Chapter 577 A Punch Of A Thousand Fists.

One fist combined with another and more combined together until only one fist is left. The last remaining fist looks no different from the other ones except it is the superimposition of thousands of fists. Then Soverick punched forward. The fist moved forward too but it didn't move at the normal speed. It shot forward and struck the monster almost immediately. It is almost as if it warped forward to strike the armored rhino instantaneously.

The monster had been watching Soverick prepare but it didn't see this new attack coming. It saw many golden fists just like the previous attacks so it thought nothing of it. If the previous one was useless, then this one will be too. So it was looking on with scorn and pride and wasn't able to react at all to the punch.

The fists combined and they did it too quickly. Thousands of golden fists had become one by the time Soverick had fully pulled back his fist. Then it shot towards it as Soverick punched forward. The golden fist slammed into its face and knocked it flying.

The monster bellowed in pain as it was sent flying. That punch really hurt its head. Several teeth were broken and knocked loose. They littered the forest floor after they were set from the cage of its mouth. Then it received another hit mid-flight. The fist struck its torso and caused one of the spikes on its back to break off. This time it howled in pain. 


It continued to howl until it slammed into the ground. It had been knocked flat onto the ground by a third punch. The hits just keep coming. The third punch slammed it into the ground. The first punch only disoriented it and that would have been the end of that attack. It wouldn't have minded that attack if not for the loss of one of its precious spikes. It is very angry now.

It tried to rise and attack but the golden fist hit it again and drove it further into the earth. The ultimate fist won't disappear like the other golden fists that will disappear after a single attack. Soverick wielded it again and again to punch the monster. It went right through the defensive field around it mostly unharmed and struck the armored rhino repeatedly. He expected the monster to be heavily injured but the best he got was when he broke the spike during the second attack.

He frowned and muttered, "This monster is too tough and durable. This is not working."

He is only inconveniencing his opponent. He isn't doing more than irritating it. He can do more but he is using his visual resources on the law matrix of this world. His eyes are boring past the Mana to the underlying principles that make this world works beneath the Mana. It is a mentally exhausting work that is taking most of his concentration.

He was debating what to do but his opponent doesn't plan on leaving him with a choice. The monster changed again. It decided to sacrifice its spikes for power. The purple spikes on its back lost their glow until they became fragile and broke off from the punches. The entire body of the armored rhino turned purple. Power exploded out of its body in the form of a larger and more powerful purple force field.

The earth exploded throwing soil and tree away. A shockwave emerged from the armored rhino that leveled trees for miles. The purple force field caught the golden fist and destroyed it. But the changes didn't end there. The monster had had enough of being battered around. The dark storm clouds in the sky answered its call of fury again and rained down more purple lightning bolts on the monster.

It rose into the air as it absorbed the lightning bolts. The purple force field around it began to grow stronger. It solidified and morphed into a purple phantom of the armored rhino. The purple phantom enveloped the monster but it continued to expand away from the monster to eventually form a giant construct about 500 meters tall.

The purple phantom has thick plates of armor on its body and the accompanying spikes. It is all made from energy and force not matter. It is like a shield for the monster that can defend and attack as well. The armored rhino is safe within the center of the phantom. It is even looking down on him.

"This is at least rank 7. The equivalent of a titan of law." Soverick assessed the situation solemnly.

The phantom rhino towered above him and above the trees. It can be seen miles away. The armored rhino created it using the power of this world like a titan of law. It is just borrowing the power but it is powerful nonetheless. 

A Titan of law is not his match in a normal situation. This is not a normal situation. He is suppressed from his base power of Sovereign of law to a transcendent. Even his use of momentum and the 5th step of power has only made him rise to the level of a king of law. He needs to bring more of his resources to bear if he hopes to match his opponent. He needs to increase his power from 5.5% to 10% somehow.

One of his four eyes focused on the monster as he said, "You leave me no choice. Your death better be worth it."

He decided to allocate the power of one of his eyes to the monster. He has yet to be able to use other levels of weapon mastery in this plane but he can simulate them with his eyes. One of his four eyes focused on the phantom monster. It flashed purple as it became ready for his next move. He activated it immediately.

A whirlpool appeared around his eye. The whirlpool drew in the power of the world like a sinkhole swallowing prey. Momentum and the lightning of the world were drawn into the whirlpool to empower Soverick's next move. Momentum and world power surrounded him and formed a cocoon of sorts. The cocoon obscured Soverick's figure.

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