A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 481 The Fall Of Riverbend City

Chapter 481 The Fall Of Riverbend City

That's when the Professor spoke. ''Well, students, this story is familiar to the Doom of Frostholm, but how the city fell was much different.''

The class fell silent as Professor Drakebane prepared to recount a grim tale.

His eyes bore the weight of a haunting memory as he began to speak. "Today, class, we delve into a tragedy that has left a mark on the pages of history, the Fall of Riverbend City that happened nearly one hundred years ago.''

With a wave of his hand, he cast a spell that showed the image of a city once pulsating with life.

Archer witnessed many ships arriving in the city to trade and a lively city full of life. There were mothers with their children shopping in the markets.

Merchants were selling their wares on the street, and a group of men constructed a new building by the docks.

Streets lined with shops and boutiques beckoned people to enter with their displays of wares and promises of deals.

Canopies of blossoming flowers adorned ornate balconies that overlooked the busy thoroughfares.

A network of bridges arched gracefully over winding canals. A magnificent plaza in the city's heart unfolded, a convergence of culture and prosperity.

The air was fragrant with the aromas of exotic cuisines emanating from bustling open-air markets.

Street performers captivated onlookers with their talents, and children's laughter echoed from a meticulously landscaped park.

But then the Professor effortlessly changed the scene, showing the student a haunting picture of the city's current state.

It now lay in ruins, a haunting echo of its former grandeur. Once gleaming symbols of prosperity.

Towering buildings were now charred black by the destruction. The air was thick with acrid smoke, casting a pall of despair over the decimated city.

Where once lively streets had thrived now lay debris and remnants of what was. Riverbends's once grand plaza, a hub of culture, was now desolate.

The bridges that once spanned over the canals now stood in various states of decay, depicted in the vivid image painted by the Professor.

Archer observed the crumbling structures and noticed broken, abandoned ships drifting aimlessly through the stagnant waters.

The haunting scene invoked memories of the tales surrounding the Doom of Frostholm and the unsettling details he had read about before.

But that's when he saw something that shocked him. Amidst the ruined city, everyone saw humanoid creatures, grotesque and malevolent, roaming with a purpose.

Their skin, as dark as the charred remnants of the city, seemed to absorb what little light remained.

Sinister red, lifeless eyes gleamed with a malevolence that betrayed any semblance of humanity.

These abominable entities moved around the city, hunting down citizens who cowered in their homes and forts.

Harrowing cries of terror echoed through the streets as the creatures captured their prey, dragging them away.

The city, once a beacon of wealth on the eastern side of Avidia, now lay in the grip of a nightmare.

A place where dreams had turned to ashes and the pursuit of wealth had given way to the cruel whims of unknown creatures.

That's when the Professor flicked his hand, and the image vanished, but he continued speaking.

"The city, situated along the banks of the Wildfire River, which was once a source of life and prosperity for the people, but the waters turned into its doom.''

Professor Drakebane's gaze bore into each student, holding them captive with the intensity of his narrative.

"From the depths of the River emerged horrifying humanoid creatures, their origin shrouded in mystery. They swarmed the city, relentless in their savagery."

A collective shiver ran through the room as Professor Drakebane continued, "These creatures, the so-called 'Dwellers of the Abyss,' carried out a nightmarish campaign. Citizens, young and old, were seized by them, their desperate screams echoing as they were dragged back into the dark waters."

He paused, allowing the weight of the tale to settle upon the students. The air in the room grew heavy as he spoke of the invaders making the city their home, ensnaring anyone foolhardy enough to enter.

"And so," Drakebane concluded, his voice tinged with solemnity, "Riverbend City became a forsaken place. The Dwellers of the Abyss guard their newfound home, trapping anyone who ventures too close, their dark waters concealing the horrors beneath."

As the professor wrapped up his spine-chilling tale, a heavy silence settled over the room, leaving the students gripped by a mix of dread and fascination for the ominous story they had just heard.

Yet, Archer's curiosity caused him to ask, "Have any of the kingdoms or empires on Avidia attempted to reclaim the city?"

The older man solemnly shook his head before responding, "Numerous attempts have been made, but none have succeeded. A handful of adventurers did manage to return once, but their accounts were filled with tales of nightmarish scenes and grotesque creatures."

"Interesting," Archer spoke to himself, mentally noting down the idea of visiting the city when he eventually ventured south.

The redheaded girl, Zarina, overheard him and chuckled, capturing Archer's attention. He turned to her quizzically, asking, "What's so funny?"

Setting her book aside, she responded, "I can see you're eager to visit such a place, but it's perilous. Even Demi-Gods shy away; one met their end there about ten years ago."

Acknowledging her warning with a nod, Archer shifted his focus to the professor, who had returned to his desk and gathered a stack of papers.

The Professor cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the hushed room.?With an air of anticipation, he spoke.

"Now, students, legends, and mysteries have some truth to them, but today, I propose a project that will test your research skills and delve into the heart of some that have left their mark on history."

He paced in front of the class, the boards creaking beneath his weight. "Each of you will choose a well-known legend or mystery, whether it be the disappearance of the Solar Knight Legion, the mythical jungle city of Azura, or the unsolved riddles of the mist-covered lost cities. You must sift through facts and present what you have done in the next class."

Students buzzed with excitement as they exchanged glances and thought about their choices.

The Professor continued, "Choose wisely as the journey of discovery begins now."

With that, he walked around the class while handing out a guide for the project. Archer saw Zarina with an excited look on her face.

She saw his reaction and spoke. ''I love legends and figuring out old mysteries. My family are treasure hunters, so this class helps.''

He was about to reply, but the Professor interrupted when the older man stood before the class with a gentle smile, his eyes reflecting wisdom and enthusiasm.

Everyone went quiet in anticipation as he began to share something. "Education is not just about gaining knowledge; it's about finding your passions, the spark that ignites your curiosity."

He paced the front of the room before continuing. "That's why I give myself student projects around topics I am passionate about. Whether it's the mysteries of lost civilizations or uncovering the secrets hidden within legends, I believe it can be infectious."

Pausing, he made eye contact with each student, his gaze sincere. "My hope is that through these class projects, you don't just learn facts and figures, but you uncover your own passions."

The professor's eyes twinkled with genuine warmth. "In understanding what captivates you, you embark on a journey of self-discovery. It's not just about completing assignments; it's about finding what makes your soul come alive. Because, my dear students, a life spent pursuing your passions is a life well-lived."

As he concluded, the room filled with the students speaking among themselves after realizing that education under this professor would be fun.

Archer liked the sound of it because he could find treasures thanks to them. But as he examined the room, he saw the sadness in the Professor's eyes.

He wondered why the older man was sad, then remembered that his sister was still in Frostholm or the surrounding area, but thought she was gone.

Tiamat told him she was still alive, but it wasn't time to meet, so he wouldn't tell the Professor because he knew the man would rush north.

But the man shook his head and continued with the class for another hour, talking about the Riverbend incident and informing the students about everything he knew.

While he did this, Archer looked around the room and saw a lot of bookshelves full to the brim with old tomes and battered books.

There were maps on the walls showing faraway lands he had never seen, but was interrupted by the bell which announced the end of the day.

He stood up while saying bye to Zarina as he made his way out of the room and looked for Ella to take her out.

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