A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 539 The New Form

Chapter 539 The New Form

Archer lifted her onto his lap, positioning her to face him, which she easily did because she was petite, standing at a mere five feet tall, which he found adorable.

Llyniel leaned against him as their tongues engaged in a playful struggle, but she eventually yielded to the kiss.

Taking control, Archer bit the elf's lip, eliciting a surprised yelp from her. However, he knew well that she enjoyed it.

They continued their passionate kiss, losing themselves in the moment. The intensity grew until they finally separated, both breathless but wearing satisfied smiles.

He leaned back while looking at her face, now tinged with a deep shade of crimson.

Nevertheless, her smile persisted, mirroring the joy that enveloped her. Archer, likewise, found himself pleased with their kiss.

Llyniel was about to lean in for another kiss when Nala screamed, interrupting their romantic moment. ''Archie! I finally got the tattoo!''

He looked over to see an excited lion girl rushing over to them. When Nala arrived, she lifted her shirt to show him.

The wood elf turned and noticed a white dragon tattoo adorning the lioness's lower stomach just above her leather belt.

With a hint of jealousy, Llyniel turned to him and whispered pleadingly, "My love. When can I get my tattoo?"

In response, he flashed her a charming smile and quipped, "Do you want it now, my little elf?"

Llyniel nodded, and when Archer saw this, he smiled before turning to Nala, who was still looking at the tattoo with a happy grin.

Archer asked while giving the lioness a charming smile. ''Nala, do you mind keeping watch while I'll pamper Llyn? She's feeling left out and wants her tattoo already.''

His question caused Nala to short-circuit when she saw his smile, and Archer could have sworn there were love hearts in her eyes.

After that, he turned his attention to Llyniel, whose ears turned bright red, eliciting a chuckle from Archer. He leaned forward and bit her ear, prompting a surprised moan from the elf.

She quickly clamped her hand over her mouth, cheeks burning with embarrassment when she heard his comment.

In the meantime, Nala approached them and whispered in the elf's ear, "Our husband is about to make love to you, and you'll enjoy every moment. I can still feel the intense lovemaking and his seed that filled me up."

After doing that, the cheeky lioness walked over and sat down while watching them with a lewd look.

Llyniel was completely red and buried her head into his chest, which caused Archer to smile and play with her brown locks.

Closing in, his voice filled with tenderness. "If you're uncomfortable with it, Llyn, we can always wait. I won't be upset."

When the wood elf heard this, she smiled before answering in a whisper. ''Can we wait a little while, please? I don't want to rush anything.''

After her words, Archer gently took hold of her chin, lifted her head, and softly kissed her delicate pink lips.

Llyniel melted into the kiss, reciprocating the passion until they reluctantly parted for a breath.

However, Nala's playful complaint interrupted their brief moment of intimacy. "Archie! You must claim her, ravish her, and reveal to wonders of pleasure."

The embarrassed elf turned towards Nala, causing Archer to burst into laughter. He then shifted his violet eyes to the lioness.

Nala was getting very excited and eagerly awaited what was to come. With a mischievous grin, Archer turned back to Llyniel and suggested, "You might want to cover your ears if you don't want to hear what's about to happen."

Upon hearing his words, she nodded and kissed his cheek before rising to her feet. Following suit, Archer stood up and nonchalantly removed his shirt.

The gaze of both girls fixated on him, captivated by the unexpected display. Llyniel's eyes widened when he revealed his well-defined and muscular physique.

Excitement surged through her, and she couldn't help but stare. She was completely captivated by the sight before her.

The play of muscles under his skin hinted at strength and grace, and the flickering firelight highlighted every contour.

A subtle blush crept onto her cheeks as she marveled at the alluring display, her heart racing with a newfound anticipation.

Nala's eyes trailed over Archer's exposed upper half, and an anticipatory gleam sparkled in her blue eyes.

She couldn't resist licking her lips in excitement, and Nala felt a growing arousal, her desire evident as her body responded, causing her to become increasingly wet while watching him.

Archer approached her, but as he got closer, his Aura Detector warned him of an incoming ping different from the others.

That's when his keen senses suddenly picked up an unpleasant odor. His nose twitched at the unmistakable stench of rotten flesh wafting through the air.

'Damn being a dragon with senses like this. I can smell everything.' He complained to himself but soon got over the smell and looked down the tunnel.

When Archer did that, he saw something large rushing toward them. He quickly warned the two. ''Something's coming, girls. You two get behind me.''

Nala stood up with a frown, adjusting her clothes before drawing her sword and standing behind Archer.

Meanwhile, Llyniel positioned herself behind them, prepared to provide cover. When Archer saw this, he grinned and prepared for whatever was coming.

The trio stood at the entrance of the tunnel they needed to travel. As they gazed ahead, a sudden rumbling echoed through the passageway.

Archer summoned his claws and wings while his tail swayed behind him. However, the ground shook violently, and a massive force smashed through the protective barrier.

When the three saw this, their eyes widened in shock as they saw a grotesque sight – a mutated beast resembling a rhino, twisted and monstrous in form.

Its appearance sent a chill down their spines, a nightmarish beast that defied the natural order of life.

Its misshapen features and snarling left them shocked as it emerged from the darkness, but Archer looked around their chamber.

When he saw it was massive enough, he turned to the two girls and cast Cosmic Shield around them before speaking. ''Run to the other end now.''

They nodded and rushed off as the shield wrapped around them. He smiled when they were far enough away.

Archer turned back to the beast, who was getting ready to charge at them again, but he whispered. ''Draco.''

A bright light shone from his body as he started to change; his muscles rippled beneath his skin, and a shimmering light enveloped his entire being.

The air crackled with magic as Archer's form expanded, breaking the confines of his human limitations. Llyniel and Nala watched in awe as he underwent a breathtaking transformation.

Archer grew in size and stature, his body elongating until he towered over them and the rhino-like beast.

Magnificent white scales adorned his now colossal form. Wings unfurled from his back, their sheer span almost brushing against the chamber walls.

The air stirred with the power as his tail extended behind him, swaying gracefully. The room, designed for much smaller beings, suddenly felt cramped as Archer's dragon form appeared.

Archer looked down at the rhino beast, stepping back with fear in its eyes. He quickly ate it in one bite.

The two girls heard bones crunching as he ate the threat without a fight, and it felt so anti-climatic that they just stared at him.

Swallowing the rhino-like beast whole, Archer retrieved the numerous hearts he had gathered in his Item Box, which totaled just under a thousand.

He allowed the hearts to cascade into his open maw. He consumed them individually and felt the experience flow into his body.

Once that was over, he returned to his humanoid form and stretched his body but soon noticed a horde of ghouls rushing up the tunnel.

A brilliant idea ignited as Archer confronted the approaching ghouls, compelling him to experiment with a spell he hadn't often employed.

"My lovelies. Don't look away because you're in for a show." He spoke with a mischievous grin.

Without wasting any more time, he cast Shadow Shroud, and the area got dark, causing the ghouls to halt their charge.

The shadows twisted and danced as Archer transformed. His body stretched until he was much taller than he previously was.

He stood ten feet tall, and his handsome features vanished and were replaced with a void of blackness.

Archer's eyes emitted a violet light akin to twin stars in his gaze, and his teeth transformed into long, sharp, and monstrous.

His once-human form elongated into a creepy, shadowy monster, standing tall and imposing, shocking the two girls.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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