A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 705 It's The Sex Professor

Chapter 705 It's The Sex Professor

His eyebrow raised as he replied, ''Of course you are.'' That's when he remembered something he made a couple of days prior and pulled out a bracelet with a beautiful Shadowstone Gem embedded in it that matched her black eyes.

Archer smiled and handed it to her while explaining, ''Take this. You can use it to enter the domain or contact me if we are apart if you send a bit of mana into it.''

Kassandra smiled as she took the bracelet and examined the gift. She put it on and yelped when she felt a shock run through her arm, causing him to speak quickly, ''It links with your mana and the other bracelets the girls have.''

When he said that, Nefertiti and Ella held up their wrists to show her their ones, which had a beautiful pink and blue gem that matched their eyes. Kassandra was happy and stepped forward to hug Archer, thanking him, ''I will cherish this gift, husband.''

Afterward, she sat down with Teuila, Nala, and Maeve, who was sitting just behind him. The orange-haired girl leaned forward to whisper into Archer's ear, ''When do we get our bracelets?''

Archer chuckled before replying, ''When we get together. Which shouldn't be too long now.''

Maeve nodded in understanding as they all turned to the organizer, Oscar Avalon, who returned to the stage. As he stopped in the center, his gaze swept over the students who competed.

Oscar said, "Ladies and gentlemen, the last match concluded the Qualification Round. Now, return to your respective headmasters, who will announce the qualifiers for the Knockout Stage."

The man looked around while everyone was gossiping to themselves before continuing, ''But even better news, the Avalon Empire is hosting the renowned Frostwinter Festival to commemorate the end of Frostwinter. Once it concludes, you will journey north to the Sabat Kingdom, so enjoy your free time before the tournament commences."

Archer observed the man's departure from the stage as the crowd rose and dispersed from the arena. He joined his girls and friends in leaving, then stepped outside to encounter a gathering of students from the College of Magic. Among them stood Ophelia, Jade, and Gianna

As they approached, Lioran, Cian, Aeris, and Alaric appeared beside him, causing him to remember the Dragon Orbs he gave his girls. With that thought, he took out four of them and handed them to the four, who examined them confusedly.

He chuckled before explaining, ''I call these Dragon Orbs. They are a one-time-use item that lets you summon me whenever you are in a life-threatening situation. Give them to your girls when you get a chance.''

Alaric nodded, his expression still questioning, before asking, "Why are you giving us these? And what are they for?"

He explained their purpose, eliciting smiles from the group of four at his thoughtfulness. As they reached their section, he concluded, "Because you four are my friends, and I want to ensure your safety when we're apart."

After that, Aeris stepped forward and asked, ''Can we talk privately, please, Arch?''

Archer nodded before stepping away from the group, allowing them to talk. Aeris turned to face him and spoke, "Thank you for the gift, Arch. I might need to use it when I return to Starlight Academy. The students there hate me."

He frowned in concern before responding, "If they try to bully you again, just summon me, Aeris. I hate people like that and will deal with them accordingly."

When Archer finished speaking, Aeris smiled gratefully. "Thank you for your protection, but there's something I need to confess when the time comes. Please, don't judge me for it. Life hasn't been kind to me because of my race," he said, avoiding eye contact, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.

Archer chuckled softly before reassuring his friend, "Your secret doesn't matter to me. You can tell me whenever you're ready."

Aeris smiled in relief, "I hope you mean that. It might change things between us, Arch. You might not see me the same way."

He shrugged casually and replied nonchalantly, "Who knows? I might even like the outcome of this secret. Just find me when we're on the ship heading home so your fellow students know who you're friends with."

The black-haired boy smiled and returned to his academy's section, thoughtfully eyeing the Dragon Orb. He watched him depart, noticing how other Starlight students avoided him as he approached and gave him dirty looks, but that was stopped when Archer sent his aura toward them.

After doing that for Aeris, Hemera and Nefertiti approached before the sun elf commented, ''That secret will shock you, darling, but I think you'd like it.''

With a smile, Archer turned around and inquired, "Do you two know?"

Nefertiti nodded, ''Yes, but that's all we're saying for now. Let's get to our section before the headmistress sends someone to look for us.''

''Okay, my beauties,'' Archer replied as the group approached the College Of Magic section.

Ophelia caught sight of him and acknowledged him with a smile before turning her attention to the crowd, "Congratulations, students!" Her voice rang out, commanding the attention of those present. "Four hundred of you have qualified for the Knockout Stages, while the rest have demonstrated commendable skill and should take pride in their achievements."

She allowed the students to exchange murmurs of excitement and congratulations before resuming, "Now, it's time to return to the empire to partake in the festival. For those who wish to stay behind before traveling north, arrangements will be made individually. The professors and I will reachout to you soon. Pack your belongings and make your way back to the mana ships. You have one hour!"

Afterward, Lionran and the two boys thanked him for the gifts before packing. Nala, Llyniel, and Maeve approached him with smiles. One by one, the three girls hugged him and thanked him for caring for their brothers.

Archer smiled and reassured them that they were his friends and wouldn't allow any harm to come to them. Once the girls separated, they all returned to the tent, which made Archer laugh as he questioned Ella, ''Did you lot leave anything in the tent? We barely used it.''

The half-elf looked at him before replying, ''Well, you didn't use it, but most of us did and have to collect some clothes.''

Archer nodded, ''No problem. Let's get them and find a room on the ship.''

Once he was done speaking, they all walked back to their assigned tent before stepping in. The girls split up and went to the rooms to gather anything they left behind.

Archer settled into a comfortable chair and closed his eyes as they did so. Soon, someone approached and covered his eyes. Unable to determine the identity, he gently pulled the person around and settled her onto his lap.

That's when he saw Talila's red eyes staring into his with a lewd smile as she got comfortable. Once she noticed that, Archer started rubbing her thigh, which drove both of them over the edge.

Her thighs were like steel beneath velvet, firm yet yielding to the touch. Each curve spoke of hours spent training, the sinewy muscles beneath her skin promising strength and endurance in equal measure.

She wore leather armor atop a crimson winter dress, the hemline grazed mid-thigh, highlighting her lithe figure. Her choice of boots resembled those of riders on Earth, yet they effortlessly complemented her outfit.

Talila leaned into him and whispered in a voice full of desire, ''Make love to me, Arch. You teased me so much, and now I want it.''

Archer smiled before his hand slipped into her dress, causing the elf to shiver excitedly, but he quickly pulled away when he sensed someone approaching the entrance.

He looked up to see Professor Ashguard entering the tent, which caused Talila to jump up before sitting on a nearby chair. The Professor's chestnut hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, and her bear ears twitched as she surveyed the surroundings.

Archer noticed her emerald eyes locking onto him, her smile widening as she spoke, "Archer! The headmistress has tasked me with congratulating you and your companions on your exceptional fight performances. We were surprised by your girl's strength and skill; you played a significant role in making them powerful."

Archer chuckled upon hearing this, nodding in acknowledgment. He was about to respond, but Sera burst into the room, excitement evident in her voice. "It's the sex, Professor! When he makes love with us, we become even stronger. We will be the strongest in our generation."

When Professor Jade heard this, her face reddened as she stuttered, ''T...t... there is no such thing.''

The dragon girl shook her head, ''There is! We all feel his mana seeping into our bodies, especially when he finishes inside us.''

Her comment caused the older woman to look at Archer, who winked at her, making her even redder. This caused him and Sera to laugh, but Ella scolded them.

''Stop teasing her, you two lewd dragons! She's our Professor,'' Ella commented.

Sera grinned mischievously at the half-elf while the others laughed at the Professor's reaction, noticing her still-flushed face.

As Professor Jade regained her composure, she narrowed her eyes and directed her question at Archer. "What exactly are you doing to them?" she asked, her tone probing.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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