Chapter 742 Fail Safes.

"Winning is possible for us, and we can aim toward it. It is going to be arduous, but it is possible. If they were connected to their plane, then this battle would have been hopeless for us. Complete eradication would be a dream. Fortunately, they are not."

He looked at them sternly as he said to them, "Overall, this battle is in our favor. We have a better chance of victory than our ancestors. We don't have to wipe out an entire race of billions of Vipers. We just have to kill 3 million. And we also have 3 million on our side. I will do my part, and I want you to do your part. My part is to face the paragons all by myself, while your part is to wipe out their soldiers. I won't fail in fulfilling my part. That's just not possible. That means the only room for error is on your side."

He is not being unfair in his statement. He can't fail, and it is not based on blind confidence. He has enough information to anticipate what is likely to happen for him to know that he is more than capable of facing all of the paragons together. It will be very difficult, but he can do it. 

His confidence comes from his title of his child of the plane and the divine crown. He has Sovereign level strength already because of the removal of suppression on him due to his call for support. That means he has the same level of strength as the paragons. 

He has yet to see how entities with the same level of power as him can defeat him. Adding the power of the divine crown makes him unmatched as a Sovereign. It is like giving a tiger wings. As long as there is no dragon to put him in his place, he will soar about unmatched under the heavens.

"I will upgrade your crowns, and you will select your lieutenants. But before that, we will discuss our battle plans, and you will ask me the questions that you have. We will arrange the army according to the battle plans that we will finalize here. Then we will do battle."

They began planning for the battle. They spoke generally about the troop's division and distribution. They also spoke about their tactics to win the battle. Salvini made a lot of contributions to their strategy. The crown bearers asked him some questions about the things they were unclear about. Then he upgraded their crowns after that, so they went to fill in the increased slots for lieutenants and to arrange the army.

Then he set to work changing the battlefield and the winning condition. Changing the battlefield or the condition to win a challenge is a set process. The battlefield or the winning condition can't be changed unless there are two votes in agreement. 

When the serpentine world god wanted to sabotage the dragon and the rank 10 monster, he had to ask for the first Sage's permission. He couldn't just go ahead and make those changes without getting another vote in agreement.

The guidelines for the competition state that there must be two votes in agreement for any changes to the competition. That means that the two administrators must agree. It wouldn't mean anything else as long as there are just two administrators. Now there are three administrators. It becomes apparent that all of the administrators are not needed for a change to occur. Just two are needed.I think you should take a look at

Soverick made the proposal, and the first Sage agreed. Then the changes began to occur. They were slight changes that didn't go against the format of the challenge. A flag appeared on the hills where the two opposite armies were standing. The flags are 10 meters tall, with the battle sage having the white flag and the vipers having the black flag. The serpentine world god didn't like the changes, but he couldn't do anything to stop it.

That's just the change to the battlefield. Soverick proposed for another winning condition to take full advantage of it. In order to win, a side must grab the opponent's flag and bring it back to their base while their own flag is defended. 

The former winning condition is fighting to the last man. The side that remains after the other side has been completely eliminated wins the competition. He didn't remove that condition, he just added to it.

He can't remove the winning condition. The Sage made sure of it. The Sage made sure of a lot of things. They are fail-safes put in place in case Soverick goes rogue. The Sage is not so stupid as to believe that Soverick cannot betray the battle sage monkeys. If betrayal is possible, then there can be betrayal, and it can be from anyone. So the Sage planned for it.

The racial council still has to protect Soverick even if he betrays them because the promise states that he will be protected as long as he is the child of the plane. The Sage knows that if he can twist that promise in his favor, so can Soverick. The fact is that he just doesn't trust Soverick. If Soverick were of his lineage, maybe he would trust him more. Unfortunately, Soverick isn't.

So the Sage put in place fail safes. One of which is the need for agreement from another administrator to make changes to the challenge. It is so that Soverick can't just go off the rails and cause rampant chaos that won't benefit anyone. Soverick might just decide to destroy the competition so that no one wins. 

In a competition, there are three outcomes. There's win, loss, and draw. The bet between the world gods is about winning and losing. There is no condition for a draw. In fact, a draw will render everything the Sage has done for this competition useless. There shouldn't be a draw according to the arrangement of the competition, but that can change if a third administrator starts to meddle with things. 


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