Chapter 595 It All Comes Down To Power

Complaining won't do. It is not as if the arena spirit will intervene in the fight if he complains enough. It will be foolish to expect that to happen. So he concentrated on his dilemma and took stock of his situation.

He watched the dragon try to stand as he muttered. "It is strong. It is fast. It can fly. It can control world power. It can use dragon fire. Its defense is too strong. It is a dragon but it doesn't have a dragon scale. It is meant to be unkillable. At least, I can't kill it unless I get more power."

He began to list out what he discovered about the dragon and it isn't good news. He detonated that phantom spear for two things. The most important one is to evade the claw attack. His previous brush with it made him realize that the dragon's claws can shred him if they get a good hit on him. 

The second reason is to harm the dragon and see how thick its defense is. The result of that damage is not promising. They are worse if that scale is the weakest part of the dragon. It will be impossible to kill the thing if the other scales are thicker and stronger.

Next, he began cycling through possible options to kill the winged beast. He considered targeting other weaknesses like the eyes and wings but they won't amount to much. The eyes are very close to the head which means he will need to be close to the dragon's teeth to reach the eyes. Being close to a dragon's teeth is not a good idea. The wings are also not useful as a target despite their large size because the dragon doesn't need them to stay afloat.

He came to two conclusions then. The first one is that he needs more power. More power always solves most problems and in this case, it is desperately needed. If he can increase his attacking power, then he might be able to breach the defense of the dragon. 

Increasing his power through external means is not going to work for many reasons one of which is the dragon. It just jumped and soared into the air. Then it shot towards Soverick with very obvious ill intent. If he wants to get more power, he needs to get it before the dragon reaches him which is not a long time.

The second reason is that he can't get more power simply because he wants to. He needs to kill monsters of his rank or higher to make any meaningful progress in the steps of power but he doesn't see powerful monsters everywhere. The world spirit has to be holding out on him. This dragon that he is fighting is all that he will get any time soon.

The second conclusion that he came to is that in order to kill the dragon, he has to increase his efficiency. He has to use power wisely and get more from it. Since he can't raise his limit through external means, then he has to raise his output somehow. The best method to do that is through skillful usage of power. And he has just the right thing for the job. It is going to take all of his mental and visual prowess to pull it off.

"This is it then. Two can play at this game." He muttered angrily at the incoming dragon.

He has tried to be reasonable but it seems that this competition is asking the unreasonable of him. How is he to kill the dragon? It is just unreasonable. So he will give them the unreasonable. If they want to make difficult rules, then he will break those rules. If a game is stacked against you, you should overturn the board and make everyone lose. He just has to make sure that the dragon loses more than him.

First, he prepped his body. He pulled off his burnt robes and took a stance in the air. He had one foot forward while his spear is drawn back. All four of his eyes focused on the dragon for the first time. His body cracked as he overloaded it with momentum. The golden light showing within the cracks was then infused with world power. His body stayed in that form like a statue, unmoving, preparing, and waiting.

Next, he prepped his eyes.

His eyes bore into the dragon. He looked farther than the surface. He looked beyond the scales and the muscles beneath. His vision descended past tissues and cells. It descended further to the realm of energy manifestation and matter transformation. His vision of the world changed.

His eyes can see it. The flows and ebbs of the world. Beneath that is the way the wind moves. Beneath it is the way that mana stirs. Further below is the interaction of laws in the matrix. He can see all of it so he can interact with it. If he chooses to, he can break it. It comes at a cost and he needs his body and mind to keep up with what he sees. It is going to be difficult, but he can do it.

Then he prepped his mind with the activation of the first move of his personal skill set.


His mind connected his vision to his body. It became the connection between what he can see and where he wants to be. His body began to vibrate. The resonation exceeded the natural order of the world. His form seemed to flicker and become translucent as he descended further into the strata of the world of manifestation.

He became a phantom existing on both sides of the physical realm. He became a being of manifestation and concept. He needs to be if he wants to affect changes at the law matrix level without being an origin god. He is not an origin God so he won't be able to make perfect and clean changes to the law matrix. But that's okay. He is aiming to make a mess anyway.

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