Chapter 536 Visions Of The Past Through Mana.

He decided to get to the bottom of the anomaly that is the sheets of paper and figure out how they came to be. His divine sense came out of him through his eyes instead of directly into the world through his soul. So he senses the world through his eyes, not through his soul. It is a technique that ocular bloodlines use that unifies the power of his powerful soul and his unique eyes. He activated this technique and focused his eyes on the strings of mana within the sheets of paper. eyes can see mana and his soul can sense mana. But his eyes can be blocked sometimes by mana itself. It is like a wall of mana. His eyes can see the wall and can even see through it but only to a certain level. It gets to a point where he can't see beyond it. His soul comes to assist by pushing aside or parsing what he is seeing as he is seeing it so that his eyes won't be clogged up with too much sensory information.

The signatures of events are on these strings of mana. Deciphering them is not an easy job. Mana itself is talkative. It will tell you everything it knows no matter how useless or irrelevant it is. It is his job to determine the useful information in the ocean of data that is being presented to him. What's worse is that he won't know what's useful until he deciphers the information.

It is why seeing the present is easy and can be done with 100% certainty but seeing the past is a challenge. Looking into the past is like searching through different time vaults. You have to crack the time vaults to access their contents. Sometimes vaults have trash in them but you won't know until you have gone through the effort of cracking the time vaults. If you're lucky to find the time vaults you have, they might be too old and are already falling apart with their contents being compromised. It is honestly a hassle but it is handy.

He broke the code that is the language of mana and his vision narrowed into a world of intent. The intent is from mana itself and from the events that have occurred to mana. The intent will tell him what he wants as long as he can find it and can understand it. It is a difficult thing because all he can see here are broken fleeting emotions occurring without rhyme or reason. This is where the law of causality helps. It gives Order to what he is seeing.

The scattered emotions linked together and began to inform him of shapes, tastes, sounds, and images at the same time. Even with the order he imposed on it, the world of intent is still chaotic. It's like tasting, touching, hearing, and seeing past and present events at the same time. It is not a wonder that his eyes get overloaded with too much information. If not for the time frame that causality provides, he will never be able to get anything meaningful. So he narrowed his focus by looking at the intents with Salvini in them and then rewinding the flow of events until he zeroed in on what he wanted.

He felt a sheet of paper within a space with a confined sub-level spatial coefficient. There are other sheets of paper around in the foggy world, hundreds of them. Then the spatial coefficient was normalized. The sheet of paper was then modified by a certain substance. The substance is a mixture of materials that scar and blemish the paper in several spots that he deciphered to be letters.

So far he has gotten that Salvini kept the paper in a pocket dimension before she gave it to him. There are hundreds of sheets of paper that she made to give to him. All these sheets of paper have been modified with ink so they all have something written on them. She only took out the ones that fit the situation to make it look mystifying. But that's not what he is looking for.

He searched deeper. His mind moved farther through time into the depth of the world of intent. Then he discovered something. The sheets of paper came from someone or something. Whatever it is, the mana is saying it is massive and very powerful. This thing was warping everything around it including mana so he couldn't see what was going on at all. It looked like an indescribable maelstrom of mana

He was trying to wrap his head around the chaotic signatures when everything suddenly became clear. His mind suddenly encountered an area of clearness. The abrupt change didn't end there. His mind was pulled into the raging maelstrom of mana within the world of intent against his will.

He had been fully invested in trying to pry the information open so he couldn't pull his mind back. Not that he can even if he was prepared. It was a carefully laid trap for him. The 6 sheets of paper were not given to him at random. Their oddness didn't occur by nature. It is so that he will investigate and end up here.

His mind was sucked into the maelstrom. He entered it and continued to fall into it. His world became chaotic. He couldn't tell up from down or anything from anything else. It was all a confusing deluge of data and mana. His heart sank within him because he could feel that the force pulling him is behind his capabilities. But there's nothing he could do. He has no other choice but to go along with the flow.

The pulling force ended abruptly too. He seemed to have appeared within a large world of pure white. There's no sense of length, breadth, or height. He can only see whiteness as far as his eyes can see. There's only him and a giant eye in this white world. The eye is white with several layers of different colored rings around its pitch-black pupil.

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