Chapter 745 One Down.

They fawned over him.

"He even has pretty eyes. He will look really good as a pet."

"Or as a stuffed animal."

"No. Alive is better."

"I am just saying he will look good dead too."

Now they began to argue and bicker about which state he will be better in, whether dead or alive.

"It's too bad that we can't keep him. That will be lovely."

"We can't keep anyone of them. They are just simulations. They are not real."

"I just want to keep this gold fur. I'll be content if we can keep the assorted furs of what we kill here. They will be a big hit if we take it back home."

"I know right?"

They talked openly as they circled him so that he can hear what they are saying. They are complimenting his golden fur. It is different from the white one that all the battle sage monkeys have in their plane. Those without bloodlines are becoming extinct in the Virut plane but the opposite is the case in their plane. There is no bloodline for battle sage monkeys in their plane. 

Someone has to become a transcendent before they can transfer the lowest type of bloodline to their offspring. That can't happen when battle sage monkeys aren't allowed to become transcendents. The best they can reach is mana entity but such battle sage monkeys are more valuable for meat than the others so they are specifically hunted. 

A mana entity can regenerate almost every physical injury as long as it is not their head is intact. That regenerating factor can turn them into a renewable source of flesh. They will continue to regenerate even when their minds break down and they become catatonic. 

The two speedsters began talking to him when they finished with one another.

"What are you supposed to be?"

"Were you supposed to stop us?"

"How do you plan to do that?"

"Are the furries giving up by putting just you here? Is that it?"

"These furries are stronger than they should be but I guess that they are still stupid. How do they expect one person to stop us?"I think you should take a look at

"Maybe they left you here for your beauty. I suppose you're supposed to seduce us or make us croon over how adorable you are."

One of them crooned. "You are adorable."

The other one agreed. "You are so adorable."

Then they laughed. Soverick stood where he was without moving. He didn't react to their words at all. His eyes tracked their speed and determined the best course of action. He stayed still now because he has to. They are very fast. They are just a blur around him. And they are two of them so he has to be careful.

One of them mocked him. "Look at him. He is frozen in fear."

The other one said, "Maybe we should stop scaring him."

But the one "I've had enough of this. He is no fun. He is not making any tricks. I'm taking the flag."

It ran towards the flag to grab it. Its hand was outstretched towards the flag to take it when Soverick moved. The Viper had changed directions from its circular path around him and entered the zone of optimal distance from him. In other words, the Viper has become closer to him. 

His body flashed with a sudden golden lightning when he moved. There was a short tussle. Then he was on top of the first speedster when the light on his body died down. The light has died down but the golden lightning remained flashing around his body.

"No, you don't." The other one said and tried to grab the flag too.

The second speedster ran face-first into a torrent of flames. Its eyes widened as it lashed its tail sideways. It managed to jump out of the way at the last moment. It didn't get time to relax because more fireballs were coming for it. Fortunately, it was fast enough to dodge. It was very difficult to dodge because the fireballs were timed perfectly. It was as if his movements were being predicted but it managed to dodge even then. 

The speed of a speedster means that it will dodge as long as there is a path of survival. The second speedster managed to dodge the interwoven attacks when something fast, bright, and undodgeable smashed into it. A beam of white light collided with the Viper and threw it a great distance. It became airborne while a fireball began trailing after it in the air.

The Speedster was dazed. That light beam stunned it heavily. It bypassed its scales and scrambled its mind so it can't react to the incoming fireball. It would have died if not for the timely assistance of another paragon. This new paragon flew into the path of the fireball meant for the speedster. Paragon and fireball collided in a fiery explosion. 

The explosion threw this newcomer backward but it was unscathed. It was totally unharmed by the fireball and the numerous ones that hit it afterward. Soverick had sent numerous fireballs to ensure the death of the speedster. This paragon blocked all of them with its body. 

If not for the force of the explosion then this new paragon wouldn't have moved at all. Its black scales were unharmed. Instead, they shined with a metallic luster. It is as if the fire from the explosion polished them. It is a display of power that is meant to mock his effort.

"So the brutes are here already," Soverick said dryly. "It's okay. My spells are not my strong suit anyway."

The power of laws cannot exceed the capacity of the world fragment. He can't increase the prowess of his spells since the limit of the law fragments of this world is the emperor level. The divine crown can only increase the physical assistance of the world to him. So his spells remain at the emperor level. They are not his strong suit, meanwhile, his physical strength has been empowered.

A/N: There is a Character creation mission on the discord page. If you want a character named after you and you want to determine the type of character, then see about fulfilling the mission. 

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