A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 528 Terravians

Chapter 528 Terravians

Without pausing, he cast Blink, appearing behind each Nyxian and swiftly ending them with his tail.

That's when Archer got a good look at the thing, and it was another humanoid with dark grey skin and black eyes, so he used Analyze to find out more.

[Name: ----]

[Race: Terravian]

[Rank: High Mage]

[Level: 336]

'Terravian? What is that?' He pondered silently, his grip firm on the humanoid.

Archer noticed the thing was smaller than him, but he stopped examining it because he got all the information he needed and cast Soul Sunder on it.

Upon casting his spell on the Cosmarian, a piercing scream echoed through the air as Archer devoured his soul to extract any information it held.

Once he did that, he threw the body at a group of creatures. But he didn't stop there; he continuously cast Blink, appeared behind each Nyxian, and ended them using his tail.

Archer's strong yet slender tail pierced their hearts while his claws slashed at the nearest creatures who couldn't react in time.

He fought for a while, and before long, every Nyxian lay dead on the chamber floor. Archer looked around and made his way over to Llyniel.

When he arrived next to the wood elf, he cast Aurora Healing on her and ensured she was okay.

Having examined Llyniel first, he proceeded to Nala, who lay unconscious. Swiftly cutting her restraints, he cradled her form and invoked Aurora Healing to mend her wounds.

Having done that, Archer lifted both unconscious girls and gently put them over his shoulders before attempting to open a portal to the domain.

To his surprise, it remained sealed. Undeterred, he invoked Gate, yet the portal stubbornly refused to open.

It was at this juncture that Zahara's voice broke the silence. "Teleportation is blocked in this place, master. I can sense it."

Archer glanced at the little white snake and gently stroked it before carefully placing the two girls on the table.

As he settled into a seat, he needed to unravel all the new memories he had gained. Once Archer was comfortable, he started to shift through them.

His eyes widened in realization as he delved into them, discovering the vast network of tunnels that sprawled beneath.

The memories appeared before him, revealing the details of the labyrinthine tunnels that harbored hundreds of cities, towns, and villages, all concealed in the subterranean depths.

Arching an eyebrow, he cast aside the useless memories, focusing on the crucial information: there were exits from this Swarm tunnel network.

However, the previous owners of these memories seemed to confine themselves to the section he found him in, never venturing beyond its boundaries.

He rose from his seat before gently lifting the two girls again and went to the tunnel entrance on the opposite side of the chamber.

Archer navigated the labyrinthine tunnels effortlessly, the weight of the two girls not affecting him.

The passageways stretched ahead, unveiling cold, unyielding stone walls and floors. Archer carried the two girls through the tunnels, his footsteps echoing in the quiet.

Like someone running, strange sounds added an eerie note to the stillness. The dim light around Archer cast moving shadows, giving the tunnels an otherworldly feel.

As he walked, the stone walls and floors blended, creating a continuous and seemingly endless path of corridors.

The air in the tunnels was still, and an eerie quietness enveloped them. Archer felt a sense of isolation, heightened by the barrenness of the surroundings.

He wondered about the mysteries that lay beyond the stone walls, hidden in the depths of this subterranean realm.

With each step, the journey became a silent exploration, the monotony broken only by the soft echoes of his footsteps.

The girls remained unconscious in his arms, oblivious to the surreal landscape surrounding them.

As he continued through the twisting tunnels, he suddenly entered a chamber that struck him as entirely different.

Archer proceeded through the labyrinthine tunnels until he entered an empty. The cold stone walls framed a space devoid of anything apart from a mysterious pool of dark water.

The air in the chamber seemed to grow heavier, and an uneasy feeling settled over Archer as he took in the scene.

The pool reflected no light, casting an unsettling darkness that seemed to absorb everything around it.

Archer couldn't see what lay beneath the surface, which creeped him out. A sense of caution gripped him as he observed the silent chamber.

The empty chamber and the creepy pool gave Archer the chills. He paused, thinking about the dark water, unsure if there was something more to the chamber.

With caution, he moved on, leaving the water behind, but as he approached another tunnel, a splash was heard, which caused him to stop walking.

Archer turned around and saw a puddle of water close to the edge. He didn't want to go over there due to carrying the two unconscious girls.

But in no time, he heard one of them groaning, causing him to jump out of his scales. To his relief (and a bit of embarrassment), he realized it was just Nala waking up.

He put the lion girl down while the Zahara hissed, which caused him to cast a Cosmic Shield that circled him and Nala instantly.

A creepy creature slammed against the shield, resembling a Siren at first glance, according to Archer.

But its graceful features turned creepy, and a spooky vibe surrounded it. Its scales, once lively and shiny, now looked sickly.

Its eyes glowed strangely, lacking the usual charm of sirens. Instead of their typical melodious songs, a creepy hum came from the creature.

Archer was surprised by the disturbing change in the creatures. It was obvious they had turned dark and twisted.

The realization gave him chills as he dealt with the unsettling sight. As the corrupted Siren noticed Archer, its evil gaze fixated on him.

Instead of the expected enchanting melodies, it made a low, guttural sound, adding an unexpected layer of creepiness to the encounter.

That's when more twisted figures emerged from the water, their forms resembling those of Sirens but warped into something dark and evil.

The eerie creatures surrounded him, their presence sending a shiver down his spine. Just waking up, Nala let out a startled yelp as she caught sight of the twisted sirens.

The creatures, once enchanting, now felt creepy, their appearance clashing with their former beauty. As the creatures surrounded Archer, he got uneasy.

A weird hum filled the air, and the distorted sirens glowed eerily in the dim tunnels. Nala turned her eyes toward him, a sense of relief in her voice. "Archie! What's happening?"

Archer nodded, his gaze fixed on the circling sirens before speaking. "Well, I was walking down a tunnel and caught your scent. When I got to the room, a weird humanoid was preparing an experiment. I took care of him, grabbed you two, and now we are in this situation."

The lion girl nodded and rose, dusting off the dirt. Archer, in response, began casting Element Bolts, harnessing the power of fire and light.

Radiant red and white bolts materialized around him. With a big smile, he directed the bolts toward the Sirens, sending them flying with precision.

Archer's fire and light bolts soared forward with blazing speed, colliding with the twisted Sirens, causing them to let out horrifying screeches.

An intense burst of heat enveloped the creatures upon impact, and radiant flames consumed them instantly.

The once-horrifying figures were reduced to ashes, dissolving into the air. The air crackled as Archer's spell turned the threat into nothing more than ash.

Afterward, he dropped the shield, went to Nala, and hugged her. She returned the gesture, careful of Llyniel, who was still unconscious.

The two separated and used Aura Detector, which didn't find anything. Archer cast Mana Manipulation to craft a bed and chairs for them.

Once that was done, he laid Llyniel down before taking a seat. He pulled some meat wraps from his item box and handed a couple to Nala, who happily took them.

The two started eating while sitting in the creepy chamber. While they were doing that, he stood up and walked over to the water's edge.

Archer focused on the water, and what he saw shocked him again. The dim glow of the underwater realm revealed a mesmerizing sight: countless sea beasts.

Watching from the surface, Archer marveled at the aquatic beasts. Their colorful scales shimmered, creating a mesmerizing show in the water.

His fascination soon turned into a desire to collect them. Each one's distinct features ignited his curiosity and collector's instincts.

The idea of gathering these creatures and placing them in a sea he would create in the domain.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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