Chapter 524 Advantage Of Quality And Quantity.

In summary, EXISTENCE REWRITE targets weaknesses in quality while EXISTENCE DECONSTRUCTION targets weaknesses in quantity. These riff-raffs clearly can't resist EXISTENCE DECONSTRUCTION. They would need to have a six-law concept to resist it at all. They would still fail if they are like Hancock with a six-law concept. The realm lord will still have the numerical advantage.

Monarch high heaven has the advantage both in quality and quantity with the concept he created. That's why he is supremely confident in himself and why he took offense when mother high heaven said they were the same. They are not the same. In fact, there is probably no one that is the same as him in the entire void universe.

Mother high heaven shook her head and muttered. "This is not over."

The realm lord agreed wholeheartedly. "Not by a long shot. There is still his world god father."

His reply made her feel like hitting him. Someone that can take on a realm lord and the defenses of a whole immortal continent on their own ought to be proud and confident. That is a normal reaction. But looking for a continent where you know that attacking will cause a world god to come after you is just madness.

She is worried about what is to come. World gods have a lot of means and they don't need to be creating more enemies since the era of conquest is coming. She is very worried but the realm lord's reaction is making her feel like she is the weird one here. He doesn't look worried at all. He is examining the chains that bind the continent to him without a care in the world.

The continent continued to shrink until it reduced from the size of a 5 billion square kilometers landmass into a 50 centimeters square piece less than 1 trillion of its previous size.

He flipped it in his hands casually. "Neat."

The landmass may have become smaller but that is just one of the two of its property that has changed. It still contains the same mass and weighs just as much. Since he couldn't move it on his own before, he shouldn't be able to flip it either. It is the other property of the landmass that changed which made it shrink in the first place that also allows him to flip it without having the strength needed to do so.

Mother high heaven said to him. "So your Authority works. Let's go now."

A world god said calmly from beneath the world. "I AM AFRAID IT IS TOO LATE FOR THAT."

This time the heaviness of the voice is real, unlike the time that the realm lord pretended to be a world god. The world actually quaked as sound was pushed up from deep within the universe. Space vibrated along with the sound waves. This world god is not a false world god at all.

A certain spot in the void began to ripple like the surface of a lake as if something is coming from beneath it. The world announced the coming of an apex predator as best as it can, by quaking in its boots. You know you're screwed when even the world is shaking in fear.

The realm lord said to mother high heaven who is shaking her head. "You heard the world god. It's too late for that. You should have spoken up earlier."

"You wouldn't have listened."

He refused to admit to that. "Now you're just making stuff up."

The rippling space eventually tore open to make way for the entity that is trying to appear. The rippling effect of space is because it is trying to expand to accommodate the entity. Apparently, it is not expanding fast enough so the entity made its own way.

The torn space revealed a darkness like an abyss. A large flaming hand appeared within the darkness and ripped the space open further. Then a giant of pure white flames appeared. That's just what can be seen in the normal range of light. The realm lord could see more and what he can see is massive beyond compare.

Just the single eye of the world god is the size of a plane. It is 10 thousand kilometers thick with a surface area in the range of hundreds of millions of kilometers. This world god is as large as a realm tree. It is not a wonder how they have managed to destroy realm trees.

Somehow, a living being has evolved to be as large as an entire realm and that's what he can see. It is difficult not to marvel when a world god appears in their largest manifestation. This is just a manifestation, not the real body but it is enough to squash any Origin god. In fact, it doesn't need to come here with this full manifestation to kill the realm lord's avatar.

The giant has four arms each capable of crushing an entire plane like crushing twigs. In one of the arms is a very smug Hancock smiling from ear to ear. Gloating can be seen in its single eye. He is riding for revenge on the hand of an apex predator. It is sufficient cause to gloat. He is like a small child that brought his father to the playground to beat a bully for him.

Hancock pointed at the elf and said to the world god. "Daddy, that's him. He is the thief that is stealing my things."

He is almost jumping with excitement right now. He is full of glee because he will soon get his sweet, sweet revenge.

The world god's voice rubbled as he spoke. "Impressive. I didn't think it is possible to steal an entire continent."

The continent has disappeared from the void. It is in the realm lord's hands. Monarch high heaven could have taken it away if the world god had not appeared. Then the continent will not be recoverable. The world god found it impressive that someone managed to steal a continent. It is something that world gods can only do once and that's when they are about to build their world.

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