A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 467 Greatsword

Chapter 467 Greatsword

Intrigued by their mood, Archer couldn't help but wonder about their connection to the chaotic events.

His thinking ceased when the duo reached him, their smiles unwavering. They bowed before him without hesitation, and Archer was caught off guard.

The cat woman was the first to speak with a smile. ''White Dragon. Thank you for rescuing us. Our caravan was ambushed as we approached Mistwood Town.

He inclined his head toward the woman, who continued speaking, "I am Selene Orion, and this is my husband, Aricen. We are traders who traverse the Crownlands."

Archer smiled, observing the couple. The woman, with brown hair and blue eyes, stood with twitching cat ears.

The man, a seemingly ordinary human with black hair and brown eyes, stood about six feet tall.

After scrutinizing them momentarily, Archer inquired, "I'm Archer. How did you come to know I'm a White Dragon?"

Aricen replied, "We've read books, My Lord. Both of us have delved into the legends and stories about them."

That's when Selene spoke up, "How can we not know? You have beautiful white wings, scales, claws, and a gorgeous tail."

Archer looked at the woman, who continued talking with a big smile. "You look exactly how the books tell. It said a man with snow-white hair and glowing violet eyes is the White Dragon."

He nodded to the woman and kept speaking as more people approached him.

Amidst the conversation, Archer's Aura Detector began buzzing with activity, signaling numerous pings converging on his location.

While surveying the gathering around him, Archer cautioned, "Gather up now. Beasts are approaching."

The urgency in his voice prompted swift action from the couple, who quickly corralled everyone in response.

In a surprising move that shocked both the onlookers and the couple, Archer conjured a Cosmic Shield around the group, creating a protective barrier.

With a heightened sense of awareness, Archer then summoned his Greatsword, a weapon he had recently acquired but momentarily forgotten due to the unfolding events.

It dawned on him that he had received a notification earlier about mastering the Greatsword but had yet to explore its potential.

[Greatsword Mastery Learned]

After looking at the new skill he just learned, Archer smiled before hearing something in the nearby forest and looked over.

At that moment, he became aware of something unsettling—just beyond the tree line, dozens of gleaming eyes stared back at him, reflecting the moon's silvery light.

That's when a beast Archer never expected to see: Werewolves. They emerged, their fur bristling and low growls filling the night air.

His smile widened, a fierce glint in his eyes. Sensing the impending battle, the beasts snarled and advanced, closing the distance between them.

Archer squared his shoulders, his smile unwavering as the greatsword felt like an extension of himself as he moved with a grace that defied the weapon's size.

The first werewolf leaped, but he skillfully dodged, surprising given the Greatsword's large size.

With a swift, controlled motion, he swung his Greatsword, the blade cutting through the air with a low hum.

The beast fell, cleaved in half, its demise marked by a ghastly howl. The next werewolf, undeterred, leaped towards Archer.

He parried its attack and brought down the Greatsword in one fluid motion. Archer's blade cut through fur and sinew, separating the creature into two lifeless halves.

The moonlit clearing became a battlefield, the air filled with the clash of steel and the guttural sounds of the werewolves.

Archer moved with precision, each swing of his Greatsword a deadly dance. One after another, the werewolves fell, their bodies cleaved in half by the relentless force of his strikes.

[The Orion couple's POV]

Selene and Aricen stood transfixed on the outskirts of the moonlit clearing, their eyes widening as they watched Archer effortlessly dispatch the werewolves.

The once-haunting howls, which had tormented their nights for days, were now answered with a swift and brutal response.

When the couple saw this, they were amazed as Archer moved with deadly grace, each swing of the Greatsword cutting through fur and flesh effortlessly.

It was as if he danced with death, the once-menacing werewolves falling like leaves in the wind.

The air resonated with the unsettling symphony of the battle – the clash of steel, the snarls of werewolves, and the occasional howl that marked another beast meeting its end.

They witnessed Archer's expression remain composed, almost detached, as if this dance was just another part of his existence.

When the last werewolf crumpled to the ground, the clearing fell silent. Selene and Aricen, still processing the surreal scene, watched as Archer flicked the blood from his sword.

The once-dreaded howls had been replaced by an eerie quiet, broken only by the rustling leaves and their hushed breaths.

Selene and Aricen couldn't shake the mix of shock and awe at that moment. They realized they had just witnessed Archer butcher the werewolves with chilling ease.

[Back to Archer]

Amidst the fallen werewolves, Archer stood and let out a heavy breath, his Greatsword stained with the remnants of the once-menacing creatures.

Turning towards Selene and Aricen, who regarded him with wide eyes and a sense of awe, Archer furrowed his brow in confusion.

Their gaze was not fear or dread but a look of reverence, as if they were witnessing an otherworldly being.

"What's wrong?" Archer asked, his voice cutting through the eerie silence that followed the brutal confrontation.

The couple shared a glance, their faces still etched with a mix of astonishment and admiration.

Without uttering a word, they continued to gaze at Archer, who, in response, shrugged and cast the Gate to Mistwood Town.

Before they stepped through the portal, Archer fixed his gaze on them. "Take this portal to Mistwood town and tell them the White Prince saved you."

Selene nodded, her smile a token of gratitude, bidding farewell as she stepped through the shimmering gateway.

Once all the people had departed, the Stone Men approached, dropping chests at Archer's feet.

His grin widened at the unexpected windfall. With so many chests scattered around, counting them became a trivial concern.

Nonchalantly, Archer stored them in his Item Box, deciding it was time to return to his domain.

However, as he made the transition, a realization struck him. He had meant to visit his new mother but forgot to as he enjoyed himself while bandit hunting.

A sigh escaped him before he stepped through the portal he had just opened. Entering the treehouse, the silence enveloped Archer, and he felt the chill in the air.

Archer walked over to the fireplace, crouching to breathe fire into it. The flames flickered to life, pushing back the biting cold that had settled in the room.

Making his way to the bedroom, he entered and undressed before slipping into bed. Despite his efforts, a lingering chill persisted.

He cast Mana Manipulation, conjuring a fireball he sent into the fireplace, causing the flames to roar.

In that warm ambiance, he summoned a surprised Talila and Teuila. Initially baffled, the two girl's expressions softened as they saw him.

Without hesitation, they crawled under the sheets, cuddling up to Archer. In the comforting warmth, the trio soon succumbed to sleep, the quiet crackle of the fireplace providing a lullaby in the peaceful night.

The treehouse stood silent in the night, Archer, Talila, and Teuila nestled comfortably under the blankets, oblivious to the weather's impending fury.

Outside, the air thickened with a growing tension, and clouds gathered ominously as thunder boomed.

As they slept soundly, a sudden shift in the atmosphere heralded the arrival of an unexpected tempest—a mana storm.

The tranquility of the Crownlands shattered as the storm unleashed its power. The wind howled through the trees, and the sky crackled with unstable magic.

The once-calm night transformed into a maelstrom of energy, with bolts of mana lightning illuminating the darkness.

Inside the treehouse, Archer stirred in his sleep, sensing the disturbance. Talila and Teuila, nestled beside him, shifted uncomfortably as the storm's chaos intensified.

Air crackled with the unpredictable forces of the mana storm, and the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and twist.

The treehouse creaked under the pressure, its structure tested by the raging magical tempest.

Despite the turmoil outside, Archer, Talila, and Teuila remained in a peaceful slumber, shielded by the warmth of the blankets and the embrace of dreams.

Unaware of the havoc in the Crownlands, they slept on a tranquil island amidst the storm's relentless assault.

Amid slumber, Archer was abruptly jolted awake by Sia's piercing scream. "Help, husband! The church are attacking us, and Father is injured. They're high-ranked, so be careful!"

Upon hearing the urgent plea, Archer sprang out of bed, swiftly dressing himself.

Without hesitation, he opened a portal to the Summerfield Duchy, guided by the location indicated on Sia's bracelet.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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