A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 420 Potions

Chapter 420 Potions

Shiva nudged Sia before dashing off. Together, they stealthily approached the camp where they saw a motley assembly of humans, a mix of soldiers and bandits

Archer noticed the scene and flashed a grin at Sia. "My Lady, would you like to lead the way?''

Sia smiled as she unsheathed her gleaming sword, ready for battle. The blade seemed to pulse with anticipation as she firmly grasped it, her excitement painted across her face.

With a fierce battle cry, she charged into the heart of the camp. The bandits, taken by surprise, scrambled to react as her sword danced through the air with precision.

She moved with fluid grace, each calculated strike meant to kill her enemies swiftly, allowing her to transition seamlessly to the next target.

Her strikes were a whirlwind of steel, cutting off limbs and breaking her adversary's blades in quick succession.

Archer wasn't far behind, his power crackling in the air. He casy Element Bolts made of thunder that streaked through the camp, striking with deadly precision and lethal force.

The bandits hit by his spells crumpled to the ground in shocked silence, their chests pierced by gaping holes.

That's when Archer cast Crown of Stars and violet orbs started to hover around him. With a wave of his hand, he directed them towards the bandits.

Upon contact with the enemy's bodies, the orbs detonated, creating powerful explosions that not only sent bandits hurtling through the air but also shattered their defenses.

The combination of Sia's deadly swordplay and Archer's devastating magic turned the tide of the battle.

Bandits fell left and right, their attempts to regroup and counterattack thwarted by the relentless onslaught.

It was a dazzling exhibition of teamwork and power. As the dust settled, Archer observed that most of the bandits had met their demise.

The remaining few fled, but that's when Scar and Shiva sprang into action. The tigers swiftly dispatched the fleeing bandits while Sia approached Archer.

Sia drew near, she pulled him into a passionate kiss, their tongues engaged in a fervent dance. Archer eagerly reciprocated before they reluctantly parted.

"That was exhilarating. Let's continue the hunt, my husband!" Sia declared as she hurried over to Shiva.

He watched her gracefully mount the majestic tiger before summoning his Stone Men and instructing them to plunder everything valuable left behind.

In less than ten minutes Archer stored everything including the human hearts in his Item Box.

Once their plundering was complete, Archer mounted Scar, and they set off together, scouring the Summerfield Duchy to eliminate the bandits.

As the moon ascended high into the night sky, the couple found themselves atop a waterfall, overlooking a vast grassland.

They rested while sitting on their tigers. Sia turned to him and inquired, "So, Shiva can stay with me, right?"

He nodded affirmatively, replying, "Yes, she'll be your guardian from now on."

At that moment, Archer remembered the need to upgrade everyone's bracelets when he returned to the domain.

Turning his attention back to Sia, he asked in a curious voice, "What have you been up to since your return?"

Sia beamed at him, her response filled with determination. "I've been working on rebuilding the Dawnbreaker Legion. It suffered heavy losses during the war. Additionally, I've been lending a hand to my father and the emperor with the imperial army."

Archer nodded in acknowledgment and proceeded to cast Gate, opening a portal back to the Silverthrone Mansion.

 The two of them, still sitting on their tigers, stepped through the violet-colored portal. Once they were through Archer turned to Sia. "I'll be heading back to the domain while you finish your work here."

Before he could say any more, Sia embraced him tightly, her words whispered into his ear with affection. "I love you, husband. Thank you for everything."

Archer felt a rush of happiness at her words and returned the embrace, his voice filled with warmth, "I love you too Sia. I'm happy that I have someone like you in my life."

Sia's joy radiated as she lovingly stroked both Scar and Shiva. The two majestic beasts seemed to revel in her attention, purring loudly to express their appreciation.

Archer turned to the beasts, his tone serious but filled with affection. "You two are responsible for looking after her and ensuring she's safe from any potential kidnappings."

Addressing Scar directly, he continued, "I'm leaving you here because Shiva is your mate, and I won't separate you. When I need you, I'll summon you."

Scar nodded in understanding and nudged Archer affectionately, his purring indicating his contentment.

He walked over to Sia, catching her by the waist and playfully spinning her around, a warm smile on his face.

The unexpected gesture brought a joyful surprise to the smiling woman's face. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, a heartfelt farewell that spoke of their deep affection for each other.

Promising to see her more often and planning another date, Archer left Sia in high spirits as she fussed over the Nightmare Tigers.

Once their parting was complete, he turned and made his way back to the domain, the moon high in the night sky.

As Archer entered the domain, he found Ella, Hemera, Leira, and Sera cozily wrapped in thick blankets in the living room.

The comforting crackling of the fireplace filled the air, and the sweet scent of Frostfire Cocoa hinted at their delightful indulgence.

They all greeted him with warm smiles. Ella, in particular, jumped to her feet and offered, "Sit down, Arch. I'll get you some cocoa."

Archer accepted her kind offer and made his way to the fireplace. Breathing violet flames into it, he stoked the fire, dispelling the chill in the room.

Which earned him contented sighs from the girls. Sera playfully commented, "I love it when you use your flames. They're so hot."

Curious about the whereabouts of the others, Archer inquired, "Where are the others?"

Leira took it upon herself to answer, saying, "Hecate is in her lab, eagerly awaiting your return. Llyniel is tending to her garden, as usual, and the rest of them are resting after their meal."

With a cup of Frostfire Cocoa in hand, Archer settled into a comfortable spot and began sipping the warm, sweet drink.

The girls inquired about his time with Sia, and Archer eagerly recounted their bandit-hunting adventure and his visit to his grandparents.

Laughter filled the room as he regaled them with stories of his grandmother's teasing and how she wanted grandbabies.

They couldn't resist some playful teasing of their own, which earned a mock disapproving huff from Archer causing them to laugh even more.

The group engaged in conversation for a while, enjoying each other's company. Archer eventually rose from his seat and announced, "I'm going to spend some time with Hecate before turning in."

Archer made his way to Hecate's lab and gently rapped on the door. Without much delay, the door creaked open, revealing Hecate with a bright, welcoming smile.

"Come on in, my love," Hecate invited, her voice carrying a hint of weariness.

Archer entered the lab, immediately enveloped in the scent of various potions and their intricate ingredients.

The pungent aroma tickled his nose, provoking an unexpected sneeze that startled Eione, who was diligently working in the corner.

She let out a yelp and gave Archer a dirty look which caused him to laugh. He noticed the room was filled with various magical equipment, a testament to Hecate's expertise.

As they settled into the lab, Hecate's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, and she couldn't contain her excitement.

She began, "Arch, I've been working on something truly remarkable. I've successfully crafted three extraordinary Health, Mana, and Stamina potions that work much better then the normal ones on sale."

Archer's eyes widened with curiosity. "Really? That sounds amazing! How potent are they?"

Hecate's eyes gleamed with pride as she explained, "These potions are the best I've ever crafted. The Health potion can heal even the gravest of injuries, the Mana potion can restore your magical energy to its peak, and the Stamina potion will keep you going for extended periods. They're far superior to anything you'll find on the market."

Archer was thoroughly impressed. "That's incredible. You've outdone yourself. What do you plan to do with them?"

Hecate's smile turned mischievous as she replied, "I want to sell them to the citizens of Starfall City and earn our family coins. When we find the perfect place. They'll be a game-changer for adventurers and mages alike. I believe there's a real demand for high-quality, magical elixirs."

Archer nodded in agreement, "I think it's a fantastic idea. These potions could make a real difference in people's lives. Tomorrow I will send Leira to organize it with the emperor.''

Hecate's eyes shone with gratitude. "Thank you, Archer. Your support means the world to me. I'm excited about the possibilities these potions hold."

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