Chapter 862 The Search For The Reaper.

Chapter 862 The Search For The Reaper.

The hellhound demon king is looking at them as if she wants an opportunity to prove that her teeth and the abundance of them in her three jaws are not for show.

Who would dare to say that they do not agree? Even the succubus queen who was cheated out of the leadership position can only smile and express her agreement while secretly cursing in her heart.

"Let us go since everyone agrees. I have another meeting today that I have to attend. I want to get this over with as soon as possible." The hellhound said after seeing that no one disagreed with her.

"Let us go since everyone agrees. I have another meeting today. I want to get this over with as soon as possible." The hellhound said after seeing that no one disagreed with her.

So they left the first plane of the abyss and plunged into the large body of purple water at the center of the plane. This sea of purple water is the original energy well. It extends down below to the other planes and provides energy to them. It is also the bridge that connects all the plane's together so they will be able to access every plane through it.

The group of demon kings sank into the energy well and found themselves in a world of darkness. Everything is dark as long as you use your eyes to see. They are demon kings with powerful divine senses and Authorities so they don't need their eyes. They were able to navigate their way through the energy sea.

The energy well is like an ocean of liquified energy. It is vast and it is powerful. The energy contained within its waters will make a high-rank demon explode on contact. Fortunately, high-rank demons can use their powerful mind to create a barrier that separates them from the purple water so that they are not overloaded with energy.

Demon kings don't need such precautions. The energy in the ocean is large but it is too weak to affect them more than the occasional tickle. So they should be relaxed as they transverse through the sea. What is odd is that they are relaxed. They shouldn't be relaxed since they are going into a demon king's plane to fight him. That is a very dangerous act because the plane of a demon king is where they are the strongest. So they shouldn't be relaxed at all. But they all are.

They are relaxed because they have no reason to fear. They have even agreed on how they will distribute the Reaper's wealth. And their leader is talking about a meeting she wants to go to after this fight. It is as if success is already within their grasp. As if there is no other alternative outcome. It is not baseless confidence though. They have a level 7 demon king while the Reaper is level 5. What could go wrong?

So they were relaxed as they tried to find the Reaper's plane. It is a tricky thing since none of them know where it is. His plane could be anywhere in the abyss. The energy sea doesn't pass through every plane in one single path. It separates a tributary from itself that supplies the planes of the abyss. So it is connected to every plane but that means that they will have to examine the end of every tributary to find the Reaper's plane.

The hellhound demon king ordered with a growl. "Everyone should scatter and look for it. I'll stay here and oversee the situation. You should return to me when you find it so that we can form up and attack it together."

The four demon kings nodded and agreed wordlessly. They separated to look for the Reaper's plane. At the end of each tributary is a large ball. They can peek into the plane if it is a normal plane without a demon king. A plane belonging to a demon king will resist peeking. So they will have to knock and ask for information politely or forcefully enter.

They can also use less aggressive methods like sensing the energy of the plane. Every demon king has a unique energy and aura signature that can be used to identify them. Using this non-aggressive method is accurate but it takes time. It will take them hours before they can find the Reaper's plane that way. They have to use it though because barging into the plane of a demon king without permission is an act of war. One enemy is already enough for them. There's no need to acquire more.

"This shameless dog. How can I be so unlucky?" The succubus queen asked herself while examining the energy signature of a plane.

She is complaining because the four of them are doing grunt work while the hellhound is not doing anything. They will spend less time searching if the hellhound joins in but she has refused to work and she will also take the bulk of the loot.

She didn't want to invite the hellhound demon king. She had to because the hellhound demon king came to her asking about the snake demon king. Apparently, the two of them like to wrestle. There is no benefit in killing each other so demon kings form connections with themselves. So the hellhound demon king came looking for the succubus because the snake demon king told her about his collaboration.

The snake demon king told the hellhound about the two partners that he was working with. The hellhound doesn't know much about the Reaper but the succubus queen lives on the first plane and is very popular. The succubus queen had to spill the beans about the snake demon king being captured.

She downplayed the event so that the hellhound wouldn't know about the Reaper's wealth but it was all for naught. The hellhound was going to rescue her wrestling partner no matter what. But then she found out that the succubus queen was already forming a group to attack the she decided to tag along.

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