Chapter 448 Anticipation For A Public Execution.

Stelios believes that Helios is young, naive, and easily impressionable. His worldview must have turned upside down because of the betrayal and that made him do what he did. He doesn't have any other reasonable explanation for why Helios betrayed the plane. The possibility that Helios is a clone or might be related to the hidden god and the demon didn't cross his mind at all.

Helios can't possibly be someone else's clone because he was there the day Helios was delivered as a baby and he has watched that baby grow up every day of its life. Clones are not born like babies, they are made and they resemble their creator in every way. Helios never came into contact with knowledge about demon summoning nor did he come in contact with shady characters.

Stelios monitored every book that Helios read and controlled the people that Helios came in contact with. Helios doesn't even have friends apart from Cardinal Hak so how did he come in contact with the hidden god or demons? It all comes back to that Heroic quest that Helios took part in. Helios came within the sight of the hidden god because of his wonderful performance. Then he was brainwashed into being the tool of the hidden god.

"I should have noticed that they had their eye on Helios when the ants asked for him to be their negotiator. Why else would they have demanded for him as an item? I shouldn't have allowed the Celestial Supreme to make me release Helios so that he can attend the heroic quest. It is too late now."

There are a lot of things he regrets doing and even more that he wishes he had done that could have prevented his calamities. The hidden god might have lied to Helios that the sun god is not his father to sway the poor impressionable boy, but it was him that allowed that suspicion to fester and grow when he didn't save Helios the way the Sky god saved Tanya.

He failed to live up to the image that the sky god had created of how divine parents should behave when their children are in trouble. It was Harkam's behavior that must have allowed the suspicion to fester within Helios, Then Stelios went on to confirm the suspicion when he tried to take over the boy's soul. There's no path of reconciliation between him and Helios anymore now with everything that has happened. The best he can hope for is that Helios won't try to kill him on sight. Or even worse, Helios could try to capture him and imprison him within the jail on his back.

Stelios sighed. He shook his head to dispel thoughts of Helios and his regrets. Then he left his divine kingdom to attend the meeting that the Celestial Supreme called for. They have been having a lot of it recently. That is one thing that has changed yet.

'I doubt the Celestial Supreme will ever allow that to change. He will probably still do it until the moment he dies.' Stelios wondered to himself before he took a seat that has been prepared for him beside the Celestial Supreme.

The gods were surprised by his presence. He isn't supposed to be here. In fact, he isn't supposed to be outside his divine kingdom at all. They began whispering to themselves about why he could be out. They were further surprised when they saw where he sat. They all turned their attention to the Celestial Supreme to see how he will react.

Some of the gods were looking on with dread and anxiety slowly building up within them while some like Harkam were looking with anticipation. Harkam is very much hoping that this meeting will become a public execution. His eyes are lit up and he has a grin on his face. He would enjoy a public execution very much especially if Stelios is the victim.

Stelios isn't sitting among the rest of the gods anymore. He is facing them like the Celestial Supreme used to face all of them. He made sure to keep his face stern and calm when Harkam began to frown because the Celestial Supreme didn't react the way he wanted. The Celestial Supreme called everyone's attention to Stelios after he sat down.

"Everyone, I would like us to welcome Stelios the Celestial god of the sun to our midst."

Everyone stood up and clapped. Their clapping wasn't boisterous because of their confusion. They are genuinely surprised to see him out in the open and no explanation has been given for why he is out of his self-imposed exile. They all thought he would stay in hiding forever. Even that wouldn't save him for long if they are in a peaceful time. The Celestial Supreme has been known to be vehement and thorough in his hunt for Celestials. But it seems war has brought Stelios the opportunity to be alive and well.

The Celestial Supreme continued when they were done. "I know you all have a lot of questions. I would like to say that the Celestial god of the sun and I have come to an amicable arrangement. I won't try to kill him for being a Celestial anymore."

The god of knowledge asked. "Does that mean it is okay for grand gods to become Celestials?"

"No." His answer brooked no contest. "Now let's get to business."

The Celestial Supreme shot down that threat of trouble before it can grow. He was thinking about accepting more Celestials but he doesn't want to be pressed into making that decision. He will decide after he sees how well Stelios performs. Then he changed the subject of the conversation to the agenda of the meeting immediately. He was about to continue talking when the muscle head of the gods noticed something out of place like he usually does.

"Where is this god of fate? He must have some really great balls not to attend a divine council meeting even now. Even a Celestial has arrived but he is still refusing to show his face." Harkam said.

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