Chapter 1336 Going Out With A Bang.

Chapter 1336 Going Out With A Bang.

He grumbled to himself, "I hope you are satisfied now."

He didn't speak out for fear that the Will of the plane or the Will of the Void universe would hear him complain. He can only bear his dissatisfaction in silence. Even worse, he has to play dead or be severely punished.

Kilorita smiled when she sensed the changes in the world. She felt triumphant.

"The scourge of the plane has finally been uprooted. What comes next is prosperity. The Gattling plane shall prosper under my rule for all of eternity."

She is very happy now. The plane has suffered but the plague has made her stronger. The will of the plane can't take back its connection to her now that the plague has been eliminated. She will remain the child of the plane until she dies or until someone takes the Authority of the Celestial Supreme from her which is nearly impossible.

She declared to everyone still alive. Her voice rang out throughout the plane, "Today shall be called the day of rebirth. We will rise from the ashes and become stronger like the mythical phoenix."

It will take a long time for the plane to recover. People are still mourning their loss and the plane is still burning. Zombies litter the plane everywhere and volcanoes are still erupting. No one is in the mood for Celebration but Kilorita is.

Legion-7 wasn't happy with the declaration either. The way she phrased gained his dislike immediately. He spat, "I hate phoenixes."

He has more reasons to be unhappy other than the memories of his bad experience with phoenixes. He has essentially been handicapped.

He can't create zombies or clones if he wants to remain hidden. He can't access the law matrix anymore either. He has to stay inactive within his current host.

His inactivity is not even a good thing for the host. It is a very bad thing. The fact that the host doesn't know that there is something else in its body doesn't stop the rejection. In fact, the rejection has only increased because he can't quell it by manipulating the soul.

He made up his mind then. "I can't live like this. I should leave the plane."

Then he sighed. "But where should I go?"

He has decided to leave the plane but he needs a destination. He can touch his soul sphere ever since he acquired his authority over the soul. He postulated that he can gain access to the soul sphere of other clones but he can't through his own. He has tried and it failed. That ruled out escaping through the mind network on his own.

His only options are meeting up with Soverick or an avatar of the tree father.

Unfortunately, Soverick said, "You can't come to me. I have felt the gaze of world gods ever since I became a king of law. You will be discovered if you enter the Virut plane."

This left the avatars of the tree father as his viable option. He spent the next couple of hundreds of years trying to escape the plane. The first major issue is that he can't leave a host and the host dies very quickly because of rejection. So he had to change hosts quickly.

The second problem is that he couldn't direct the host or control their actions since he was not in possession of the body. He has to use illusions to nudge the host to touch others which makes changing hosts extra difficult.

The third problem is that there is a seal on the planar portal and the sky. It is a grand seal that belongs to a Celestial. From the power of lightning contained in the invisible seal, he is certain it belongs to the Celestial Supreme.

He can't even break the seal of a normal Celestial easily and quietly so there is no way he can break this elaborate seal without drawing attention to himself. When combined with the fact that he has to change his host regularly and he can't control his host directly to break the seal, then the difficulty of escaping escalated to become near impossible.

He thought about his difficult situation for a long time until he came to a solution.

His solution made him grin. "If I can't go quietly then I will go with a bang."

The seal is invisible until it is disturbed so anyone powerful enough can break it even though they can't see it. It will just cause a commotion that will draw attention. So he began to create a big commotion since he couldn't avoid it.

He decided to create an organization to do so for him. He first found a transcendent as a host. He used illusions to influence the transcendent to create the freedom fighters. This is an organization with the single aim of breaking out of the plane.

He can't control others to do his bidding anymore and he cannot create transcendent zombies. Which means that he has to rely on the inhabitants of the plane. There are a lot of transcendents in the plane and these transcendents are not happy with the status quo. Their options to grow stronger are to either become gods or leave the plane.

The population has fallen to an all-time low so the Celestials are not willing to see new gods. They suppressed the transcendents trying to create new churches to build up their foundation for faith. It caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the transcendents and made them open to fighting for the chance to leave the plane. This dynamic made the Freedom Fighters organization flourish.

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