Chapter 780 The Child Of The Sages' Plan.

Anyone that succeeds in acquiring immortality has strived for it with hard work or acquired it through privilege and talent. No origin God is a slouch. They are all talented in their own way. But apparently, that isn't enough for the creator of the Void universe. 

The void universe continues to pit these talented people against each other. They are immortal so there's no permanent loss. They can always be set up against each other and used to sharpen each other again and again until something unknown happens. 

"But the universe is ending soon. Whatever the creator wants to achieve had better occur soon or we the world gods will tear the universe asunder." The sage thought to himself in glee.

Yes, the universe is cruel. Yes, it pitilessly pits immortals against each other. But that's what makes life exciting. The thrill of the competition and the reward that awaits. It gives immortality a purpose and the excitement needed to endure it. It is even better if you're an entity that schemes and manipulates the immortals to do your bidding. What is immortality without a greater aim?

The sage shook his head as he thought about the upcoming events. The era of conquest is coming. Then the realm lord's project will go live. The void universe will be riled up by the consequences of the project. Then world gods will battle for what is left of the universe as it ends.

The first sage said in anticipation, "It will be glorious."

Someone moved closer to the sage after the realm lord left. This person is also a battle sage monkey. He has white fur and eyes that shift their colors constantly. Energy is bursting from the figure of this person. It makes their edges uneven and shifting. The boundary between them and the world is blurred because of the pulsating of massive energy density contained within the person.

"So I was late." The person said.

"It was just a few seconds." The sage said.

"A few seconds is a large margin. He is too powerful for an origin god."

The sage had to agree. "He is. He will make a terrifying enemy as a world god."

"So ancestor, what was the outcome?" The person asked.

"I baited him well and he fell for it. We made several bets and I won. I was able to buy his allotment of the investment."

"That's good. It seems that the Soverick boy is dead now. I noticed that he didn't return with the others." 

The sage nodded. The person sighed and said, "That's a pity. But it was also expected. He has played his part well. He will be remembered for his contributions to the plane."

The sage agreed. "Yes, he will. As for you, you will be rewarded for your contribution too. You did well in setting up the creation of a child of the plane. I will reward you with one of the slots I have in the realm lord's project."

The child of the sages smiled. He bowed and said, "Thank you, ancestor. I am immensely grateful."

The sage shook his head and said, "You deserve it. It would have been very difficult to swindle that fool if we didn't have a child of the plane. You were instrumental in it. I have given you the opportunity to earn Authority. It will be up to you to make full use of it."

The child of the sages bowed and said, "I will ancestor."

The person who came to see the sage is the child of the sages who orchestrated the creation of the divine dungeon and the subsequent creation of the child of the plane. His information and planning were instrumental in the victory that Soverick acquired over the gods. Not many know of his contribution to the creation of the child of the plane but those that did know, are the ones that truly matter.

They had begun to plan for this even long before Gehaldirah was born. The child of the sages could have become a world god already. He has met the requirements and his ancestor can help him with the resources he needs. If not, he can always look towards the other powerful sons and daughters of the sages for help. Then there is still his mother. So he never lacked the opportunity to become a world god. But he refrained from becoming one because he wants to participate in the realm lord's project. 

They didn't exactly know when the realm lord's project will be or what it will be. After all, the realm lord hadn't announced it before they became aware of it. But they knew that it is very important and will set off a bloodbath in the void universe. The child of the sages knew from a long time ago that he must participate in it. There is a great opportunity there for him. 

He could ask for resources to become a world god from the first sage. The sage would have helped him since he is an excellent descendant. But he couldn't ask the sage for a slot to participate in the realm Lord's project. The slot is more precious than the resources to become a world god. 

In the void universe, some things are more precious than money or resources. The opportunity to acquire Authority is one of those things. So he had to prove himself worthy of it. That's where Soverick comes in. The child of sages engineered the creation of the child of the plane. 

A thousand mana entities can surely destroy a mountain if each one of them attacks once. A single mana entity can also destroy a mountain after several attacks, probably with a thousand attacks. They needed a mana entity that could combine the strength of a thousand mana entities to break a mountain in one attack. 

That's what paragons do and that's what a child of the plane is. Soverick was to be their champion against the paragons of the Vipers.

A/N: I hope you remember what the child of the sages told Guntu the artist when Guntu asked they wanted to do with Soverick. That was in Volume 2. 

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