Chapter 556 The Bad Egg Of The Litter.

Litori waved goodbye and ran to catch up to their parents. Soverick returned to his forge unbothered by the events of the day. So what that Kayla died? So what if Litori harvested the remnant of her soul after she died? So what if Litori doesn't actually feel anything for Kayla but is faking it? So what if Litori doesn't actually feel empathy and sympathy for anyone? So what if Litori is a psychopath and she only spoke to him about it because she hopes to feel guilty or at least feel something? What does all of it matter? It matters nothing to him.

Her emotional changes are not exactly her fault. It is the influence of her bloodline. Her affinity with fire and the soul has warped her. Fire is unfeeling and uncaring because fire burns everything. Those that study the soul are cold because they shed the shackles of the flesh to be better able to sense the spirit. 

So she doesn't feel sympathy or empathy. She can simulate it very well. It's why she cares about going early to Kayla's burial to look good rather than caring about the fact that she basically used Kayla as an ingredient for a pill. It is also why she wanted to make sure that he wouldn't talk about what he knows. Thanks to her ancestral bloodline, she is not a novice at what she does. She is a very dangerous but innocent-looking person.

But then again, what does it all matter? Nothing. At least not to him. It matters to Ghoto and Mihila though. Litori might just use Mihila for another experiment since Mihila doesn't have a path forward anymore. Talk about making the best use of the situation. Ghoto and Mihila are going to a burial with someone that can kill them for benefits without batting an eye. They also wouldn't see it coming if she kills them. 

He scoffed as he thought to himself, And they think that I am the bad egg among their children."


Soverick's meeting about Kayla's death occurred in the past. This upcoming event also occurred in the event. But it occurred in the dark side of the void Universe.

The dark side of the universe is named such because there is no light. This is not as simple as it is dark. There's always light in the normal part of the Void Universe, even in the night. You might not be able to see that light because your eyes are subpar but there's always light. Mind you, there's more to light than the visible spectrum of light to you. Light represents flux energy in a quanta state.

Some view space or the void as a dark place but it is not. It is awash in light. It is the brightest place filled with stars. The dark side is the opposite of that. There is no emission of light from infrared to ultraviolet which means there's no flux energy. Or at least, there is no energy that emits or interacts with light in any way. 

The energy in the dark side is dark and continuous as if like thick strings while the energy on the light side is in flux and easily usable. Origin Energy, Mana, or void energy can be absorbed without limits. Anyone can utilize them if they can. They are freely given and meant to nurture life. But the energy in the dark side is not like that. It doesn't matter if you can use the energy. You have to fight to absorb every piece of the energy. You have to constantly wrestle with the will of the universe to take dark energy.

The absence of light is the least of the problems of living in the dark side of the universe. Space is also frozen solid like glass. Space doesn't fluctuate in any way. It is rigid, cold, and bitter. To be in the dark side of the void Universe is to be within a black crystal solid. It means the very environment impedes movement. 

There is also the crushing pressure that space exerts on everything within it. To be in the dark side of the universe is to live under a mountain with the entire weight of the mountain concentrated on you. It will be a wonder if you can breathe. Fortunately, those who can live here have stopped needing to breathe since they became transcendents.

If the universe is compared to a building, the internal space of the building will be the normal universe or the light side of the Void Universe. The internal space contains everything within the house but it is NOT the house. It is simply a product of the existence of the house. Just like volume is a derivative of a container but it isn't the container itself.

Just like so, the normal Universe is not the universe or at least not the structure that makes up the universe. A world god will tell you that it is a mistake that small-minded, ignorant, and blind fools make to think that the normal universe is the universe. They believe that they are living within the universe but it is not so. They are actually living within the space within the universe. It's like calling the liquid within a container the container itself. That's just absurd.

To expand on the house analogy, the dark side of the universe is the walls of the house. It makes up the universe and as such, it is dense and light doesn't exist within it. 

World gods live within this thick, frozen space that can crush a lesser being into dust and they do it as easily as moles live in the soil except they don't bore holes within it. They just push space aside and make a way for themselves where there was no way. That's the thing about the dark side of the universe. It is not conducive to life. Life was not meant to live in it just like the walls of a house are not meant to be lived in. If you are to live in the dark side of the universe, you must carve out a living by force.

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