A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 206 How Dare They

Archer stared at the weird-looking creature as it slowly approached him, that's when another noise came from behind him.

He turned his head and spotted another one, then another, and more appeared. They surrounded him.

A horde of Poison Carrion Crawlers surrounded Archer. Their segmented exoskeletons glistened with putrid slime, and their elongated tentacles twitched and writhed with anticipation.

As they closed in on him, Archer's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly began evading their attacks with nimble footwork and agile dodges.

With every elegant maneuver, he skillfully dodged the tentacles' razor-sharp teeth. The strikes came swiftly, but his reflexes proved equal to their relentless assault.

He ducked, twisted, and somersaulted through the air, narrowly avoiding the venomous blasts and stingers.

However, amidst the flurry of movement, one attack found its mark. A Crawler lunged forward, its tentacle striking Archer's right arm and latching onto him.

Agonizing pain shot through him as his arm was biting clean off, leaving behind a rotten stump that started sizzling.

He let out a guttural scream, the pain coursing through his being right down to his soul. But he refused to succumb to the pain and continued fighting.

With a burst of energy, he cast Eldritch Blasts and Celestial Beams into the crowd of creatures.

The Eldritch Blasts crackled through the air, impacting the crawling abominations with explosive force.

They were thrown back, their chitinous bodies rupturing from the sheer power of the onslaught.

Celestial Beams pierced the darkness, engulfing the inside of the church in blinding light as the spell incinerated any approaching creatures.

All but one Crawler was dead, but this one moved quickly and managed to catch him unaware as it plunged its tentacles into his legs making him scream out.

The creature then started biting down, causing his bones to snap in half, it started slamming him against the ground before throwing him off to the side while tearing off both limbs.

He crashed to the floor and coughed up blood but cast Eldritch Blast into the creature finally killing it.

When it dropped to the floor its tentacles fell out. Archer dropped to his knees due to all the pain, he tried to cast Cure Wounds on himself but the poison stopped any healing.

His regeneration soon kicked in but was so slow that it was pointless.

He collapsed to the floor out cold as the General finally entered after finishing the Rat-lings and spotted him laying there mangled.

General Mohemat burst into the church, his heart racing in his chest. The large room was dimly lit, suffused with the sickening scent of burnt flesh and blood.

The sight before him was nothing short of horrifying. The charred bodies of creatures were strewn across the room, evidence of a fierce battle that had taken place.

Amidst the carnage, General Mohemat's gaze landed on Archer, filling him with shock, horror, and deep sorrow.

Archer lay motionless on the cold stone floor, his once-mighty figure reduced to a broken and battered form.

Blood pooled around him, seeping from his torn-off limbs and shattered wings. He rushed over and scooped the young boy into his arms.

Mohemat burst out of the church, his eyes meeting the concerned gazes of the other Dragon-kin warriors who stood guard outside.

Worry etched on their faces, they urgently inquired about the king's condition.

"He's barely hanging on," Mohemat replied, his voice filled with desperation. "Without immediate help, he won't survive. But there's hope. Archer mentioned the princess. I believe she can save him. We must make our way to the palace!"

With an overwhelming sense of purpose, Mohemat began dashing toward the palace gates, his fellow Dragon-kin warriors following closely in support.

As they comprehended the seriousness of the situation, their worry transformed into resolute commitment.

Deep within, they were aware that the fate of their king hinged on their actions.

The Dragon-kin unleashed their fury upon the creatures that lurked in their path, fighting with a fierce abandonment to clear a safe passage for the General.

With every swing of their weapons and every blast of fire, they struck down Rat-lings and Blightborn, their actions are driven by the need to protect Archer, their fallen king.

As Mohemat raced towards the palace, his mind focused on the princess and the girls who held the key to saving their king.

Each step propelled him forward, fueled by the knowledge that time was running out. The urgency of the situation pushed him to his physical limits, but he refused to falter.I think you should take a look at

Beside him, the other Dragon-kin warriors fought with unwavering loyalty. They covered Mohemat's back, fiercely taking down the creatures that threatened their path.

Their teamwork was seamless, their movements synchronized as they worked to ensure Archer's safety and the success of their mission.

Through the chaos and the din of battle, Mohemat remained unyielding.

The palace loomed before him like a beacon of hope, a place where he could find the help their king so desperately needed.

He exerted every ounce of strength, his heartbeat echoing in his chest as he drew closer to his destination.

Right in front of him, he witnessed his fellow Dragon-kin warriors selflessly giving up their lives to protect him and the king.

They fought with unparalleled bravery, laying down their lives to ensure their safety.

By the time they arrived at the palace, only he and fifteen Dragon-kin warriors remained out of the original fifty who embarked on the journey.

When they came into view of the palace wall, Teuila spotted them, and her face turned pale as she screamed, "Open the gate now!"

Ella, Sera, Nefertiti, and Hemera witnessed the horrifying state of Archer's injuries, and a wave of panic swept over them as they hurriedly made their way toward the gate.

As Mohemat crossed the threshold, they discovered that Archer was missing both his legs and his right arm.

Blood flowed incessantly from his wounds, making it evident that he required immediate help.

In a moment of urgency, Hemera regained her composure and exclaimed that her sister, Eudora, possessed the knowledge of healing magic, as Ella's attempts had proven ineffective in Archer's case.

Mohemat followed Hemera as she led the group into a peaceful part of the palace, as they traveled through the palace Hemera's mother Cassandra appeared.

She saw the state her daughter's new friend was in and followed behind, Hemera saw a maid and spoke. ''Go get Eudora now and tell her to come to the dining room!''

The group rushed into the grand dining room, their footsteps echoing in the opulent space.

Spotting a corner with a lower table, they hurriedly made their way over. Hemera, her voice laced with urgency, instructed Mohemat to place Archer gently on the table.

Mohemat nodded, carefully laying Archer down as the others gathered around.

Just a minute later, Eudora burst into the room, her robes billowing behind her. She hurried towards the group, her eyes immediately drawn to Archer's battered form.

Her expression filled with concern and determination, she knelt beside him, assessing his injuries with a trained eye.

The gravity of the situation was evident in her furrowed brow. Time seemed to hang in the air as Eudora took in the extent of Archer's wounds, her mind racing with thoughts of how to heal him.

The room fell silent, the tension thick with anticipation, as they waited for Eudora to reveal her assessment and course of action.

After spending a few minutes casting healing spells and examining him, she stood up and addressed the group with a solemn expression. "He's in critical condition," she said. "There's a poison hindering his healing, and unfortunately, it seems to be winning the battle."

Ella, Teuila, Sera, Nefertiti, and to everyone's surprise, Hemera, stood huddled together, their faces etched with panic and worry as they stared at Archer's deteriorating condition.

Tears welled up in Ella's eyes, Teuila's hands trembled, and Sera and Nefertiti exchanged anxious glances.

Even Hemera, usually composed, couldn't hide her deep concern. Just when their desperation seemed to reach its peak, Eudora stepped forward, her expression filled with sadness.

She offered them a gentle, reassuring smile that carried a touch of melancholy. With a calm voice, she addressed the group, seeking to ease their distress.

"I understand how terrifying this situation is," Eudora began, her gaze filled with empathy. "But there may be a way to slow down the poison ravaging Archer's body. There exists a rare plant called Starfire Lily, known to possess unique properties that can inhibit all known poison progression. However, obtaining it won't be easy."

The group listened intently, a glimmer of hope igniting within them. Eudora continued, her voice resolute.

"To obtain this plant, we will need the assistance of the court alchemist. They possess the knowledge and resources. Time is of the essence, and we must act swiftly to save the boy's life."

The girls nodded but one was silent and unmoving as a deep rage start to overtake her and her pink eyes glowed with rage as she walked up to Archer and gently stroked his damaged face.

Nefertiti was mumbling to herself as she grew more furious. ''How dare they hurt you! How dare they!''

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