A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 451 Archie!

Chapter 451 Archie!

Meanwhile, Nala engaged in a graceful and agile combat display, deftly dismantling the remaining foes with her sword.

Her actions were precise and swift as she killed each bandit with a blend of finesse and determination.

Archer took out many using his sharp claws that tore through their cheap armor, causing them to drop to the ground lifeless.

The bandits found themselves wholly outmatched by her skill, unable to react as she systematically eliminated them one by one.

Archer and Nala maintained perfect teamwork as they worked together to eliminate the bandits.

Their surprise attack caught the bandits off guard, leaving them in stunned disbelief as the duo efficiently dispatched the entire group.

With the threat eliminated, Archer dismissed his claws and began scouring the camp for any valuable loot. Nala observed him with keen interest as he started his search.

[Nala's POV]

Nala was left wholly aback by the flawless coordination and harmonious teamwork between herself and Archer. Her deep admiration for him shone brilliantly in her blue eyes.

While looking at him, Nala's thoughts meandered back to the memories of the days she spent training with her grandmother, Malaika.

Sword training sessions in the palace's training yard became a regular event whenever Malaika paid a visit from the southern continent of Avidia.

She could vividly recall the soothing yet profound words her grandmother had shared during their sparring sessions.

"Remember, my dear Nala," Malaika had said with a tender smile, "when you meet your mate, you will know. It doesn't matter their race or origin. What's important is the connection you feel. Love is boundless, and it should never be forsaken."

A profound emotion welled up in Nala's heart as she reminisced about those cherished words from her grandmother.

They continued their training as the clinking of blades filled the air. Amid their practice, Nala's curiosity got the better of her, and she paused to ask, "Grandmother, how will I know if I've found my mate?"

Malaika halted their sparring momentarily, her eyes filled with a deep well of wisdom. She replied, "Sweet Nala when you find your mate, it will be like a song in your heart.

They traded blows again before Malaika continued speaking. ''Your souls will resonate with each other in a way that defies explanation. The bond you share will be unbreakable, transcending any differences and obstacles in your path."

Nala took her grandmother's words to heart, and she couldn't help but feel that everything the older woman described perfectly matched her emotions when she was with Archer.

She regained her senses and joined Archer in their quest to search for valuables.

[Back to Archer]

Archer found their stash, which was buried just outside the camp. He couldn't dig, so he summoned a dozen Stone Men.

He ordered them to pull out the treasure as he waited. Not even ten minutes later, they threw the chests at his feet.

As he opened them, his eyes gleamed at the sight of gold coins, precious gems, and various valuable treasures.

He quickly stored everything in his Item Box, and as he did so, Nala approached him with a beautiful smile.

At that moment, he took the opportunity to appreciate her untamed beauty. Nala's wild, long blonde hair framed her face, and her bright blue eyes sparkled with a captivating allure.

Nala's body exuded the essence of a warrior as her toned muscles coexisted harmoniously with her feminine grace.

Her shapely and decently sized boobs enhanced Nala's alluring and wild charm. But then Archer suddenly realized that the size of breasts in this world was massive compared to those back on Earth.

Nefertiti and Teuila's mothers had mammoth ones that defied all logic, and to top it off, even the succubus herself had bigger boobs than anyone on Earth.

Archer found himself briefly lost in thought, contemplating the possibility of having wives with boobs like Mele and Hatshepsut.

The thought got him excited as he would love to be smothered by massive mountains.

However, he soon refocused as Nala was watching him. He apologetically smiled and said, "I was just lost in my thoughts."

Archer then scooped Nala up, and they resumed their search for more bandits.

As they soared through the air, Nala couldn't help but inquire, "What were you thinking about Archie?''

He answered honestly. "I've always wondered why some women have such large breasts. It seems like it could be uncomfortable and even hurt their backs."

Nala shot him a bewildered glance, clearly taken aback by his question.

She laughed and said, "You know, thanks to mana seeping into us and strengthening everyone's body. Women who can't use it will experience challenges because of their size, but it's not something that happens among those with access to mana."

The lion girl giggled and added, "If you met my grandmother, you'd be surprised. Her chest is massive, yet she's a much better fighter than me, even with those proportions."

Archer smiled and joined in her laughter, nodding in agreement as they approached another bandit camp.

But this time, he didn't descend. He just cast Element Bolts made from thunder and sent them flying toward every bandit he could see.

The thunderbolts caused a chain reaction of explosions that reverberated throughout the camp. Explosions went off in every direction, sending shockwaves through the bandit ranks.

Smoke and debris filled the air as the bandits struggled to regain footing amidst the chaos and destruction.

Archer raised his hand with a grin and summoned a group of formidable Krutnik Warriors, their presence electrifying the atmosphere.

The Netherbeasts descended to the Earth with loud thuds, remarkable swiftness, and unrelenting ferocity.

They assaulted the remaining bandits, offering the shocked men no opportunity to respond.

Nala gazed in astonishment as Archer's beasts exhibited their formidable might and precision, swiftly incapacitating the remaining bandits with unwavering determination.

The lion girl's wide-eyed expression vividly conveyed her shock at the sudden arrival of the Krutnik Warriors and their resounding victory over the bandits. 

Once the battle had subsided and the sounds of conflict faded into the distance, Archer descended to the ground with Nala securely in his grasp.

As they touched the Earth, the Krutnik Warriors turned their attention towards Nala, their beady eyes fixating on her.

Startled, Nala let out a yelp when she felt their gaze upon her. Archer, recognizing her discomfort, raised his hand and addressed the Krutniks.

"This is my wife. Do not pose any threat to her, or I will kill every single one of you."

In response to his words, the Krutniks all bowed respectfully towards him before he dismissed them back to their domain.

Archer summoned the Stone Men again and commanded them to collect the spoils from the bandit camp.

As they carried out their task, he and Nala settled down, taking a moment of respite.

She turned to him with an admiring smile. "You fight like a wild beast, Archie! I love your fighting style. Who taught you?"

He chuckled and replied, "Teuila and Talila have been my primary instructors, but a lot of it comes down to instinct."

Nala nodded in understanding. Just as they finished, the Stone Men reappeared and placed the chests before him.

Archer promptly stored the loot after going through it to see an unknown amount of gold coins, and they continued their work until the morning sun graced the sky.

Upon witnessing the sunrise, Archer opened a Gate to the western entrance of Starfall City, and they stepped through, greeted by the bustling scene of merchants and students exiting the city.

Standing at the roadside, he sent messages to the girls, inquiring if they were prepared, and received affirmations from each of them.

He conjured a portal, and all nine girls emerged from it. Nefertiti and Talila, with their characteristic enthusiasm.

The two girls swiftly made their way to the front, eliciting eye-rolls from the others as they eagerly sought to give him the first kisses of greeting.

Their affectionate greetings were followed by the rest of the girls, who beamed at him before they all began to make their way to the college.

Archer and the girls chatted among themselves as they passed through the college gates. They were warmly welcomed by Lioran, along with his fiancées, Leonora and Nalika.

The lion boy and his women welcomed Archer and the girls with warm, friendly smiles. They exchanged pleasantries and engaged in light conversation.

Once the greetings were over, the group proceeded toward the Homeroom. The girls and Lioran's fiancées engaged in cheerful chatter, forming connections and sharing stories.

As they strolled, they came across Ciaran, who joined Archer and Lioran in playful banter.

Ciaran was talking about his fight with the Battle Witches, reminiscing about the event and how he managed to battle them to a stop.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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