A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 698 The Unknown Continent

Chapter 698 The Unknown Continent

''Yes, they are waiting to depart now,'' she answered.

Vera spoke before Evangeline could reply, ''Well, we better get going before the weather puts a stop to it,'' she looked at her daughter and ordered. ''Report back with the flares, Eve. Green for safe, red for dangerous. Good luck, you two.''

Evangeline saluted before leaving, and Valkyria smiled at the two remaining women before leaving the office and returning to her team. As Valkyria followed the white-haired woman through the ship's corridors, the hum of activity surrounded them.

Valkyria moved out of the way as dozens of sailors rushed past, preparing to land on the beach once they secured it. Finally, they arrived at the shuttle bay where the Battleship's shuttles awaited.

The massive doors opened with a hiss, revealing a sight that took Valkyria's breath away. Two hundred well-armored Avalonian Marines stood at attention, their weapons gleaming under the bay's harsh lights.

Evangeline wasted no time, issuing orders with authority, "Board the shuttles, double-time! We have a mission to complete!"

The Marines sprang into action, moving efficiently as they filed into the waiting shuttles. Each one radiated a sense of readiness and determination, prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them.

Turning to her team, Valkyria mirrored Evangeline's actions, "Alright, team. Let's move out. Board the shuttle and get ready for deployment."

Her team members nodded in acknowledgment, their expressions focused and determined. Without hesitation, they followed Valkyria's lead, boarding the shuttle and preparing for the mission ahead.

Once they sat down, a large door opened on the Battleship's side, allowing the shuttles to drop to the calm sea below. As they hit the surface, the drivers powered up the mana engine and started sailing toward the beach.

As they did that, Valkyria assigned roles to her team. ''Cleo and Soraya, you will be our scouts and travel ahead of us,'' she said. The two women nodded and prepared their weapons.

She looked at the rest of the team, ''We will explore a few miles into the forest to assess the area while the Marines secure the beach for the builders to come to shore to construct the fortress.''

Valkyria looked around and saw none of them had any questions. So she nodded and started sharpening her short swords while the shuttle skimmed across the surface. As she gazed toward the shore, the distant silhouette of trees grew larger with each passing moment.

The anticipation of the mission coursed through her veins, her heart pounding in rhythm with the thrum of the shuttle's mana engines. As the sea breeze tousled her short hair, she watched the shoreline draw nearer, her focus intensifying with each passing second.

Suddenly, the shuttles slammed into the beach with a jolt, jarring Valkyria from her reverie. Without hesitation, her team and the Marines poured out of the shuttles, their movements swift as they fanned out to secure the area.

Valkyria's senses heightened as she scanned the surroundings, her muscles tensed and ready for action. But then, a feeling of dread descended upon them like a heavy shroud; it felt like something was bearing down on them.

Evangeline's sharp and urgent voice pierced the air as she screamed for the Marines to form up. Valkyria's heart sank as she followed the Marine Commander's gaze toward the forest, her breath catching in her throat as she saw them.

Raptor-looking beasts emerged from the dense foliage, thunderous roars echoing across the beach. Valkyria's mind raced as she assessed the situation, her instincts screaming to act swiftly to protect her team and the Marines.

Valkyria's eyes narrowed as she examined the charging beasts. They were as black as night, their sleek forms gleaming under the harsh sunlight. She noticed glowing red eyes coming from the darkness, and they all felt an aura of hate emanating from them.

Each dinosaur-looking beast stood five feet tall, their muscular bodies rippling with power. Its claws, as sharp as swords, glinted in the sunlight, ready to easily rend flesh and tear through armor. As she saw these formidable creatures, a shiver ran down her spine.

They were unlike anything she had ever encountered, and the primal fear they invoked was real. But Valkyria knew what to do and unsheathed her short swords before looking at Thora, Nia, Serena, and Soraya.

She spoke, ''Take them down quickly. They will tear the Marines apart.''

''Yes, bosslady!'' They all replied in unison.

Valkyria surged forward, a sonic boom echoing as she charged towards the beasts. The closest creature lunged at her with its massive jaws, but she avoided the attack and drove one of her blades into its left eye.

The beast let out a pain-filled roar before trying to swipe at her with its claws, but she levered her position. She vaulted over its head just as another beast lunged towards her, snarling in anger.

Just as it prepared to strike, Thora's Warhammer delivered a thunderous blow, obliterating the second creature's head. Valkyria's team swiftly joined the fray following this decisive strike, deftly evading the creatures' attacks.

Cleo agilely avoided their snapping jaws, then slashed its throat with a swipe of her sword as she passed by, unleashing a torrent of blood before moving on to the next target as it collapsed to the ground as the battle swung in their favor.

Meanwhile, Lirael remained behind the Marines as she targeted the beasts' eyes. With each shot, the creature's vision shattered with resounding crashes, creating openings for Nia and Soraya to charge in.

Unified in their efforts, they efficiently dispatched the blinded creatures, exploiting the strategic strikes initiated by Thora and Valkyria. With each coordinated move, the beasts fell one by one.

As the last creatures stumbled, Serena charged forward, wielding her spear to keep them at bay and protect the Marines from any remaining threats. Her swift and decisive actions ensured the safety of their allies and solidified control over the beach.

Once the creatures fell under her team's efforts, a tense silence settled over the beach. The once chaotic scene now quieted, except for the gentle waves lapping against the shore as silence overtook the area.

Taking a moment to catch their breath, Valkyria and the rest of the women sat down while keeping an eye out, weapons still ready, scanning the surroundings for any sign of further danger. The Marines, too, stood at attention, their eyes alert for any potential threats.

After ensuring that the area was secure, Evangeline approached Valkyria with a look of gratitude, "Thank you," she said earnestly, her voice carrying over the quiet beach. "Your quick thinking and bravery saved us from what could have been a disaster."

Valkyria nodded as she wiped the sweat off her forehead, "It was our duty," she replied, her tone firm yet humble. "We're just glad we could help."

With the beach now secured, the Marines began to set up a perimeter, their training and expertise evident as they worked swiftly and efficiently. Meanwhile, a group of builders began to disembark from the ships.

Their tools and materials were ready to begin construction on the fortress that would serve as their home for the foreseeable future—the sun started to set on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the beach.

Amidst the noise of hammers clanging and saws whirring, the crew's laughter echoed through the air, starkly contrasting with the recent battle as the fort's construction progressed with surprising speed.

Valkyria and her team gathered around a crackling campfire, the warmth of the flames offering solace in the cool night air. However, she remained aware of the need to ensure their safety in this unfamiliar territory.

She tasked Cleo and Soraya with embarking on a scouting mission, knowing their expertise was crucial for surveying the surrounding terrain and identifying dangers. With their agility and quick thinking, she was confident that they would navigate the mission successfully.

Meanwhile, Thora's strength was used as she tirelessly helped build the fort, contributing to its rapid progress. Valkyria couldn't help but be impressed by the speed at which the fortress took shape.

As the days passed, they didn't get attacked, and all their scouting returned nothing apart from endless jungles and an old village about a day's travel into the trees. Valkyria and her team were astounded to find the construction completed.

They were in awe of the towering walls, which stood ten meters high and were fortified with impressive black stones from the empire. As they looked at the fortress, they noticed Admiral Vara Highmore had arrived ashore to inspect the finished creation.

The day had been long, filled with the hustle and bustle of construction as the fortress took shape, but now, a sense of quiet anticipation hung in the air. Suddenly, a young soldier approached, his footsteps echoing against the stone walls as he hurried toward Valkyria.

His serious expression indicated that he had important news, "Valkyria, Admiral Vera wishes to see you," he announced, his voice respectful but urgent.

Valkyria nodded, her senses sharpening as she turned to follow the soldier into the fortress. The scent of fresh wood and mortar hit her nose as she entered, mingling with the faint hint of sea salt carried on the breeze.

With each step, the fortress loomed larger, its imposing silhouette rising against the backdrop of the darkening sky. The sound of hammers and saws reverberated through the air, a testament to the ongoing construction efforts.

As Valkyria passed through the towering gates, she stood in the fortress's heart. Her eyes widened in awe as she took in the sight before her. The courtyard stretched out before her, bustling with activity as soldiers and workers carried their tasks purposefully.

Tents and makeshift shelters dotted the landscape, temporary homes for those who toiled tirelessly to bring the fortress to life. The main keep rose in the center of it all, its towering walls decorated with the Avalon Empire's banners.

[Please let me know if you spot any mistakes, and I will edit them. Thank you]

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