Chapter 1019 Too Smart For His Own Good.

Chapter 1019 Too Smart For His Own Good.

He thought she would be very strong because of it. But she hasn't become a Monarch yet. She is just a Duke. Even so, she was able to use her Sovereign level strength to force an Origin god to build defenses that further ensured that she wouldn't be easy to kill.

"I wonder what the foundation of her immortality is." He thought to himself.

The voice in his head said to him, "You too can become powerful and nearly immortal if you become a Primogenitor."

He ignored that and changed the subject. 

"No matter how costly it was to create, the defenses are working well. It was well worth it to make an origin god her enemy. It was unexpected that the defenses would save my life. But it is good. It is better than good."

Actually, he suspected that Rinoz would fail to get to him. He noticed the level of quality of workmanship used to build the defenses of the devil's pit. He also knows how the title of the child of the plane is supposed to work. It should only enhance what someone is capable of doing. It cannot give them abilities that they don't have in the first place. 

A very strong transcendent is not the same as a Sovereign no matter how powerful that transcendent is. There is a difference in the state of existence that raw power cannot account for. But he wasn't sure it would work since it is such a glaring weakness. He expected her to at least have a solution for such a thing. Apparently, she is young and ignorant. She was blocked by a lifeless object. 

He is also certain that he won't die easily even if the gates to the devil's pit are resolved easily. Because if he was so important to the demon god, then it must do everything to protect him. If the demon god needs him alive as it has always said, then it would try everything it can to keep him alive.

"I guess it is more sleeping for me now," Ragnarok said with a yawn. 

"Luck will not be on your side forever. You will run out of it and will have nowhere else to go but to accept the goodness of CARNAGE."

"Don't be so glum. Shouldn't you be happy that Rinoz has a weakness? Why are you so unhappy?" He asked.

Of course, he knows why the demon god is unhappy. He is just asking to add salt to the injury. 

The voice in his head didn't answer for a while. The demon god is disappointed for another reason. It didn't plan to get Ragnarok killed at all. It is expected that she will fail. In fact, the devil pit has been reinforced with familiars from other primogenitors, and several other primogenitors have come around to help Ragnarok and to kill the child of the plane if the demon god had underestimated her. 

Ragnarok wasn't made aware of these developments. He was supposed to feel the threat of death in his ignorance. This threat of death should have then convinced him to become the champion of the dark side. However, he wasn't moved by the prospect of death. Or if he was, it wasn't enough to make him succumb willingly. This is why the demon god is disappointed.

The demon god warned him, "Don't be so sure of your safety yet. All she needs is a top-grade artifact of her own and she will surely be able to breach this wall in time."

He wasn't fazed at all. He shrugged and said, "Stop trying to scare me. I know that. I also know that you won't wait until she gets one and returns to kill me. You will try your best to kill her now that she has a weakness that you can exploit. If you kill her, then you won't need me anymore right?"

The demon god said with annoyance, "I think I already said you're too smart for your own good."

Ragnarok is right. The top-grade origin artifact used as the gate is just a minor hindrance. It has been breached several times in the past by Sovereigns and origin gods. Even titans of law can harm it. 

The main function of the defenses is to support the wall and prevent the wood elves from trying to collapse it or infiltrate it with tree roots and other plants. It wasn't meant to actually block their entry. At least not for long. So Rinoz can breach it with her own Origin artifact. But it is unlikely that the demon god will wait for that to happen.

It is clear now that anyone encapsulated in Origin artifacts will be completely safe from her divine ability. That can be used to make familiars immune to her. They will be able to kill her if they can get close enough to her. The Vampires are already making the preparations to kill her. The familiars that managed to escape her equipping better Origin artifacts right now to kill her. 

Ragnarok smiled smugly but he wasn't exactly happy with the development. It is both good news and bad news for him that Rinoz can be killed. Rinoz has stopped being a threat to him in the meantime which is good. But things will probably become bad for him if the Vampires manage to kill her. 

He won't have any use as a champion to the demon god. The demon god will surely not release him in that case. A demon doesn't let go of something good no matter how much they don't need it.

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