Chapter 1188 The Bounty Of Death.

Chapter 1188 The Bounty Of Death.

The Martial teacher groaned, "He has a good head on his shoulders. But if only he had learned some movement techniques, he might be able to dodge this."

Their young master's movements while good at confusing his enemy are also sloppy to the trained eye. He was making unnecessary movements that wasted his energy and reduced his speed. If he was faster he would have covered the distance of a kilometer by now. But he was slow so he made it possible for his opponent to prepare the bauling for a third shot.

Their young master didn't try to avoid the next baul. The distance was too close for dodging so the only thing he did was cover his head with his two arms like some child as if that would stop his opponent from aiming for his head. So the next shot went straight for his head. It struck his arm and broke some of the earthen layer. The stone defense didn't break so he wasn't hurt.

This was the first time that he was hit so they were able to see the defensive power of the layer of brown earth around him. They also found a new appreciation for the fact that he was completely covered in the hard earth by the time he reached his opponent.

The eyes of the teachers gleamed with hope and excitement because their young master had become completely covered in the brown stone. He looked like an earth elemental. It was exciting to see but it was terrifying for his opponent to look at.

His opponent dropped the bauling quickly and took out his sword from the scabbard. Then he swung it at their young master. Their young master's left fist expanded into a large, flat, and vertical piece of stone. The makeshift shield that his hand had become collided with the sword while his other fist struck his opponent in the head.

His opponent extended their neck and moved their head backward so that his punch would miss. Their elongated neck created a distance between where their head should be and where it is.

Unfortunately for them, their young master seemed to have anticipated the evasion and could also elongate his body parts. It also appeared that their young master could elongate his body parts more than his opponent so his fist was able to reach the head.

There was a loud clang sound of the clash between metal and stone. The shield was nearly cut in half by the sword. A little more and it would have cut off the whole arm. But no one paid attention to that because of the sound of a head exploding. It was accompanied by a gory sight too.

His opponent's head was smashed open by his heavy fist. Their young master took the sword and stabbed it into his opponent's face to kill him. He didn't even wait for the next instruction before he began cutting his dead opponent open.

It was as if he was in a hurry. He used the sword to cut open the chest to reach the mana core. Then took out the beating heart and ate it. His face and hands were covered with blood but he didn't appear to care. He didn't care about his mangled arm either. The only thing that he cared about was eating the spoils of battle.

Meanwhile, the sounds of cheering and jubilation could be heard in his room. The magic teacher was shouting joyfully, "We won! We won! We won!"

The history teacher was stunned. "That's it? We won just like that?"

The martial teacher shook his head in disdain and muttered while smiling, "Unruly young people."

But he didn't rebuke the enthusiastic celebrator. He too was happy that they won. Everyone was happy.

The caretaker reminded them. "The young master is on his way back. We should be ready for him."

So they scrambled to wait for him by the door. Legion-5 found them arranged in order before him when he entered.

He said to them, "I hope you enjoyed your rest. I am going to clean up now. I better find more food on the table by the time I return."

They clamored in reply, "Yes, young master."

He nodded his head and went to have his bath. Then he returned and began eating again. That's how he intends to spend all his time in the blood crucible. The martial teacher tried to recommend that they train a little. Legion-5 cut off both his legs and ate them. He can regrow it since he is a mana entity but that experience taught him not to bother Legion-5 when he is eating anymore.

Legion-5's first match roused a lot of people. His father and some others had always been paying attention to him because of his mutation. But more people began to pay attention to him now that they know more about his mutation. This number increased the more Legion-5 showed his prowess in subsequent battles.

"I really want to get his body." His father said in agitation as he flipped through Legion-5's matches.

He has changed his mind about his interest in his son after seeing his first match. The change was instantaneous. He was part of the ones that expected Legion-5 to die. In fact, he was looking forward to it. But he was disappointed and his longing to gain access to his son's body for experimentation soared dangerously.

It is safe to say that he has become obsessed with his son. He is so obsessed that he has been reviewing the matches over and over again. The next phase of obsession is stalking.

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