A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 125 When The Sun Embraces Her Fate. (2)

Hemera gazed out of the carriage window, the landscape unfolded before her eyes like a living painting.

Vast fields of vibrant wildflowers carpeted the rolling hills, swaying gently in the breeze.

She watched as ancient olive groves stretched across the land, their silvery leaves shimmering in the sunlight.

Majestic cypress trees stood tall and proud, their dark, slender forms adding an air of mystique to the scenery.

The smell of herbs and flowers mingled in the air, a sweet and invigorating perfume that awakened Hemera's senses.

After a few hours of journeying, a beautiful forest came into view on the horizon.

Its emerald canopy stretched far and wide, offering shade and shelter to mythical creatures and hidden wonders.

Hemera's eyes filled with anticipation as the carriage neared the sprawling greenery of the forest.

With a gentle stop, the carriages came to a halt, and students of various ages poured out, forming a lively gathering.

Eleni approached her accompanied by two girls, introducing them, "Hemera, meet Helen and Ariadne. They are the final additions we needed to complete the test."

She spotted the two brown-haired girls, who smiled warmly and offered a bow while speaking in unison, "Princess Hemera, it is an honor to be in your group."

Smiling warmly at the girls, her voice filled with cheer. "Helen, Ariadne, let's treat each other as classmates. We're here to work together and pass the test, so let's get along."

They exchanged smiles as a teacher shouted, "Gather up, students!"

Hundreds of students gathered together, forming a crowd in front of a tall, slender man with grey hair and glasses.

He began speaking, his voice commanding attention.

"The mid-year tests will commence shortly. I am here to provide you with the rules and objectives of the test. In the forest, you will encounter various beasts, and each group must hunt beasts worth a total of 2000 points. Your performance will be evaluated when you return based on the beasts you kill and the plants you collect during your journey. Remember, there are three important rules to follow: do not engage in combat with other student groups, refrain from theft, and exercise caution when venturing deeper into the forest as more formidable beasts may await you. Additionally, the academy will provide storage rings to each student for convenient item storage. Now, let's start preparing. The test will begin shortly."

Hemera and her four companions went in search of their teacher, who was distributing the rings they needed.

Having found their teacher, the group eagerly collected their rings, brimming with anticipation for the upcoming test.

Their teacher wished them good luck and reminded them of the rule, they were to proceed in groups of five.

He emphasized that if they heard a loud whistle, they were to return immediately.

With a final bid of good luck, their teacher departed, leaving the group ready to embark on their adventure.

Suddenly, a resounding whistle pierced the air, accompanied by the commanding voice of the tall man. "Begin!" he bellowed.

With determined nods, Eleni and Hemera began their journey to finish their test, venturing into the dense forest alongside other groups in search of formidable beasts.

After hours of exploration, Hemera's group, at last, stumbled upon a beautiful clearing, providing a welcome sanctuary.

Hemera found a cozy spot, allowing herself to relax. She reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out a Sesame Bar.

Indulging in the tasty treat, she couldn't help but notice her tired companions, in desperate need of some rest.

At that moment, Helen, catching her breath, turned to her with a curious question.

"Hemera, I've noticed that you don't seem exhausted like the rest of us. You've maintained a faster pace than us over the last couple of hours. How do you do it?"

She looked at the brown-haired girl with a big smile and spoke, "Pater made sure I trained with the royal guard as I've grown up. Plus, I love being active, except when I'm reading."

Helen observed the princess of the empire and contemplated the authenticity of her royal status.

To her surprise, she discovered the princess to be incredibly down-to-earth and easy to relate to.

Hemera then offered the four girls some of the honey bars, which they gladly accepted. They all sat down together.

After 10 minutes, Ariadne swiftly alerted the group, "Incoming beasts! Get ready."

Hemera sprang to her feet, preparing to cast a spell at the approaching creatures.

She tightened her bag, bracing herself as an angry large beast charged through the underbrush.

Eleni swiftly called out, "It's an Ironborn! Be careful, girls!"

With swift grace, Hemera unleashed the Sunbeam spell she had acquired from an ancient tome discovered years ago.

Her incantation resonated in the air as she directed the powerful beam toward the oncoming beast, specifically targeting its leg.

"Sunbeam!" she shouted.

A radiant beam of yellow-red light surged from her hand, striking the creature's front right leg with force, tearing it clean off.

The display of Hemera's spellcasting abilities left the four girls in awe and astonishment.

Without hesitation, she dashed towards the remaining beasts, casting a spell she rarely used.

"Solar Infusion!"

A brilliant yellow glow emanated from her, enveloping her body as she closed in on the creatures.

With boosted agility and finesse, she deftly evaded a swing of their menacing tusks.

Landing firmly on her feet, Hemera unleashed a powerful Sun Bolt, propelling it toward the skull of the largest beast.

The creature collapsed to the ground, defeated, while Hemera stood triumphantly before it, a wide smile adorning her face.

Turning her attention to the bewildered and excited girls, Hemera's confusion surfaced as she addressed them.

"What's the matter?" she inquired.

Before anyone could utter another word, three more Ironboars emerged from the same bush, their menacing presence filling the clearing.

Hemera carefully examined the formidable-looking beasts, their massive bodies covered in resilient and rugged skin, providing a solid defense against any attacks.

Their tusks gleamed with a deadly sharpness, and their eyes emitted an eerie red glow.

The thunderous snorts and grunts of the Ironboars reverberated through the air, instilling fear in the hearts of the four girls.

However, Hemera remained composed and confronted the nearest creature, a confident smile gracing her face.

Witnessing the Princess's bravery, the other girls felt a surge of panic but quickly rallied to join the fight, unleashing a barrage of fire, wind, and earth spells upon the remaining boars.

Together, the five girls engaged in a fierce battle against the trio of Ironboars, their efforts strained as they struggled to overcome the relentless onslaught.

Amidst the chaos, Hemera fearlessly confronted the largest and most menacing of the three, recognizing it as the leader of the pack.

Harnessing the power of the sun, she surged forward with Sun Radiance coursing through her veins, granting her enhanced speed and strength.

As a Sun Elf, she possessed a unique ability to tap into the energy of the sun, empowering her during daylight hours.

The ferocious beast lunged at her, its razor-sharp tusks aimed to strike, but Hemera quickly evaded the attack with nimble grace.

With unwavering focus, she unleashed a powerful Sunbeam spell, directing it with pinpoint accuracy into the skull of the Ironboar pack leader.

The lifeless beast lay sprawled on the ground as Hemera turned her attention to the two girls engaged in their own battles with the remaining boars.

With a joyful laugh, she swiftly moved towards them.

Effortlessly, she leaped into the air, floating like a leaf, and gracefully landed on the back of one of the boars.

She unleashed a powerful Sunbeam, piercing through its back. Hemera skillfully severed the beast's spine, causing it to collapse and struggle to move.

Without hesitation, she turned her attention to the last boar and jumped at it.

Mid-air, she cast multiple Sun Bolts that pierced the beast's flesh, leaving behind seared holes.

As she landed gracefully, Hemera patted herself down, getting rid of the dust that clung to her, leaving the other four girls in a state of shock and amazement.

With a flushed face and sweat streaming down, Eleni hurriedly approached Hemera, scanning her from head to toe.

"You're insane, Hemera! We've known each other for years, and you never cease to amaze me," she exclaimed.

Hemera turned towards the blue-haired girl, sporting a smile on her face, just as the green-haired Evangeline approached them.

Wearing a beaming smile, Evangeline addressed Hemera, "Excellent work, Hem! You possess amazing magic."

Helen and Ariadne nodded in agreement upon hearing Evangeline's words.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar reverberated through the air, shaking the very ground beneath them. In response, a deep, guttural roar echoed in reply, leaving the group in a state of utter shock.

As groups of students rushed towards them, a boy approached the girls, shouting frantically.

"Run, girls! A dragon and a giant are fighting! They've wreaked havoc on large parts of the forest."

The group started to flee, but Hemera abruptly halted.

The vivid recollection of her dream flooded her mind, and in a decisive moment, she spun on her heels and sprinted towards the fight.

Casting her Sun Radiance spell, Hemera felt her body surge with even greater power. She resolved to embrace her fate and assist the white dragon in its struggle against the monstrous giant.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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