A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 623 Mysterious Attackers

Chapter 623 Mysterious Attackers

''She's the General of the famous Dawnbreaker Legion clearing the monsters that infest the Summerfield Duchy,'' Cian answered the wood elf.

Alaric still looked confused. ''Yeah, I've heard of her. Father has mentioned her before, but who is she to you, Archer?''

''My aunt and fiance.'' He answered with a chuckle.

Lionran wanted to tease him more, so he added. ''You see, Alaric. Arch is a playboy on a mission to gather as many princesses as possible. I even heard rumors that he is set on beautiful older women.''

The wood elf boy looked disgusted before turning to Archer, who looked bewildered. He shook his head. ''Oi, you furball! What lies are you spouting about me?''

''I'm not lying. Well, ten of your girls are princesses? That proves my point.'' Lioran commented in an amused voice.

Archer looked at this cheeky lion who was besmirching his good now. He had to defend his honor and retorted. ''Shut up, Lio. I just got along with them when we met, and their parents arranged our engagement, which suited me.''

''Excuses. You, my friend, are a collector of princesses. I heard the other continents have some beautiful ones there.'' Lioran remarked, trying to egg Archer on even more.

But as soon as the last words left his mouth, two sets of eyes spun on him, causing him to gulp. He saw this and laughed as Leonora and Nalika appeared before the lion prince. The girls stopped walking to watch Lioran get scolded, and so did Archer.

As the two lion girl's jealousy peaked, they turned their attention to his lion friend with narrowed eyes and crossed arms. Leonora began, her voice deceptively sweet. "So, Lioran, Which girl do you want to see?"

Nalika chimed in, her tone equally sweet but laced with a hint of something else. "Yes, Lioran. Do tell us. We'd love to meet them, too."

Lioran felt the pressure mounting as he stuttered, "Uh, well, I... I didn't mean it like that. You two are the only girls I want to see!"

The twins exchanged skeptical looks before turning back to Lioran, unconvinced by his words. Their expressions demanded more explanation, but Archer couldn't tell if they were serious or teasing his friend.

Feeling the weight of their scrutiny, Lioran turned to Archer for help, hoping his friend would rescue him.

But instead of offering support, his mischievous grin only widened and teased the lion boy with a gleam in his eyes. "Come on, Lioran. Which one caught your eye?"

Lioran's eyes widened in panic as he shot Archer a betrayed look. He opened his mouth to protest, but Leonora and Nalika's gazes intensified before he could speak, waiting for his response.

Feeling like he was backed into a corner, Lioran stammered, "I... I really only meant... um... you two! Yes, you're the only ones I want to see!"

The two lionesses stared at him, but Nala came to his rescue. ''Stop teasing him, you two. You know he loves you both. He always had ever since the meeting.''

''Don't say that, Nala! You promised you wouldn't!'' Lioran protested, but she just looked at him, causing him to stop.

She turned toward the twins as Archer watched on with an amused smile. "He informed Father that he would marry only the two of you, rejecting all others. Despite being intended for a union with the Hyena princess for political reasons, he selected you two instead."

Leonora and Nalika's smiles brightened when hearing this, and they started flirting with Lioran, who was happy, causing Nala to sigh. She approached Archer and spoke. ''They get jealous and scold him, but without realizing, they are the only two he ever had eyes for.''

''Yeah, he does care about them a lot.''

After their conversation, the group proceeded to the hall, where excitement was radiating from the students. Rows of chairs were perfectly lined up, allowing them to sit together, and he noticed some Professor standing off to the side.

Archer started talking to his friends, but then he detected a disturbance in the mana as something alerted him to something. A foreboding sensation swept over him, warning him to react before the danger arrived.

Without hesitation, he instinctively shoved Lioran and Cian aside, startling them as he spoke. "Take care of my girls while I handle this.''

Before anyone could react, a powerful force crashed into the ship, forcing Archer backward violently, and he was sent flying outside, shocking everyone.

The alarm started going off, causing the room to erupt into chaos. As that happened, Archer's girls immediately sprang into action. Teuila, Talila, Nala, and Sera swiftly surrounded the others, forming a barrier around them.

Teuila wielded her sword skillfully to block incoming strikes before counter-attacking and swiftly eliminating the mysterious attackers. Meanwhile, Talila moved with incredible speed, darting around the hall like a streak of lightning, swiftly killing her enemies.

Nala stood guard over the group, fending off attackers while ensuring the other girls' safety. With her claws and teeth bared, Sera leaped into the battle, ferociously tearing into the nearest attackers with savageness.

Together, they fought to protect themselves and the other students who looked shocked or were injured. More attackers appeared when one of them smashed an orb, causing the tide of battle to turn against them.

Just as they thought they'd lose, the Magic Knights arrived, led by Commander Morgan, who charged right into the chaos with the rest. Their arrival injected renewed vigor into the fight as their expertly wielded magic and combat skills turned the tide in their favor.

Shots of lightning crackled through the air, disintegrating the attackers, while firewalls appeared to block incoming attacks. The Knights moved precisely, swiftly eliminating the enemy.

Just as it seemed victory was within reach, another explosion rocked the ship. The vessel shuddered violently, its trajectory faltering as it plummeted from the sky. Panic surged among the defenders as they braced for impact, their desperate cries drowned out by the chaos.

But when all hope seemed lost, a powerful surge of magic washed over the ship, surrounding it in a shimmering mana barrier. The sudden stabilization halted the ship's descent, causing it to land normally and not crash.

The Magic Knights finished the attackers and rushed outside to see glowing lights in the sky, causing explosions and loud booms. The girls knew it was Archer fighting whoever attacked him.



[Ophelia Blackfire's POV]

[Just before the ship got attacked]

Meanwhile, in her temporary office, Ophelia spoke to her mother before giving a speech to the students.

''Ophie! What do you think of the boy? He's odd but in a charming way. I can't wait until he matures.'' Vespera commented through the Hexchat.

'Oh god. She meets him once and is swooning. I swear that boy is an incubus with his good looks.' Ophelia thought to herself.

She sighed before answering her mother. ''He's a troublemaker, playboy, and a really bad flirt.''

After speaking, she heard a hum from the other side, which caused her a headache as she knew her mother was interested in the boy from that sound.

''Who does he flirt with, my daughter? He didn't flirt with me? Doesn't he like older women?''

When Ophelia heard this, she nearly fell off the chair in shock. 'Why is she, the queen of all witches, acting like a teenage girl?'

She couldn't figure out the answer but answered. ''Well, three of my professors, in particular. Jade Ashguard, Samara Grayleaf, and Gianna Silvercrest. Every time he sees them, I can see that he thinks of the best way to conquer them.''

After speaking, all Ophelia heard was silence before Vespera started laughing. She calmed down. ''So he does like older women? Very good. I will have to ask him to come for dinner.''

'What! Where is this going.' She thought to herself in shock.

Ophelia shook her head. ''No mother. Leave the boy alone. He will visit the kingdom in the future, but not now because he's a loose cannon, and Willow will probably annoy him with her preaching if he comes.''

Vespera started laughing before bringing her up to date on the war, which had ground to a halt when the dragons heard about Archer. This caught Ophelia's attention, so she asked. ''What's happening over there?''

''The dragon rulers are arguing over the best way to deal with the boy. They reject him as the king and refuse to acknowledge the white dragon as the ruler of dragonkind.''

As they talked, an explosion ripped through the ship, causing Ophelia to panic. She jumped up and scanned the ship to realize they were under attack and were falling out of the sky.

Ophelia dismissed the Hexchat and cast a spell to repair the ship so they could land safely. A purple wave radiated from her and combined with the ship.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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