A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 280 Sentinel’s Reach

Chapter 280 Sentinel's Reach

The man shook his head and motioned for them to follow him, Sia told the soldiers to go ahead and get some rest as they walked into the castle.

Archer was looking around examining everything, and he found himself in a place that seemed to have been plucked right out of a medieval fantasy story.

The architecture of the castle embraced a timeless elegance, with towering stone walls, arched entryways, and intricate carvings that told stories of battles and legends long past.

The courtyard spread out before him, cobblestones arranged in a mosaic that seemed to have weathered the ages.

Lush gardens adorned the edges, their colorful blooms a stark contrast against the backdrop of weathered stone.

Archer's eyes swept across the surroundings, taking in the grandeur of the castle's design.

Massive stone towers loomed overhead, each one standing as a guardian to the history held within these walls.

Sturdy wooden drawbridges connected certain sections, adding to the castle's defensive aura.

Tall banners flapped gently in the breeze, displaying emblems and symbols that undoubtedly held significance in the empire.

Sia led him to a building in front of them and entered it, the two started walking through the corridors of the castle until they entered a private section.

She walked in front of him as they entered the room and Archer looked down admiring her curvy body and round behind.

But he controlled himself and decided against it for now, he decided to give it some time as they had years to do all that.

When he walked in Sia started to explain. ''This is my private quarters, where did the girls go earlier? They just vanished?''

Archer settled onto a sofa, responding with a smile, "Well, they're in my domain, likely taking it easy."

Confusion flickered across the woman's face as she asked, "Domain?"

He nodded with a playful grin. "Would you like to see it, my beautiful aunt?"

Her smile deepened, and she replied, "That would be lovely."

Archer concurred, observing her approaching with a smile. As she drew nearer, their gazes locked.

''You're so different yet even more handsome now. I also can't believe you're an actual dragon and a white one at that.'' She said as she looked at him.

Sia smiled even wider as she wrapped him into a hug and squeezed as she spoke. ''It's good to finally see you, Arch. I've missed you so much.''

When he heard her he smiled and replied. ''So did I Sia. I still remember the day you left and couldn't wait to see you again.''

She rested her head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned in.

Gently, he began kissing her neck and held her close. His unexpected actions surprised her, leaving her feeling hot all over, but she allowed him to continue.

While he kissed her neck, Sia's body developed goosebumps, but he ceased and began speaking with a grin on his face. "Well, we'll have to wait a little while longer. I have two elves I need to claim."

Upon hearing him, Sia chuckled and replied, "That's alright. I want to spend some time with you before we proceed with that. Now, show me the domain."

With a nod, Archer created a portal. Holding Sia's hand, they entered and found themselves inside a treehouse.

Within, Ella, Sera, and Nefertiti sat in the living room, all comfortably lounging on the sofas.

He glanced around as he heard the half-elf talk, "Teuila and Talila are training outside, Hemera is in the library, and Hecate is engrossed in her usual activities in the lab."

They all noticed Sia and greeted her with smiles, while Nefertiti gave her a disapproving look, prompting her to chuckle.

She walked over and took a seat, initiating the conversation. "Well, girls, let's be honest with each other. We may not become friends, given our age difference, but I'll be civil because of Archer. Think of me as your older sister; that might work even better."

After she finished speaking, Nefertiti quickly retorted, "That's fine, but don't assume you can bypass the order. It goes Hecate, Talila, and then you."

Sia's smile became even wider, which seemed to irritate the pink princess. "That's okay. I'm not in a rush to be intimate. After all, we've just reunited. I'd rather spend time with my husband."

The other girls nodded, their smiles genuine, except for Nefertiti, who continued to regard her with narrowed eyes.

After speaking Sia turned to Archer, who had just taken a seat himself, and asked a question. "So, what is this place? And how did the girls get here?"

Archer smiled, reaching out to grasp Sera's wrist and revealing a bracelet to Sia as he explained, "I created these so the girls can travel back and forth."

He closed his eyes and visualized another bracelet with a gem the same color as her eyes, drawing upon some of his mana.

The bracelet materialized in his hand, and he leaned forward to offer it to her.

"Just infuse some mana into it, and it will transport you here. However, you won't be able to bring anyone with you unless I grant permission," he explained.

Sia nodded, a smile gracing her lips, as she put the bracelet on and admired its appearance.

The group initiated a conversation amongst themselves, Sia then asked if he could return to the castle with her.

Archer stood up and stretched, responding to her request to return to the castle; she needed to report to the commander about the recent events.

He conjured a portal leading to her private quarters, and she walked through, extending an invitation for him to join her.

The girls advised him to send them a message once he was back on the road. Archer playfully pounced on each girl, planting kisses all over their faces, causing them to start laughing.

After he was done with that he asked Sia to wait a moment as he went to see the other girls, she nodded with a smile as he left quickly.

Shortly after, he returned with a broad smile on his face, Ella noticed this and inquired, "What happened?"

He met the gaze of the half-elf and responded with a chuckle, "Oh, I gave Talila a kiss, and she got a little upset."

Ella shook her head as she giggled along with the others. Archer bid farewell to the three girls and then walked through the portal with Sia.

Sia and Archer emerged from the shimmering portal, the transition from their previous location to the familiar surroundings of her ornate room smooth and almost seamless.

The air was scented with a hint of lavender, and soft daylight filtered in through the tall windows adorned with rich curtains.

However, their return was met with an unexpected presence. Standing near the window was a man who could only be described as imposing.

His tall, muscular frame dominated the space, his presence radiating strength and vitality, the man had brown hair and reminded him of his so-called father.

Despite his size, his expression was warm and welcoming as his green eyes landed on Archer and Sia.

"Ah, Archer, it's good to finally meet you," the man greeted with a deep voice that matched his appearance.

Archer was confused and grew wary as he asked, ''Who are you?''

The man was about to answer until Sia interrupted him. ''Thorin Ashguard. Your father's younger brother and the emperor's strongest warrior.''

His eyes narrowed as he summoned his claws and was about to attack, but she put her arm across his chest.

Thorin chuckled, saying, "You're not quite as the rumors say. Don't worry, I don't talk to your father. He's too proud."

He didn't take his gaze off the imposing man, but Sia spoke up. ''What are you doing here, Thorin? The boy doesn't associate with them anymore.''

The man smiled as he revealed the reason he was there. ''Well, the emperor wants to see the boy, and besides, he's our new prince. We have to keep him safe.''

Upon hearing Thorin's words, they were confused. Then Sia remembered Leira and turned to Archer. ''You're engaged to the princess?''

Archer was even more puzzled when he heard her and shook his head. ''It's been years since I've lived there. Plus, I was disowned, so why would I be engaged? Well, while it's not uncommon, I won't be marrying a stranger."

Thorin nodded as he chuckled. ''You and the princess are a good match. You remind me of her but without the attitude.''

He shook his head. ''No I won't be marrying any princess and the emperor can wait, I'm still traveling.''

His uncle started laughing as he spoke. ''Well, my new favorite nephew we shall be going to Starfall City whether you like it or not.''

Archer looked at the man and grinned as he cast Blink when he was looking outside the window.

He started to run while the two watched him in shock. Thorin roared in laughter as he looked at Sia and spoke. ''He will be fine so don't worry, I just got to chase the little fucker now.''

[Dropping 1 chapter for a few days, got to stockpile chapters for the 31st]

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