Chapter 620 Moral High Ground.

The thing that holds kings of law back from becoming titans of law is the image of their concept and the chances of success in creating it. A king of law must know what they want to be and how they want to be. Some kings need inspiration but no amount of inspiration will be good enough to combine 9 laws into a concept. That's why the sage was sure that Soverick will take the bait as soon as he saw the pillars that led to the competition arena.

Soverick got a taste of the Sage's law of order during their first meeting. Then he saw that the pillar has hints of it. He will surely try to get more of the law of order to fix the problem of his concept. A concept is a tiny aspect of the law matrix of the universe, the law of order is the backbone. So Soverick should be able to find something that will help him to become a titan of law from the sage's law of order. That's why the sage used his law of order as bait. 

The sage didn't know what motives Soverick will have for participating in the competition. But the sage knew that the promise of power is a great motivator. But now the sage isn't so sure he did the right thing to use his law of order to bait Soverick. There's too much unknown about him. The sage doesn't even know why Soverick is so powerful. 

Uncertainty is bad for someone that schemes like the sage. The sage began to rack his brain and consider the possibilities. He reviewed all his encounters with Soverick to see if he has missed something. He searched and searched but he couldn't find any reason for the strength that Soverick has shown. 

Then he began to search his knowledge about ocular powers but he can find any ability that allows battle sage monkeys to fuse their eyes and make them stronger. He also can't find any ocular ability that will allow one to revert an entity to its primordial form and swallow it whole. 

He would have confirmed with his future sight if it were someone else but it has become difficult to predict Soverick a while back. His title of the child of the plane prevents him from being scried. Now he doesn't know how Soverick managed to all the law fragments instead of scrambling for them as they disperse after killing the Viper.

'Maybe I shouldn't have baited him with the law of order. If the worst comes to pass then I am creating a monster.' he muttered to himself.

He was roused from his mental exercise by the shout of his co-administrator.

The serpentine world god pointed an accusing finger at the sage, "What have you done?"

The sage shrugged. "I have done a lot of things. To which are you referring to?"

The serpentine world god turned the finger to Soverick. The two of them are using their minds to watch the competition so the finger is directed at the physical location of Soverick in arena 28. It is enough for the sage to understand what the problem is.

"You mean your law of Order?" The sage asked.

"Yes, my law of order. How dare such a lowly creature gaze upon the secrets that I have uncovered about the Void universe?"

The serpentine world god can feel the law fragments of the Viper begin to form connections and join together. It is not some passive thing either. Someone is actively putting them together like solving a puzzle. It doesn't take much investigative ability to know who is responsible for the change.

The sage shrugged again. "What can I tell you? That Soverick sure has a lot of gall. He has no fear at all. What an ignorant boy. I'm sure he won't be so ignorant when he is done with what he is doing."

The sage spoke calmly and nonchalantly but his co-administrator didn't think it is a good enough reaction. In fact, it is the opposite reaction that he wants to receive right now. The sage disregarding him like that does not appease him at all. It does the opposite of appeasing him.

He brought back the finger and pointed at the sage. "You did this. I know you did. Don't deny it?"

The sage tsked and wagged his own finger back at the world god. "Now don't go about throwing baseless accusations at people. I am not the one that decided to interfere in the competition midway. I am not the one that decided to overwrite the last boss by injecting your own law of order into its form. I did you a favor and this is what you repay me with? I will not take such scandalous accusations from you."

That didn't placate the serpentine world god either. His eyes began burning with anger. The space around them began shaking. The surrounding matter began to break up as if an unseen earthquake just passed through. Energy became chaotic and toxic to all life.

"This was your plan all along. You tricked me." The serpentine world god's voice became low and rumbling. It reverberated through the air and echoed against unseen walls.

The sage wasn't even looking at his co-administrator. A zone of calmness surrounded him where all the changes caused by the temper tantrum didn't reach him. He is looking through the competition but he can still reply calmly, which he did.

"Correction. This is not my plan all along. This was a plan. There are other plans that I have put in place to get what I want. When I get what I want, you will know. Don't let this little victory blind you to what's more important."

Then the sage pointed out that he has the moral high ground by saying, "Besides, you made the changes yourself. I didn't ask you to. Then I even gave you the chance to undo the changes that you made to the last boss. You didn't take it. Everything that has happened is your fault."

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