Chapter 980 The Plan For Ragnarok: Dark Side.

Chapter 980 The Plan For Ragnarok: Dark Side.

The demon god is just protecting its asset. It is allowed to do that. The fact that Xigger will be close to Ragnarok and therefore make the other vampires close to Ragnarok is but a coincidence. 

It will also be a mere coincidence that has nothing to do with the demon god if one of those vampires takes a fancy and decides to turn Ragnarok without being prodded or influenced by the demon god. 

Everything will be an unfortunate coincidence. That's what the demon god planned. It is asking the other vampires to go after Ragnarok without asking the other Vampires to go after Ragnarok. It is not indirect so it doesn't break the Oath. 

It is a demon god that likes making deals. Part of the reason it likes deals is to get its way without using violence while most of it is the pleasure it gains from taking advantage of loopholes in agreements. 

Surely the demon god cannot be asked to stop asking its Vampires to do things just because of the other consequences of their actions or the collateral damage that might occur along the way. Even if he was asked, surely the demon god can't be asked not to look out for its assets. That's just harsh. A good businessman will not make such an Oath. And the demon god is a very good businessman. Even better, the demon god is a demon and not a man.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?" Xigger asked.

The demon god lied, "It was just backup in case of the worst. You didn't think of it and you wouldn't appreciate it if it was not needed so I kept it to myself."

It didn't tell Xigger about this special favor of asking other vampires to protect him. Xigger wouldn't understand and he wouldn't appreciate the kindness that the demon god is showing so he doesn't need to know. All Xigger needed to know was where Ragnarok was and all he needed to do was to continue chasing after his boy and find him.

Xigger was surprised but he wasn't angry. He felt grateful actually. He started to say, "That's good. I am sure that I can work something out with the Pulchritude Primogenitor. I am grateful that you care for my..."

He stopped when he heard what Malekit said next, "Hmm. This Warrog is special. He is the most powerful of the vermins that I have seen. He looks beautiful too."

Xigger yelled at him. "Don't get any ideas you pervert. That's my son."

"Oh," Malekit said in surprise. Then he began to grin. He said, "Is that so? I wouldn't have thought so. Who would have thought that such a beautiful thing can come from an ugly thing."

Xigger stepped forward menacingly. "Yes, it is so. So back off."

Malekit did not back off. Instead, he stepped forward to assess Ragnarok better.

"Hmm. He has nice white and lush fur. I want to run my hand through it. I am sure it will be thrilling." Melakit said with longing.

Xigger threatened. "Well, you can't. I will drain you of everything you are if you so much as touch him." 

Malekit nodded as if in understanding. He raised his hands and backed off. "My apologies."

Xigger's wrath waned a bit. The gesture of surrender calmed him down so he continued, "I appreciate you looking out for me. I am sure that we can come to some sort of understanding concerning the compensation that..."

Malekit interrupted. He said, "I have made up my mind. I choose him as my prize for coming to protect you."

Xigger's eye twitched. He roared in anger, "You can't choose him for anything. He is mine." 

Then he bolted forward to smash Malekit apart. He has had it with Malekit already. He wants to put the disrespectful Vampire in his place and show him who is superior here.

Malekit stepped back immediately. He is afraid of Xigger even though they are both counts. It is because Xigger is an ancestral vampire with almost infinite access to blood power from the demon god whereas he gets a limited and small amount of blood power from his creator Mistress Pulchritudo. 

He knows how terrifying Mistress Pulchritudo is so he can't underestimate Xigger at all. It is also important to note that Xigger represents the creator of the devouring lineage. His lineage is terrifyingly strong and feared amongst other vampires. So Xigger himself will be a terrifying force to reckon with. He is the Primogenitor after all.

Malekit has a lot of reasons to fear Xigger. He wouldn't have angered Xigger no matter how much he hated Xigger unless he had something that boosted his confidence. He brought that thing out now in his moment of need. A blood writ appeared in front of him. It appeared just in time too or Xigger would have actually torn him apart.

Xigger stopped when the blood writ appeared. It appeared right in front of him. He is only an arm's length away from Malekit but he stopped to read the blood writ. 

The blood writ is a blood-red sheet of paper with words written on it with golden blood. It is a binding contract issued by the demon god itself. This is not the first time he has seen something like it. He signed it once when he became a vampire so he is familiar with it.

Xigger eye's shrunk when he read it. Malekit seemed to have regained his confidence. He stepped back a little from the outstretched clawed hand of Xigger's before speaking. "The Blood Writ says that Ancestor Pulchritudo should send someone to protect you and in exchange, she can claim something of yours. So I lay claim to this son of yours on her behalf."

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