A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 269 Charisma At Work

Chapter 269  Charisma At Work 

Spread out below was a town, once vibrant and full of life, now marred by an ominous aura. Dark clouds seemed to cling to the structures, casting an eerie shadow over the streets.

He squinted, taking in the details. Buildings that were once homes and shops now stood desolate and worn.

The once-bustling streets were silent, devoid of the usual sounds of laughter and activity. He descended to the ground.

Shadows seem to coalesce at every corner, elusive forms that materialize and disappear with every blink.

Shadows converged at every corner, elusive forms that materialized and dissolved with every blink.

Amidst the decaying windows, a fleeting pale, silvery light flickered, suggesting the presence of spectral inhabitants who might still wander the town's alleys.

An otherworldly hush hung in the air, a heavy quiet only occasionally disturbed by the faint creak of a long-forgotten swing or the distant, haunting cry of a night bird.

Setting foot on the streets, Archer commenced his stride, his Aura Detector resonating with signals from all directions.

With deliberate steps, he navigated through the labyrinthine pathways, eventually reaching the heart of the town.

Upon stepping into the square, he came to an abrupt stop, his surroundings demanding his full attention.

That's when he saw more robed figures walking out from the shadows causing him to grow excited.

Archer looked at them and announced. ''Okay, you creepy fuckers. Give me your treasure and I won't tear down the place.''

The incoming people all stopped walking when he heard a familiar seductive voice. ''Oh, white dragon we meet again. It's a shame we couldn't meet in more favorable circumstances.''

He turned around and spotted Demacia the necromancer he fought before, her blue eyes shone and her pale white skin looked like snow.

Archer gave her a charming smile as he spoke. ''It's good to see you Demacia, you look beautiful under the moonlight.''

The woman smiled. ''Thank you, Archer. Well, it looks like you're about to cause trouble again the seniors won't like this, you keep interrupting their plans even if not on purpose.''

Demacia looked at him and licked her lips as she continued. ''But I don't want to have that type of fight with you Archer.''

Their conversation shocked the other mages who heard, they all looked at Demacia will suspicion.

They were about to launch spells at the two but Archer was quicker and cast his spells.

'Void Rift.'

'Soul Sunder.'

As he thought of the words, a rift in the fabric of space and time opened above him. An ethereal, swirling vortex of darkness emerged, crackling with raw energy.

From this rift, tendrils of shadowy essence cascaded down, targeting the dark mages with uncanny precision.

Archer's control over these spells was masterful, his magical finesse evident in every movement.

The tendrils lashed out, striking the mages one by one. As they made contact, the dark essence sapped their vitality, draining their life force and leaving them weakened and vulnerable.

Cries of agony and desperation echoed through the air as the mages struggled against the relentless assault.

Their defensive spells faltered under the onslaught, and panic gripped their faces.

Demacia, however, stood unharmed and just watched the show with a smile on her face as the mages dropped around her.

After he was done with them he turned to her and commented. ''Why do I sense no hostility from you?''

The necromancer smiled as she answered. ''Because I don't want to fight you like that Archer. I think in the future we will get on extremely well.''

As she approached him with deliberate steps, her voice held a calm, seductive tone. "I sense your fascination with various forms of magic, much like my own. However, my abilities are confined to the realm of dark magic."

She came to a halt just inches away from him, her gaze sweeping across the town's desolate scenery, her words flowing effortlessly.

"All of this seems mundane to me. Their intentions revolve around obtaining your heart to resurrect our misguided founder, an irritable old figure who wrought havoc upon us. Sadly, his loyal followers remain blind to the truth."

Archer's gaze met hers, curiosity flickering in his eyes before she continued.

"I am part of the Order of the Deathbound. We seek to bring back the founder to fulfill his dream."

Intrigued, Archer inquired further, "His dream?"

With a nod and measured steps away, she elaborated, "He desired to create an undead kingdom. But his ambitions were halted by the last dragon king, who burned him alive. His remains were saved by his devoted followers."

Demacia signaled for him to sit down on nearby chairs before continuing. "Those followers found orphans with dark magic potential and turned them into necromancers."

Archer sat down with a nod of understanding, though a hint of confusion lingered. He inquired, "So, why are you sharing this with me? Your group's after me, but you're here."

She smiled as she answered. ''There's something about you. It's like I'm drawn to you, I also noticed that you look at me like a woman and not a monster.''

When he heard her he chuckled before speaking. ''Yes you are a woman but maybe it's my charm that caught your attention.''

Demacia laughed as she stood up, she walked further into the square and pointed at a large building.

''In there is the treasure you seek. I shall be going now, see you around Archer.'' She spoke as she vanished.

Archer looked at the spot and shook his head, he was still confused because of her behavior and couldn't figure the strange woman out.

But he shrugged and made his way over to the building she told him about. While he did that he summoned his loot goblins and ordered them to get to work.

He entered the eerie-looking building and began searching for their gold, which he quickly found.

Inside, Archer noticed a locked room. He forcefully removed the lock and continued his search, eventually discovering four chests brimming with treasure.

Having gathered the riches, he deposited them into his Item Box and proceeded to exit, just as the diminutive Stone Men emerged, their hearts filled with affection.

After collecting a hundred hearts, he stored them away and sent the creatures away.

Finishing that task, he used the power of Void Blaze to burn down the abandoned town. He then flapped his wings strongly and took off, flying toward the swamp.

The moonlight showed him the way and revealed beasts grazing in the grasslands. Archer found a road and landed.

Once landing he dismissed his draconic form as he opened a portal and appeared in the living room. Looking around, he saw Ella, Teuila, and Sera sitting at the dining table.

Nefertiti and Hemera were lost in their books, while Talila chatted with Cecelia and Feyra.

Archer noticed that the three men were missing, which made him smile. Ella saw him and said, ''Nefertiti mentioned that no man apart from you is allowed in here.''

He nodded and took a seat. The air carried a delightful aroma as Archer watched the three girls skillfully preparing a delicious meal.

Talila made her way over to him and sat next to him as she spoke. ''What happened out there?''

Archer looked at her and sighed as he started to explain what happened and told her about the dark mages that were operating from an abandoned town.

After telling the elf what happened the two of them started chit-chatting while waiting for dinner.

The gentle moonlight filtered through the curtains, filling the room with a warm glow. Their laughter filled the air as they exchanged stories.

As their conversation flowed, the aroma of something delicious wafted through the air. Just then, Ella's voice chimed in from the doorway, "Dinner's ready, you two!"

Archer and Talila exchanged smiles, their stomachs rumbling in anticipation. Rising from the couch, they followed Ella into the dining room.

The sight that greeted them was truly enchanting. The dining table stood adorned with intricate silverware and glistening crystal glasses.

The main dish was a succulent roast, garnished with colorful vegetables that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow.

Exotic fruits and salads adorned the table, each with a touch of creativity that spoke of Ella's meticulous preparation.

The trio took their seats, Archer and Talila glancing at each other with wide-eyed excitement. "Wow, Ella, you've truly outdone yourself," Archer exclaimed, his admiration evident in his voice.

Talila nodded in agreement. "This looks amazing. You've cooked a magical feast."

Ella blushed modestly, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "I wanted it to be nice," she admitted, her eyes twinkling with joy.

As they began to serve themselves, the conversation continued to flow effortlessly. Stories of adventure, tales of far-off lands, and shared dreams mingled with the clinking of cutlery.

The food's flavors matched the enchantment of the setting; every bite burst with taste, bringing smiles of delight to their faces.

Continuing their conversation while relishing the meal, they eventually finished and headed to bed.

Like five ducklings, the five girls followed Archer, a sight that drew laughter from the other three.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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