Chapter 1027 The Disturbance.

Chapter 1027 The Disturbance.

There is no need for him to come up with a justification for his upcoming actions. For him, there is no good or evil. There is only want and the power to acquire what is wanted. 

If he wants something, and he has the power, then he will get it. The fact that he will come into conflict with the demon god as a result is purely coincidental. He is not motivated by revenge. 

Sure, the demon god tried to enslave him. But that's in the past. Legion is only concerned about benefits. He will still do what he is about to do even if the demon god hasn't tried to enslave him. And if there were no benefits to be had, then he might let bygones be bygones. 

He tunneled into the Underdark with a single-minded focus in a straight line to his target. Nothing could stop him. His divine ability devoured everything in front of him without issue. The only thing that might count as a slight hiccup occurred along the way. It didn't stop him though. 

He was distracted early into his hunt. Someone used the connection he has to the plane to communicate with him. That person first tried to project themselves to him but something blocked the transmission. He seems disconnected from the world despite his connection to the plane. So the person settled for sending their words over to him.

"Ragnarok, I must say that you are very impressive." Emperor Rinoz started.

He replied, "I on the other hand find you to be disappointing."

That's the truth. He really is disappointed in her. She had all that power and yet failed all because of a stupid reason. He understands the reason for her ignorance but that doesn't stop him from being disappointed in her. 

He continued tunneling while he spoke with her. As for Rinoz, she became silent.

He asked impatiently, "I don't have time to waste. State your business and be gone."

She said with a cold and stern voice. "I will let this slide because you have no respect for Authority." 

That made Ragnarok laugh. He chuckled. "That's stupid. I have respect for Authority. There are a lot of people that I respect and fear. I just don't respect you."

He has respect and fear for a lot of people. There is the realm lord, demon gods, and any world god. His respect and fear for them are a result of self-preservation. He is proud. But he knows who he shouldn't mess with. As for Rinoz, she isn't one of the people he fears, respects, or admires. 

He still wouldn't respect her were she stronger than him. He will be indifferent to her because he thinks she is a lucky girl who was granted great power but can't use it efficiently because of ignorance. But now she is weaker than him and also full of herself so he thinks she is a joke.

"I don't need your respect." She declared stubbornly.

He told her, "That's good. Because you won't get it."

"I am here on important matters. The will of the plane told me about what you did in the devil's pit. You managed to create an opening in it. The Wood elves are currently moving there to take full advantage of the opportunity you have given them. From what the scouts have seen, the situation is promising for the wood elves. I think..."

He interrupted her. "And why should I care about any of these?"

She took a moment of silence before she continued. It is probably to stop herself from saying something she will regret. "We understand that you have freed yourself from the grips of the demon god. We don't know how you did that and how you became a king of law so soon but we know that you are currently at odds with the Vampires and that's all that matters..."

He interrupted her again. "Let me guess. You want me to work with you."

"Will you just let me finish what I want to say?" She asked in anger.

"No." He replied. Then he asked. "Did you ask for my permission before you initiated this conversation?"

"I don't have to ask for your permission. I am the child of..."

He interrupted. "Wrong answer. The correct answer is that No, you didn't ask for my permission. So I have to listen to you talk but I don't have to make it easy for you to say what you want."

"That's not right. I'll have you know that...."

He interrupted again. "It is clear that you don't respect me. If you don't respect me then I won't respect you. Respect goes both ways."

Actually, he is lying. He still wouldn't respect her even if she respected him. Only strength matters. 

"Fine. You can make things as difficult as you want. But it won't stop me. As I was saying. The tree elves want to work with you. They are prepared to give you asylum and protect you. We can do great things together. We can liberate the plane from the clutches of the demon god."

"No." He said.

"Is this about all that time that the wood elves tried to kill you? I am sure you can overlook it and look to the future for..."

He cut her off. "You asked and I said no. I don't have to explain myself to you." 

That made her snap. "Guess what? You have to explain yourself to me. I am your Emperor and also your child of the plane. I am stronger than you and have higher Authority than you so you will listen to me."

He grinned. "You are an amusing little girl. You are ignorant and naive, but you're amusing. You remind me of a blue-furred battle sage monkey that I know. Unfortunately, you don't have his talent and determination. The only similarity between you two is that you're both ignorant, naive, and stupid."

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