed Archer's shirt, revealing his toned body beneath. Her eyes widened with admiration as she took in the sight before her, her passion growing with each moment.

Archer observed a suggestive smile forming as her eyes traced over his physique before she remarked, ''You'll obey my every command, husband. I'll be in control this time, and you mustn't move.''

He nodded, "Your wish is my command," he whispered, leaning in closer. "It seems like my naughty aunt wants to take control of a dragon."

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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