A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 273 Crystal Boar

Chapter 273  Crystal Boar

Ella led them to the market, where she embarked on a shopping spree for a wide array of foods, ingredients, and other useful items.

Archer watched this with a smile while Teuila waited with him on the market's edge.

Having explored the bustling streets of Dawnstone and completed their shopping, Ella, Sera, Hemera, and Talila were now laden with bags full of food and assorted items.

The sun continued to shine brightly, casting a vibrant and lively glow over the city.

"Ella exclaimed, her eyes brimming with excitement as she gazed at the assortment of ingredients in her bag, "Look at all this delicious food!"

Sera nodded in agreement, her bag filled with various spices and cooking essentials, "I can't wait to try out some new recipes with these."

With her focus on the bag she held, filled with the potion ingredients she had been searching for, Hemera grinned and stated, "I can't wait to replenish our potion supplies. These ingredients will be really useful."

Talila, carrying a bag with her newly acquired arrows and potions, wore a small but content smile.

Archer observed the others' excitement and remarked, "Looks like everyone got what they wanted. Ready to visit the potion shop?"

Hemera eagerly nodded and led the group, the city's liveliness keeping them engaged as they strolled along.

Soon, they arrived at the potion shop, its sign showcasing an array of potions and herbs, promising intriguing discoveries within.

Before entering, Archer informed the girls that he was going to get Hecate. He walked down a side street and opened a portal.

Stepping through, he found himself within her lab, where he spotted the moon elf gazing out of the window.

Approaching her from behind, Archer gently embraced her waist, surprising her and eliciting a yelp.

Hecate smiled, turning to meet his gaze. In his embrace, she shared a kiss with him.

After the kiss, Archer inquired, "We're at a potion shop. Would you like to come shopping with us?"

She nodded with a smile, gracefully stepping back to join him. Stepping through the portal, Archer and Hecate arrived on the same side street where the rest of the girls were waiting.

As a group, they entered the potion shop. Archer waited to the side, watching as the three elves started searching for ingredients on the shelves and among the containers.

Hecate's focused expression and expertise were evident as she examined different potions and herbs.

Hemera's excitement was palpable as she carefully selected the necessary components for their potion supplies.

Talila, though less expressive, still searched for specific ingredients for her needs and to assist Hecate.

The three of them spent an hour scouring the shop, leaving the others waiting by the entrance.

Ella and Sera discussed their cooking plans, while Teuila pestered Archer about his training.

Archer agreed to extend their training session tonight, which brought a pleased grin to the ocean princess's face as she looked at him.

Knowing the perverted thoughts that ran through her mind, he couldn't help but smile in response, unfazed by it.

During this time, Hemera called out to him, "Arch, come here please."

In response, he approached the three girls. Observing the amount of ingredients they had gathered, he slightly furrowed his brows.

Taking a deep breath, he sighed and turned his attention to the puzzled shopkeeper. "How much?"

The man behind the counter diligently counted all the items. After a few minutes of swift calculation, he replied, "Four hundred gold coins."

Archer handed the man the coins while the girls stored their items in their rings before leaving the shop and heading for the north gate.

After walking for a while, they exited Dawnstone City and continued their journey. All the girls, except for Teuila, returned to the domain.

Hemera and Hecate were eager to brew potions, Ella and Sera were excited to start cooking, while Talila trained just outside the treehouse.

During their travels, they encountered caravans coming and going from the city, and comfortable-looking waystations were scattered along the lengthy road.

Turning to Archer, Teuila asked, "What's our plan when we get back to your home?"

Archer looked at her, noticing her curiosity, and took a moment to think before responding, "I've read about dungeons scattered throughout the empire. We could explore those and continue our journey."

She nodded in agreement, and they continued their conversation until they reached a river crossing surrounded by grasslands.

As Archer looked up, he noticed the sun gradually descending in the sky. It was then that he heard Teuila's voice again, "Training time."

His head turned towards her as he replied, "I'm well aware. Why are you pushing me? We've been training together for a few months now."

Teuila retorted quickly, "You conveniently avoid it! Don't think I haven't noticed what you're up to."

Archer looked at her and laughed before saying he will train when they get back to the domain.

But she wasn't happy with that and wanted to start training now. So the two of them stepped onto the soft grass, the vibrant green blades tickling their feet.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the surrounding landscape.

Archer rolled his shoulders, his muscles flexing under his shirt as he prepared for their training session.

Her expression indicated that this time, she meant business. As they faced each other, Teuila's intense gaze locked onto Archer's.

She wasted no time, and immediately launched an attack. Her movements were fluid and purposeful as if she had been waiting for this moment.

Archer's eyes widened slightly at her sudden intensity, but he matched her stance, ready to fight back.

Teuila lunged forward with power, delivering precise and swift strikes. Archer deflected her attacks, their movements resembling a dance of combat.

As their training continued, Teuila's attacks grew more relentless, her strikes coming faster and harder.

He kept up with her, his instincts and training allowing him to deflect most of her blows.

But Teuila was unyielding, her excitement driving her forward. She pushed Archer to his limits, forcing him to focus his energy on his defenses.

Sweat trickled down his brow as he began to feel the strain. Her ferocity caught him off guard, making it challenging to find openings to counterattack.

In a swift motion, she aimed a powerful kick at Archer's side. He managed to block it, but the force of the impact caused him to stumble back slightly.

Recognizing a chance, Teuila continued to advance, a fierce focus in her gaze. She unleashed a rapid succession of punches, each one targeted with precision.

Archer's concentration intensified. He could feel his dragon scales providing an extra layer of protection, but he realized that Teuila's intensity demanded more from him.

Her next punch landed solidly against his chest. The impact sent a shock through his body, but he remained standing.

Teuila's eyes widened briefly, surprised by him still standing. But the brief pause gave him the opportunity to launch his own attack.

Taking advantage of her momentary hesitation, Archer swiftly moved in, his training and experience guiding his actions.

He countered with a series of calculated strikes, each one aimed with precision.

Teuila's defenses faltered as she tried to adjust to the change in strategy. His strikes found their mark, and she staggered back, her breath slightly labored.

He smiled as he sat down and took a bowl, instantly starting to eat and loving the food. Archer ate so much that his stomach began to hurt.

As the dust settled, they faced each other once more. Their breathing was heavy, the intensity of their training session evident in their sweat-soaked clothes.

That's when he noticed that the sun was slowly descending towards the horizon, casting elongated shadows across the landscape.

The once-bright meadow was now bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun. His attention was drawn to the shifting colors of the sky.

Teuila stopped next to him and commented, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

He nodded his head and opened a portal to the domain. As they entered, a smell hit them that nearly knocked them out.

The aroma was so delicious that they became instantly hungry. Ella spotted them and smiled, motioning towards the table. "Food's ready. It's Crystal Boar stew."

Archer got curious and asked, "Is this what you bought from the market?"

She nodded her head and pulled out a recipe book from her storage ring. "I also bought this, and it taught me how to make the stew."

He smiled as he sat down and took a bowl, instantly starting to eat and loving the food. Archer ate so much that his stomach began to hurt.

After finishing his meal, he stood up and made his way to the sofa to lie down.

As he did, he closed his eyes and began to imagine a house at the base of a mountain on the other side of the domain.

Archer finished creating the house for the Sparrows then soon fell asleep. The girls saw this and went to their own rooms.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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