Chapter 1646: Intangible Problems.

Chapter 1646: Intangible Problems.

She shrugged mentally and replied, "I don't need to tell you, and I don't owe you an explanation. Frankly, I like watching you squirm with discomfort, so I will continue to keep my motives mysterious."

He grunted and said, "I am sure it is fun to watch me squirm."

She continued, but this time she spoke in a dismissive tone. "All you need to know is that you are nothing but the figment of the imagination of a great being. What is important about you is the sleeping one that you carry. I want to help you awaken him. This epoch is already halfway through, so he is running out of time. Nothing must stand in the way of the plan." Monarch High Heaven was not convinced, and he still couldn't put away his fear of her. She knows a lot of things that he doesn't know about, including the first one.

She knows that the first one is sleeping and will awaken when he becomes a world god. She knows that he is a dream of the first one. She appears to also know the first one more than him.

These are his most precious secrets, but she is still keeping more from him. So the value of the things she is keeping from him must be more important than his so-called precious secrets. He can't feel safe at all.

She, on the other hand, didn't care about his feelings or opinions. Knowing what she knows, she expects the personality of Jason to disappear when the first one awakens, so she is not going to waste her time taking him seriously.

He decided to push her, "I was surprised to hear about this Legion and what they have achieved. I didn't even know that a shard of power existed. Do you know what it is?"

She replied curtly, "I do."

He didn't push her to explain. Instead, he asked, "Do you have one?"

"No, I don't. I have something better. And so do you."

That answer surprised Monarch High Heaven. But he didn't let it disrupt his plan. He chuckled and said, "I am afraid you are mistaken. If I had it, then I don't know about it."

"Your ignorance is understandable. You don't know because you don't need to know. All you need to know now is that what Legion has comes from a dead source. The only thing it has is potential. But that potential won't help your situation."

"What do you mean?"

She didn't turn to him, and she didn't have eyes, but he felt her gaze nonetheless. She said, "At first, I thought this Legion was your plan to create a backup for yourself. A failsafe, so to speak. After all, you are related and connected in more ways than one. Now I know that it won't work, even if it is your plan. Why? Because I am here now. So forget about Legion, and focus on awakening the first one. Nothing must interfere with his plans."

What she said gave him a lot of useful information. And unless she had lied, the information put his heart at peace a little. But it also made him indignant that she thought he would try to sabotage the first one with Legion's shard of power.

He thought to himself in confusion, "Why would I try to sabotage myself? Is there something going on here that I don't know?"

The screen flashed to show a large number of Tyrants congregating in a location. She said to him, "It seems the Tyrants took the bait. The next part of your plan is almost set in stone."

He scoffed when he saw what was going on on the screen. "About time. I have delayed the end of the era of conquest long enough. It is right that they have decided to pay me my due."

She took one more look at the mirror screens, then she decided to leave.

"Everything seems to be in order. I'm leaving for now."

He asked her, "Where are you going?"

"It is none of your business. I will go wherever I want, whenever I want."

Her white figure became transparent like glass. Then she became invisible, like air. Next, she became completely intangible. It became impossible for him to see her, and his divine sense couldn't sense her at all. So he doesn't know if she has truly gone or if she is still standing beside him, watching him.

This is how she has been able to come and go however she wishes. It reminds him of something that the great mother had said about how Legion-7 had escaped from her grasps.

The great mother had said that Legion-7 became intangible and unable to be grasped. It also reminded him of what the white lady said about possessing something better than the shard of power.

He groaned mentally and thought to himself, "This is problematic."

They call him a mad man because he does things that people think are crazy. But he pulls them off. And through it all, he had always been confident and in control. If there is one thing that he likes the most, it is control. But it has been slipping away from his grasp ever since she visited him four Origin cycles ago.

It was during the trial of heaven that she first visited him. She sneaked into the realm and even managed to fool Mother High Heaven into thinking that she was someone born in the realm. She did such a good job of it that she was able to participate in the trial right under Mother High Heaven's nose and even reach the final.

It was then that he noticed her. An ogre, the grand god of disaster, was fighting her then. But all of his attacks disappeared whenever they came near her. They were not destroyed. They simply ceased to exist. That attracted his attention to her.

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