A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 394 Emotions

Chapter 394 Emotions

Raising her hand, she conjured a radiant orb, and Archer's heart quickened as he felt a magnetic pull drawing him toward the luminous sphere.

It felt like it was a part of him and wanted to return to its rightful place but Tiamat spoke. ''Have you ever wondered why you've gotten hurt so bad before? Or even poisoned?''

Archer looked at the woman as his eyes widened before he answered. ''With my status being overpowered I shouldn't get hurt but I have been. Especially with the random beasts, but I thought that was because of my stupidity not because I was missing something.''

When Tiamat heard this she smiled before answering. ''Your body is made up of mana just like everything else on Thrylos. But now that your mana heart has fully formed, your body will evolve and after this change only someone of the same rank or higher can hurt you.''

He looked at the woman with a raised eyebrow and asked. ''What do you mean to evolve? Didn't I already go through that?''

She went on to explain. ''Well, this orb is a fraction of your power that I hold, I had to pull it from you so you wouldn't explode. By the time you wake up your body will be different.''

Archer's eyes widened before asking. ''Explode?''

Tiamat chuckled and rose from her seat, strolling around the table with a playful expression.

As she moved, Archer's eyes were drawn to the graceful sway of her hips and her massive boobs jiggled at her movements.

He got lost in her beauty until she leaned forward and got close to his face before answering.

''Yes, Arch. You would have exploded if I hadn't intervened and sealed this power away until you were ready for it. I can't have you overload on mana.''

When Archer heard this he smiled as he looked into her violet eyes before talking with appreciation in his voice. ''Thank you for helping me Tiamat.''

Tiamat was caught off guard but she quickly grabbed him and sent the orb into his body as she mumbled to herself. ''Don't speak like that or this game won't be fun boy.''

A shock ran through his body causing his mind to scatter as she pushed him back onto the chair and stood in front of him.

Archer felt like explosions were going off inside him. He felt his heart sending mana all over his body as everything flowed back into him.

The Archer from Earth's emotions, memories, love, and much more poured into him making him feel pain.

Tiamat observed and murmured to herself, "My gift could only go so far. It succeeded in dampening your emotions, not in imprisoning them. The path you decide to follow is in your hands now."

As the scene faded to black, she sent him back, leaving the matter for the little girls to handle, as she felt really tired from her efforts to assist him.

[The Girl's POV]

Hecate was in peaceful slumber when the sensation of Archer's frantic movements disrupted her sleep, jolting her awake.

Startled, she swiftly sat up as her eyes shot open, she was greeted by the sight of Archer's body radiating an intense light, his anguished groans filling the room.

As if responding to some incomprehensible force, white scales began to envelop his form, only to retract moments later.

It was as though his body was undergoing a rapid and bewildering transformation, breaking down and rebuilding itself in the blink of an eye.

Concerned, Hecate examined his body, noticing the mana surging wildly within him, infiltrating every inch of his being. Fear welled up inside her.

Hecate sent a distress message to the other girls, who promptly materialized in the room, clad in nightgowns and hurriedly wrapping additional clothing around themselves.

Ella looked at the Moon Elf and spoke in a concerned voice. ''Hecate. What happened? What's going on with him?''

All the girls agreed as Hecate answered with red cheeks. ''We made love then went to sleep but then I woke up to him moving and this happening.''

Hemera walked up to him to place her hand on his chest and closed her eyes. She scanned his body and saw mana surging around his body.

She couldn't figure out what was happening causing the group to panic but soon a portal opened up.

When all the girls saw the woman who stepped through they became hopeful as it was Ayrenn who healed him twice before.

The elf looked at the group and sighed when she saw the looks of worry on their face. So she explained. ''He is evolving again. But this time it will open everything.''

Talila was the one to speak first. ''What do you mean by that?''

Ayrenn glanced at the ten girls who were watching Archer, a thought flitting through her mind. 'She was right. The ten are already here, so they can know. Well, he can punish me when we eventually meet.'

She turned to the waiting girls and spoke. ''Well most of you know that Archer was from another world originally but he was murdered and his soul was brought here by the Goddess Tiamat.''

Ayrenn walked over to the bed and cast a spell in an unknown language that seemed to help him. 

She turned around and continued. ''When he was given Tiamat's gift it changed him at the core and suppressed his previous emotions. But with this evolution, it will bring back everything and if he is strong enough he will make it through.''

Talila, Sia, Leira, and Lyniel wore puzzled expressions, their confusion evident. The remaining six girls swiftly filled them in on the details of Archer's past life.

Intrigued and with narrowed eyes, Talila asked the question on everyone's minds, "So, is he the Archer we're familiar with?"

Before anyone else could respond, Ayrenn answered on their behalf, "He is indeed the Archer you know. Had you met him before, you might have thought him a different person. Isn't that right, Ella Wyldheart?"

The half-elf in question cast her gaze downward but gave a confirming nod. "He's not the same person he used to be. The old Archer was incredibly reserved and terribly shy. When I dropped hints about my feelings for him, he'd just brush them off. Now, he's become someone entirely different, and I must admit, I love this change."

They all nodded and decided to sit Archer down so he could talk about it but before they could do anything Ayrenn rushed through the portal while saying bye.

When she vanished the air got heavy and all the girls turned to Archer who was now sitting up but they saw a deep sadness in his eyes.

Before any of them could do anything he spoke before vanishing from the bed. ''I will be back soon.''

Each of the girls exchanged glances with one another and then proceeded to make their way to the living room, where they settled in to patiently await Archer's return.

[Archer's POV]

As he underwent his transformation, memories from his life on Earth flooded his consciousness, vivid as if they had occurred just yesterday.

He recalled his mother's nurturing care and his father's watchful protection, the warmth of their love a cherished part of his past.

In the midst of these reminiscences, his sister Ellie's face emerged in his mind forcing him to remember a dream from years ago where the two of them had met.

But the trials and challenges of his current existence had kept him too preoccupied to dwell on the sadness.

Archer got angry before leaving the domain behind and saw the fortress the Aetheria Duke was stationed out. 

He wanted to rid himself of these emotions that were overwhelming him so he flew toward the castle as the snow was still pouring down.

When Archer got closer he started casting Eldrtich Blast at the wall causing the whole castle to shake.

But he ignored it as he rushed over the wall and landed in the courtyard. The castle went silent as he heard hundreds of footsteps rushing in his direction.

Archer's face broke into a grin as he observed the soldiers closing in on him. In just a matter of minutes, they had completely encircled him.

Suddenly, a crossbow twanged, and a bolt was fired directly at his heart. The projectile sliced through the air, aiming to find its mark in his chest.

However, to everyone's astonishment, the bolt merely rebounded off Archer's chest.

The sight of this prompted a triumphant smile to spread across his face, as he realized that his body had grown significantly stronger than he'd ever known.

But that's when he realized that he could now go back and get Alexa because of his travels to the Nether Realm.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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