A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 102 Angry Little Dragon.

Archer exited the shop and scanned his surroundings. Teuila was surprised by his generosity towards the old woman and asked, "Why did you give her so much gold?"

He turned to her and replied, "I have plenty of gold, and in the future, she might come across valuable spells for us."

Teuila nodded in agreement, and they began walking down the street. She looked around with fascination, like a country bumpkin in the city. As they strolled, people gazed at them and whispered to each other.

"Look at that couple. They're not from around here."

"That girl is stunning. She looks like a warrior princess."

"They seem like a great couple. I wonder if they're married."

Archer ignored the comments and continued walking until the castle came into view. Teuila stopped and stared in awe.

Without taking her eyes off the castle, she spoke, "Is that your home?"

He nodded. "Unfortunately, it is. We have to wait until night to get on Ella's balcony."

Teuila turned to Archer and asked, "Why are we creeping around? Why don't we just ask for her?"

Archer looked down, and with a hint of sadness in his voice, he explained, "My family hates me for some reason. They won't let me see her."

Feeling sorry for him, Teuila changed the subject and asked, "Where are we going now? It's only early afternoon."

He knew what she was doing and was thankful for it, "I have some beast bodies to sell. After that, we can find something to eat."

Teuila nodded, and Sera flew back to Archer's shoulder, playfully biting his ear.

As they walked towards the guild, Teuila couldn't help but marvel at the surrounding sights.

She kept glancing down at Archer's hand, feeling the urge to hold it. To his surprise, she took his hand, and he didn't stop her.

They passed by various shops, and Teuila pointed at a tall, well-decorated building. "Archer, What's that building?" she asked, admiring its grandeur.

Archer turned to Teuila. "That's the merchant guild headquarters," he explained. "They buy and sell loads of goods there."

Teuila was curious. "We don't have them in the kingdom, I wonder why. Our traders have loads of goods for sale."

He shrugged and continued walking. Suddenly, Archer felt a shiver run through his body as Sera licked his ears.

Turning to the cheeky dragon, he asked, "When did you start doing that, girl? It sends shivers throughout my body."

Sera grinned mischievously as she leaned over and licked his cheek. Teuila found their actions adorable but kept in mind that biting and licking his ears mess with him.

After a short walk, they arrived at the guild, where they saw a crowd of people coming and going. Archer quickly noticed that many of them were eyeing Teuila with hungry gazes.

A group of three adventurers came to stand in front of them. Two of them towered over Archer, while the third, who appeared to be their leader, was much shorter.

He was a chubby blonde man with slicked-back hair, he looked like your typical rich young master.

The leader stepped forward, his lewd eyes scanning Teuila's body as he spoke with a fake smile.

"Hello, beautiful," said the chubby noble. "My name is Favian, son of Viscount Jareth Leroux, a loyal vassal to Duke Ashguard. I couldn't help but notice how your blue hair stands out against your brown skin. I haven't seen any women like you around here before. Why don't you join our party? We could show you how to be a real adventurer."

Teuila tilted her head in confusion, wondering how they could not see her holding Archer's hand.

However, when Archer heard the man's words, he became furious. Letting out a low growl, he spoke through gritted teeth, "Don't you dare look at her, you filthy human. If you continue to do so, you won't have any eyes left after I'm done with you."

As soon as they heard him, one of the men moved towards Archer. But before he could reach him, he muttered.

"Draconis," he uttered, causing his Draconis features to manifest, leaving the three men in utter shock.

However, it was too late for them. Archer quickly rushed forward and punched Favian, sending him flying into the side of the guild.

Archer turned his attention to the two motionless men, grabbing one and snapping his neck before throwing the body across the road. The last man tried to flee but was stopped in his tracks.

As the man looked down, he saw a beautiful, slender white tail piercing his chest. Archer lifted the man up and threw him to the side with ease.

After throwing the second man, he made his way toward Favian.

But Teuila quickly spoke up with shock in her voice, "Archer, why did you kill them? You could have dealt with them another way."

Teuila understood why he did it, but still found it brutal. Archer stopped walking and spoke without turning around.

''No one will dare look at any of my women like he did, if they do it means death, but for the fat noble over there, I won't kill him.''

Teuila's happiness surged upon hearing his response, causing her to shift her focus away from the deaths. She continued to observe him intently.

Archer strode towards Favian, who was struggling to lift his chubby body. When he reached him, he swiftly kicked him onto his back.

He leaned over and gazed directly into Favian's eyes with his piercing violet dragon eyes before speaking.

''You should never have looked at my fiancé with such dirty eyes you vile human, I don't pity you, you brought this on yourself.''

Archer crouched next to the man's body and brought a claw to his brown eye and poked it.

Favian screamed like a banshee as Archer did the same to the other eye, by the time he was finished some guild staff ran out of the building.

Archer turned around and dismissed his Draconis form and saw someone he hasn't seen in years.

Sarah stood there with wide eyes, gazing at Archer in awe.

She slowly approached him, but before she could get any closer, Teuila stepped in her way, narrowing her eyes and demanding to know who she was.

"Who are you?" she asked.

Before Sarah could respond, Archer stood up and spoke. "Teuila, she's fine. She helped me when I first started my adventures."

He walked up to Sarah, who now had to look up to see him. With a smile, he spoke, "Hello, Sarah. How have you been?"

Sarah was in shock. She had been searching for him non-stop for two years, knowing that he had ended up in the Southlands.

She had heard all the rumors that the merchants brought back about a white-haired boy who had destroyed two castles and brought a kingdom to ruin.

But that wasn't even the most thrilling part. Sarah discovered that two kingdoms and an empire had formed an alliance and invaded the other kingdoms, giving some of the conquered lands to the Aquarian Kingdom.

Sarah knew that the Royal family of the Aquarian Kingdom was known for their beautiful blue hair and piercing blue eyes.

When she looked at the girl in front of her, she realized that she came from the Aquarian Kingdom.

She snapped out of her shocked stupor and rushed at him, Archer chuckled as he caught the woman who looked after him before he went missing.

"Where have you been, Archer? Do you realize how worried I've been? And are all the rumors I've been hearing from the South true?" Sarah exclaimed as she embraced Archer.

Archer hugged her back as he replied, "We'll catch up soon, I can hear the city guards coming, and I kind of gave Favian a small injury."

He took out a pouch of tokens and handed them to Sarah, saying, "Here, send mana into these tonight, and we will chat. I've got to go."

A group of guards rushed around the corner, and Archer and Teuila started running. He put his arm around her waist while casting blink, they reappeared on the rooftops.

Turning to Teuila as he let her go, he spoke one word with a big smile: "Run."

Archer led the way, with Teuila following close behind. Sera dug her nails into his shoulder, causing him to yelp in pain.

They jumped from roof to roof, and after half an hour, they found themselves on the other side of Vassia City, standing outside a tavern.

Archer was doing well, but Teuila needed to pause and catch her breath. He waited for her, but Sera persisted in biting him harder.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed as she climbed up and clung to his face. The little dragon was acting like a jealous wife, attacking him by biting his cheeks, nose, ears, and even his lips.

Her little claws were scratching at Archer's white scales while her back claws dug into his cheeks.

Teuila saw this and started laughing hard, she tried to speak, ''It reminds me of an angry wife who attacks her unfaithful husband.''

She kept laughing as Sera started biting harder, leaving red marks all over his face.

He pulled her off his head and looked at the angry dragon, who was giving him the stink eye.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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