Chapter 1179 Ancient Shapir

Chapter 1179 Ancient Shapir

?1179 Ancient Shapiro.

He became cheerful at the prospect of Ragnarok's demise. It made his life regain a purpose. Then he left his room. His guide was already waiting for him at the entrance.

He said, "Congratulations on your successful molting. You are fully mature now. Follow me for your test."

The two of them began walking through the facility. This is the first time that Legion-5 is allowed to walk through the facility on his own feet. He was always in a cart the previous times they had to go somewhere.

He has grown taller too. He is a little over a meter in height which is more than twice his previous height but he is smaller than battle sage monkeys which means he is shorter than the average height in the realm. He can even be considered a dwarf. Except that he is more ugly than a dwarf.

He has two eyes, a mouth, and two holes on his face for nostrils. He doesn't have a nose or an external ear. Just two holes on the sides of his head that lead to his inner ear.

No one can call him handsome. Not with his exposed nostrils that make his face appear creepy and scary.

He thought to himself, "I don't care about looks but I wish my senses were not so bad."

His senses are truly bad. His eyesight is poor because he doesn't have eyelids. He has a transparent crystal barrier in front of his eyeballs that protects his eyes from injury but not from light so his eyes are constantly exposed to light. This made them develop to absorb as little light as possible so that they wouldn't be damaged.

He doesn't have a nose and the accompanying nerves for smelling so his sense of smell is bad. He doesn't have an external ear to collect sound waves so his hearing is bad too.

His divine ability has shunted the nerves of touch and pressure in his skin and body so he won't feel pain when he shifts. But that has also shunted his sense of touch.

The only good sense he has left is the sense of taste. The rest of his senses are so bad that he is no better than a mortal. He is a mana entity that has senses on par with mortals.

It should be strange but he recognizes that his ugliness and his poor senses are the effects of his divine ability. His divine ability makes him featureless so that his body can easily shift and transform.

The thought of his shifting divine ability made him begin to look forward to the divine ability that he would take. It might just be one divine ability but it hasn't dampened his enthusiasm for it.

But he will need freedom for him to search for a suitable target so he asked his guide, "When can I leave?"

The guide chuckled. "Aren't you that talkative mutant boy? It seems you are still bent on leaving. As I have said every time you asked me when you can leave, you will leave when you are a full Supreme beast."

Legion-5 wasn't happy with the reply. He wants to leave this place and learn about the plane, his race, and many other things. Besides, that answer appears to be an excuse. What does being a full Supreme Beast mean?

So he asked in irritation, "What else is there that I have to do to become a Supreme beast? I have awakened my divine ability."

His guide shook his head. "You have only become a mature Shapiro. The Shapiro are the ancient supreme beasts. They are tiny and weak beings that were supposed to be wiped out. We were called white goblins as a slur."


That caught Legion-5 off guard. He knows what goblins are and they are very ugly. They are also very weak and they reproduce like the ants that they are. Goblins are weak pests. He can't believe that the great supreme beasts would be compared to them.

"Then again, we are very ugly." He thought to himself in understanding.

But he is still young and should be ignorant so he can't appear to know what goblins are. So he asked, "What are goblins?"

"Goblins are a mortal race that is considered beasts in some places. They are very weak."

"But we are not weak."

His guide agreed. "We are not. But the ancient Shapiro were. The change came when the first supreme beast found a way to make the whole race evolve. You are not a supreme beast until you have undergone this process of evolution."

"What process is that?" Legion-5 asked in curiosity.

"It is called the blood crucible."

Legion-5's excitement suddenly fell. He said, "That doesn't sound good. That sounds dangerous."

His guide nodded. "Correction, It is good but it is dangerous. You will be forged in the blood crucible. You will become a supreme beast if you survive it. What's not good about it?"

Legion stated, "The danger that accompanies the process."

"As in any forging process, impurities must be eliminated and quality hammered in. Some don't survive the process. So it is dangerous. But that doesn't take away its merit. Quality is always better than quantity."

Legion-5 began to realize that his life might actually be in danger. He wanted to know the probability of him dying so he asked, "What is the rate of survival?"

"1 in 256."

He exclaimed, "That is too much."

His guide encouraged him, "Don't worry. If you are strong enough, the whole experience will seem like a 1 in 8 chance of survival."

"With due respect, you can't be serious. That is still too dangerous."

His guide stopped and turned to him. He said with a grave tone, "To the true Supreme beasts, there is only us and livestock. We are Supreme and must be above all else. If you are not supreme like us, then you are a livestock. You have seen what we think of livestock and what we do to them. Do you understand why you must go through the blood crucible?"

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