A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 241 Just Leave Him Alone

Archer nodded in agreement when he heard Sagana's response, and then he spoke, "Can you take the group back to the domain and let them see the doctor?"

Sagana smiled and jumped back into the portal. Meanwhile, he walked over to the cage.

He summoned his claws and ripped them open. Sagana and a group of dragon-kin women appeared, carrying blankets.

They rushed to the traumatized girls and started guiding them into the portal, assuring them that they would be safe.

Teuila watched all this unfold and spoke when the last girls vanished. "Arch, why are you helping that group of girls?"

He sighed before telling her the truth. "Well, they were brutally abused for god knows how long. What they need now is peace and not more stress. The dragon-kin can help them. Then, if they want to leave, they are more than welcome to."

She nodded in agreement with his decision, and the two of them went on to search for the treasure, which they soon found.

Archer ripped the door off again and looted everything. After that, he opened a Gate to his lair.

Teuila walked through first, and Archer followed her, but soon he walked into her and felt her bubble butt against him.

The action drove him mad as his dragon felt everything, but he shook his head and asked, "You okay, Teuila? Why did you stop?"

She didn't answer him as she started to look around. While Teuila was doing that, Archer began to take out the recent treasure he gained and threw it onto the pile.

The pile was slowly growing, and for some reason, he was highly pleased, and the sight made him happy.

Teuila regained her focus and looked at Archer as she spoke. "When did you create this? And it's a dragon's lair, isn't it?"

Archer looked at her and nodded his head with a smile, but as he looked at her, his eyesight went to her huge boobs that were jiggling with every movement.

Her smooth, sweaty brown skin glistened in the light, adding to her allure. His eyes couldn't help but linger on her curves, particularly her alluring bubble butt.

Feeling an intense desire, he couldn't resist the temptation any longer. He gently took her hand in his, and with a playful tug, he led her to the bedroom he had created in his lair.

Teuila's smile widened as she understood his intentions. The anticipation of what was to come filled the air between them, and she willingly followed him into the bedroom.

Archer came in, gently nudging her onto the bed and bending her over. He then leaned down behind her, sliding her panties aside.

He started gently licking her as he slipped a finger inside, after tasting her love juices for a while he stood up behind her and started rubbing up against her pussy with his dragon.

Once he coated himself with her juices, Archer penetrated her, eliciting a loud moan from her. He responded with a satisfied exhale, relishing her undeniable arousal.

He ravaged her for hours and after he was done he emerged with an unconscious Teuila in his arms. She had fainted due to the intense pleasure she received, leaving her unable to walk.

As he walked out of the lair's bedroom he quickly cast Cleanse on both of them to freshen up.

With Teuila in his arms, he opened a portal that led them back to their treehouse. As they stepped through, they encountered Ella, who was busy instructing the vampire maids.

Upon seeing them, she paused and directed her attention towards Archer. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she noticed the blissful smile on Teuila's face.

Approaching them, she couldn't resist teasing him and spoke in a playful tone. ''What have you done to our ocean Princess, Arch?''

He looked at the girl and grinned as he spoke. ''I ravaged our dear princess. She looked too good after our fight that I couldn't help myself.''

Ella laughed when she heard him. The two maids looked at him with two different looks.

Thalia was smiling at him with a sparkle in her eye, while Xanthe stared at him as if he were trash before speaking. ''You ravaged her?! She's your fiancée, not some common whore.''

Everyone turned to her without saying anything until they heard a laugh. Archer took Teuila to a bedroom and laid her down to rest.

He walked back out and answered. ''Well, Xanthe, yes she is my fiancée, but she seemed to love the ravaging. We only stopped when she fainted due to the pleasure. They are women, not some delicate vase. If she wanted it rough, then that's what she will get.''

Archer finished speaking and walked off to find Hemera so they could go meet her parents. It was early afternoon, and he wanted to continue his journey.

When he walked off, Ella turned to Xanthe with a blank look on her face as she approached the girl.

She stopped in front of her and spoke. ''Stop questioning everything he does. He has never harmed us and cares for us deeply. I know you don't like him, but keep that to yourself.''I think you should take a look at

Ella turned on her heels but said one last thing before leaving. ''He should have never bought you. He should have left you to your fate to become some plaything for a lowborn noble. Now get to work, or you will be out.''

Thaila shook her head when she watched the head maid walk out of the room. She turned to her sister.

''Can't you just leave him alone for once, sister? He saved us, and all you do is attack him? You're clearly blind if you can't see those girls are happy with him.''

[Xanthe POV]

After Thalia spoke, she also left the room, leaving Xanthe standing still, lost in thought.

She hated men like him, but she couldn't deny that he wasn't as bad as she had initially assumed.

He had shown them respect and never made any advances toward them, which was surprising given the reputation of many other men.

Xanthe was aware that her sister had feelings for him, but she couldn't bring herself to like him. In her mind, he was still a playboy and womanizer, but reality seemed to contradict her judgment.

Despite her refusal to accept it, she found herself refraining from attacking him anymore. There was something about him that made her hesitate.

Deep down, Xanthe felt a sense of gratitude that he was the one who had purchased them and not some cruel noble who would have treated them as objects.

As she left the room, she forced herself to focus on her tasks, trying to push away any lingering thoughts. But beneath the surface, a tiny seed of curiosity had been planted.

Xanthe cursed herself for even entertaining such thoughts, but it was too late—the idea of experiencing something like Teuila had with Archer had already taken root in her mind.

[Back to Archer]

Archer found Hemera reading on her balcony, which was attached to her bedroom. He walked up to her and playfully startled her, causing her to jump.

But instead of being frightened, she welcomed his affectionate advances as he started kissing her neck, eliciting a pleasurable groan from her. "Ughhh!~~"

Hemera ran her hand through his hair, enjoying the intimate moment. He eventually stopped kissing her neck and asked, "Ready to go see your parents before we get back on the road?"

She nodded with a smile and stood up. The two of them gathered the other two girls and left Teuila asleep. Ella instructed the twins to inform Teuila to join them when she woke up.

Archer then used his magical abilities to cast a Gate, creating a portal and motioned for the girls to go through first.

When they stepped into the Solarian courtyard, Hemera took the lead, guiding them to the part of the palace where her family usually relaxes.

The group entered a luxurious hall adorned with sofas and cushions, where maids were bustling about, tending to their duties.

Agamemnon noticed their arrival and gestured for them to join him and Cassandra.

Archer took a seat, but he could sense that both adults were looking around as if searching for someone.

Cassandra asked, "Where is Teuila? She's not with you."

All four girls turned to Archer with narrowed eyes, making him look away and whistle nervously.

Agamemnon chuckled at the situation, but his wife remained serious and directed her gaze towards Archer.

She inquired, "What have you done to that poor young woman, Arch?"

He didn't want to answer until Sera spoke up with a grin on her face. "Mater, he ravaged poor Tui. She was asleep when I saw her."

Upon hearing this, the other three girls started giggling until Nefertiti pinched Archer, causing him to yelp.

Cassandra turned to Archer with narrowed eyes and spoke, "Why are you ravaging her? You are meant to be a gentleman and ensure your lady is fine. You can't treat her like an object and vent your lust onto her."

He just looked at the woman and wondered why she was so bothered about the situation.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord and check out my new novel]

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