A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 506 The Nile Lounge

Chapter 506 The Nile Lounge

She nodded before storing it away in her ring before asking. ''How will you collect it? Will you send people?''

Archer shook his head. ''I'll take it now, like I said. Can I start storing stuff now?''

The woman nodded as she led them to one shelf full of glass jars with all the different ingredients inside.

He watched intently as Hecate approached the shelf, and her fingers danced along the jars. With a soft smile, she told him about the ingredients in each one.

She gestured to a jar with twisted roots bathed in a faint, beautiful blue glow. "Here, My Love, we have Mandrake Root. Known for its magical properties, it's common in many potions. It's one of the best for extending a potion's shelf life."

Moving down the line, she pointed to the next jar. "Dragon's Breath Fern,"

Hecate explained as she pointed at a vibrant green fern that seemed to flicker with an inner flame. "When its crushed, it causes a magical flame-like substance, perfect for alchemical fire."

Her fingers gracefully moved to the following few jars in quick succession. "Phoenix Feather, Starlight Crystals, Basilisk Eye."

She spoke to herself while examining the ingredients. "Phoenix Feather increases the power of a spell, Starlight Crystals absorb celestial energy, and Basilisk Eye can petrify, though we must be careful when we use it."

Hecate reached for the next jar, containing a delicate substance.

"Phoenix Ash," she continued her voice in a reverent tone. "Ashes from a phoenix, revered for their purifying and rejuvenating qualities. Quite rare and precious."

Archer nodded, absorbing the knowledge. "Fascinating. These ingredients hold incredible properties. No wonder your potions are so effective, my moon witch."

Once Hecate stopped looking at the stuff, he stored it all in his Item box and everything else the shopkeeper pointed at.

After that, the two left the shop, and the moon elf asked excitedly. ''Can we head back to the shop, please? I got to tell Eione about this.''

Archer smiled as he replied. ''Of course.''

He quickly cast Gate back to Starfall City and stepped through while grabbing her hand, which caught her by surprise.

When the two reappeared on the other side, the shop was quiet, and Eione sat at the counter while Stella read.

Archer walked over to the dog girl and ruffled her hair, causing her to look up. When she did, a big smile appeared on her face.

Stella lunged forward and hugged him. He chuckled before returning the hug with one of his own.

After that, he put her down and spoke. ''Stella, you need to help Hecate and Eione. She has a lot of ingredients that need to be turned into potions. I'll store them in her lab, and when you return, the three of you can start.''

The little girl nodded with a massive smile before Hecate walked up and commented with a smile. ''Arch. I will start preparing everything here before returning to the domain.''

After sharing a tender kiss with Hecate, once they separated, he whispered into her ear that they would meet again tomorrow night.

He returned to the domain and appeared in the living room. Ella, Teuila, Talila, and Nala were seated around the crackling fire, engaged in animated conversation.

When Archer saw this, a smile appeared on his face as the four girls turned to him when he made a noise.

With her distinctive dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes, Nala was the first to notice him. She excitedly jumped up and rushed over with a big smile.

"Archer!" she cried, her voice filled with enthusiasm and fondness.

Without hesitation, the lion girl rushed at him and leaped into his arms, which caused Archer and the other girls to laugh.

Nala kissed him before jumping off him, while the others greeted him with kisses before they returned to their seats.

Archer asked where the others were and was told they were all doing their own thing. That's when Talila asked. ''Husband. Are you looking forward to the Arcane Tournament?''

He looked at the mixed elf with a charming smile and answered. ''Yes. I can't wait to fight and show the continent I'm the strongest.''

She smiled as Teuila asked with a curious voice. ''Who're you taking on a date tomorrow?''

''Llyniel and Hemera. You and Sera's date is in three days.'' Archer answered honestly.

Teuila smiled as the five chatted briefly until he remembered he had to take Nefertiti out.

That's when he closed his eyes to scan the treehouse to find the pink-haired girl and soon found her in the library.

Archer wondered why she was there and teleported there. When he reappeared, he spotted Nefertiti seated by a window, engrossed in a book.

Draped in a white winter dress gracefully descended to her shins, she sported boots reminiscent of Hecate's.

Her wild pink hair was tied into a ponytail, yet loose strands cascaded over her face, making her look extremely beautiful.

Archer couldn't help but notice the radiant glow from her light brown skin. Noticing the subtle sway of her slim succubus tail, which gracefully moved from side to side.

He cast Blink to appear behind her. When he was there, he started massaging her shoulders. His sudden action caused Nefertiti to scream.

When she realized it was him, she calmed down, letting out a relaxed sigh. She stopped reading and slumped back in the chair.

But that's when Archer spoke, bringing her back to reality. ''Do you still want to go on our date, Nefi?''

A big smile appeared when she heard his question, and she jumped up before lunging at him.

Nefertiti wrapped her arms around him and started kissing him. When the two separated, the pink-haired girl nodded in agreement.

Once Archer saw that, he wrapped a cloak around her before casting Gate to Alexandria City in the Zenia Empire down south.

When the couple stepped through the portal, they saw that they were in an alleyway close to the city square.

Nefertiti turned to him excitedly as she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the street. They were walking, and Archer grew curious, so he asked. ''Where are we going, Nefi?''

Nefertiti gazed at him, her eyes filled with affection, and answered in her exotic accent, "The Nile Lounge. According to my sisters and cousins, it's the most enchanting spot in the city for lovers."

Archer nodded as she seized his hand, and together, they made their way across Alexandria City, which reminded him of Egypt.

They walked through vibrant marketplaces and lively squares lit by mana torches everywhere.

He couldn't help but be entranced by the sights and sounds of the city. Archer admitted that he loved seeing different places and hated staying in one place.

Eventually, they came to a grand sandstone building decorated with detailed carvings of different Zenian gods.

It was a stunning picture of divine beauty. With their eternal gaze, the gods seemed to bless the place with an otherworldly charm.

Nefertiti paused before the entrance, her eyes alight with anticipation. "Here we are, Archer. The Nile Lounge."

The massive doors swung open, revealing an interior bathed in a warm, golden glow. The air was thick with the fragrance of exotic spices and the soft murmur of conversation.

Archer marveled at the wealth surrounding them – from plush cushions arranged around low tables to the rich decorations depicting scenes from ancient legends.

The ceiling, adorned with detailed patterns reminiscent of the stars, added a celestial touch to the place.

Nefertiti led Archer to a secluded table, where a low table awaited them. Soft cushions invited them to settle in.

The flickering light of candles cast a glow, creating a peaceful space within the Nile Lounge.

Nefertiti's eyes met Archer's once more as they sat down. The Nile Lounge's magical ambiance seemed to amplify the depth of their feelings.

With a soft smile, Nefertiti spoke, her words carrying the weight of a promise fulfilled. "I'm glad we're here together, Archer. Tonight is special."

He nodded and leaned over to kiss the succubus, who was happy to return it with one of her own.

As they did, a waitress walked over and spoke with a respectful smile. ''Princess Nefertiti. It's an honor to serve you and your fiancee tonight. You picked a good time to come in as we also have music to go with dinner.''

Nefertiti nodded her head and gave the woman their order. ''Bring me two of everything. My darling has a big appetite.''

The waitress wrote something down and bowed to the two before rushing off to prepare their food.

After that, the two started chatting as more people entered the lounge and got busy, but it didn't bother them.

[If there are any mistakes, point them out, and I'll edit it. Thanks]

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