A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 607 You Collect These

Chapter 607 You Collect These

Archer mumbled through a mouthful of food, "Just appreciating good cooking, Teu."

He moved on to the mashed potatoes, piling them onto his plate in generous piles and savoring the creamy, buttery richness he loved when he took a mouthful. The others exchanged amused glances, occasionally laughing at his sheer enthusiasm for the meal.

With a mischievous grin, Nala pushed a bowl of curry toward him. "Try this, it's a bit spicy."

Archer accepted the challenge, scooping a generous portion with a piece of bread. His eyes widened, and a satisfied groan escaped his lips as the flavors exploded on his tongue. He loved the blend of spices, the meat's tenderness, and the sauce's richness.

Halime leaned over, teasing him, "You know, there are other people at this table who might want some too."

Archer chuckled, but his focus remained on the food. "Plenty to go around, Hali. Help yourselves."

As he continued to devour the food, the others joined in, sampling the different dishes and enjoying the company of the meal. The dining room echoed with laughter and the clinking of cutlery, creating a warm and joyful atmosphere.

Despite the abundance of food disappearing before him, Archer's appetite seemed insatiable. He reached for another grilled meat skewer, his eyes gleaming with sheer greed.

The others exchanged amused glances, realizing that trying to match his eating prowess was futile. Ella, Teuila, Nala, Halime, and Lyniel laughed at his behavior as they all knew he loved his food.

Lioran commented while he was eating plate after plate. ''Arch. You should be fat due to the amount you eat.''

At first, he didn't answer as he was finishing a bowl of what looked like soup, but it was spicy. Once Archer was done, he looked at Lioran with a grin. ''Ask Nala if there is any fat on me. But everyone knows I love food, and it's been like this since waking up from the incident.''

Nala looked down as her cheeks reddened when she heard Archer's comment. The nights of pleasure returned in detail, causing the lion girl to become shy.

When seeing her reaction, he smiled before using his tail to touch hers. Nala calmed down and smiled at him as Nalika asked in a curious voice. ''Incident?''

The five girls went silent, but Archer chuckled. ''El. Tell the story. You're better than me at telling it.''

Ella confirmed with a nod and turned her gaze toward their friends, starting the story. After an hour, she was done. The three sat there in silence before Leonora spoke. ''Why haven't you killed them? I would have if I were treated like that.''

Lioran and Nalika agreed. Archer sighed before explaining his reason for not killing the Ashguards. ''What would killing them get me?''




The three lions asked one after another, but Archer laughed it off. ''Well, I'd get a little bit of each if I did kill them, but after that, I'd most likely be lost without revenge, so I chose a different path. I plan to marry my father's sister and his wife's siblings. I will allow them to hear about what I've done and will continue to do, and they will be outside as strangers.''

When he finished speaking, everyone looked at him with amusement and confusion. Lioran broke the silence by laughing.

Archer looked at the lion boy who asked. ''You mean the Professors in the college? And you've got Sia Silverthorne, which means your mother has been dealt with. How did she react?''

A grin appeared on his face as he remembered what his grandfather told him. He shook his head and answered. ''She was confused, annoyed, and angry, I guess. Well, that's what Albert told me.''

The lion boy nodded but asked another question. ''Albert?''

That's when his eyes widened alongside Leonora's and Nalika's. Lioran spoke as he looked at Archer. ''You're grandfather is Albert Silverthorne? The butcher of Moonshadow Grove and the notorious demon general of Avalon?''

''Who's your grandmother, Archer?'' Nalika asked with wary eyes.

''Mia Silverthorne.''

The three's eyes widened, and Lioran spoke out loud. ''Your grandparents are monsters, Arch. Mia Silverthorne is known as the Witch Of Terror. No wonder you're the way you are with them as relatives.''

''The Butcher of Moonshadow Grove and the Witch of Terror? What are you on about Lio? They are a sweet old couple who dote on each other like teenagers.'' Archer spoke in a defensive tone.

All five girls directed their attention to the lions, who began getting nervous before explaining. "They are widely well-known across Pluoria and beyond, my friend. I'm certainly not bad mouthing them; in fact, I hold your grandfather in high esteem. He is truly a great man. He saved my Father and Mother with no need to."

Archer smiled when he heard his friend's explanation and wanted to know more. ''Tell me about them? I want to know anything.''

''I can do you one better. I have a mana recorder of a famous historian telling an old story of how your grandfather burned an entire kingdom just because they hurt Mia. It's a good story, Arch. You need to hear it.''

Lioran took a crystal from his storage ring and handed it to him. ''This is very old and rare. There aren't many left. So if you could return it tomorrow, I'd appreciate it.''

''You collect these?'' Archer spoke as he examined the little crystal he took from the lion boy.

The lion boy nodded. ''Yes. They are stories from our past and keep the heroes of old alive so future generations can witness their feats. For example, Mia got the nickname The Witch Of Terror because a king kidnapped her mother, and she terrorized a whole until they submitted to her.''

Archer started laughing as it matched his grandmother's personality and decided to watch the crystal later when he was relaxing. After that, the girls started talking among themselves 01:32

while Lioran went to the toilet.

While sitting there, Aeris approached the table, holding a food tray. He stopped in front of him and asked politely. ''Hey Arch! Can I sit with you, please?''

He looked up to see glowing red eyes staring at him. The girls went quiet and narrowed their eyes at the black-haired boy. Archer smiled before nodding. ''Yes, Aeris. Take a seat.''

Archer shifted to make space for Aeris, who took a seat, and when he did, he introduced the boy. ''Everyone, this is Aeris. I met him yesterday while I was wandering around the ship.''

As the black-haired boy settled into the seat, Nala couldn't help but blurt out, ''You know, Aeris, you kinda look like a girl.''

Aeris raised an eyebrow before answering. ''What? No way!''

Laughter erupted around the table. Teuila, Halime, and Ella couldn't contain their amusement. Even Lioran, who had just returned from the toilet, joined in on the laughter.

''Come on, Nala, give the guy a break,'' Archer teased, trying to ease the situation.

Nala, however, wasn't convinced. She squinted at Aeris, studying him as if trying to uncover some hidden truth. ''I'm not so sure about that. We might need a second opinion.''

The lion girl turned to Nalika and Leonora. ''You two. Tell me your opinion.''

When the twins heard Nala, they bowed and spoke in unison. ''Yes, princess.''

Leonora was the one to speak. ''Yes, he does look like a girl. He has feminine features, but that isn't unusual nowadays. Even in The Lionheart Kingdom, there are men like this.''

Archer started chuckling but noticed the uncomfortable look on Aeris face and changed the subject. ''How long until we arrive at your kingdom, Llyniel?''

The wood elf came two after zoning out and answered. ''About a week, Arch. A storm is hitting the kingdom right now. The mana ships had to fly around the Eastern coast.''

''Are there normally storms over Oakheart?'' He inquired.

''Yes. In Frostwinter, they are really bad and cut off most of the roads into the kingdom. But the mother has been working on it and has kept most open this year.''

Archer smiled at her explanation. After that, Lioran and the two lion girls said they would attend a training session that Professor Grayleaf had organized.''

As he spoke, Teuila said, "Yes, Sera, Talila, Nala, and I are taking it too. The other girls are attending the Battle Magic Class taught by Professor Silvercrest."

''Whose going there?'' Archer asked the blue-haired girl.

''Nefertiti, Hemera, Ella, Llyniel, Halime and Leira.''

''So all of you then.'' He responded in an amused voice.

Teuila nodded. ''Yes. We want to train for the tournament. We're not overpowered like you.''

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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