Chapter 420 Traitorous Bastard.

Helios was born and bred in the plane but it is obvious that there are a lot of strange unknown things about the son of the sun god. So as absurd as it might seem, Helios could be related in one or another to the demon invasion.

It could also be the sun god that is responsible for this invasion. That traitorous ancient bastard certainly has had a lot of time on his hands to dabble in a lot of things. He might have some contact with demons because he was alive back in the day when demons used to attack the plane. This might be his plan to distract the divine plane from his betrayal or to weaken the divine plane.

Then there is the hidden god that wants to ruin his order. That god might be the architect behind this attack too. It became more plausible the more he thought of it. The hidden god might have gotten in touch with demons to create chaos in the divine plane too in order to further its nefarious agenda.

Either one it is, he cannot take this invasion lightly. He is besieged by enemies on all sides and something is tugging on his authority. A high-rank demon is not enough to cause chaos but it is best to be prepared for the worst.

"I will skin that Stelios when I lay my hands on him and I'll enjoy cutting up his son once the troublemaker comes to the divine plane. I will crush the hidden god and everything it holds dear." He promised himself to deliver retribution to his enemies in the most agonizing way possible.

Things have been getting worse for him recently but a lull will come. His chance to repay his enemies for their transgressions will come. That is the nature of the world. There will be periods of rise and fall. It will be his turn when his enemies experience their inevitable fall and he will make sure that their fall remains permanent. For now, he will try his best to defend his precious plane.

The Celestial Supreme was right to be worried. Numerous alerts started ringing before the first portal opened.




It meant that demon nobles are invading the plane and their number is increasing steadily. First, there were 2 connecting to the divine plane, then 10, and 20. The number of invading demon nobles didn't stop at 20.

"So the high-rank demon is a probe to deceive me. They will find that it is them that will be deceived." The Celestial Supreme said confidently.

He found the behavior of the demons to be strange. A normal planar invasion should lead with the strongest troops but the demons chose the opposite. Still, he isn't worried. He remained calm even when the amount of invading demon nobles crossed over 100.


This alert made him worried. A demon Lord is also joining the invasion.

"What is going on?"

He became serious not because a demon Lord is a threat to the divine plane but because the rate at which things are escalating doesn't bode well. First, it was a high-rank demon, then demon nobles, and now a demon Lord. The next thing should be a demon king. That will be bad for the divine plane.

He waited patiently for the bad news. When it came he was more shocked than he thought he would be. Helios rings activated fully. Zernon felt his Authority pulled with a jerk and involuntarily used to activate something.

"What is this scoundrel up to?" He said irritably.

Here he is trying to stop an invasion and one unruly child is disturbing him. He looked down just in time to catch the phantom of the god of order and justice appearing within the circle above his son. The phantom was holding a star. The star enlarged into a small sun. Then it collapsed on itself. It pulled the phantom into itself and the poor behemoth. The son of the Celestial Supreme was crushed as soon as he entered the collapsed star. He won't be walking away from whatever this is. The three of them fused to create a portal tinged with the white of the behemoth's blood.

A notification rang in the Celestial Supreme's mind. "PERMISSION GIVEN TO BYPASS THE DIVINE PLANE."

The portal changed with that notification. It seemed to have connected to a destination. The sight from within the portal showed an army of demons coming through.

The Celestial Supreme finally received the answer to his question about what Helios is up to. Helios used the Celestial Authority of Order and the Sun to permit a connection to the Zargoth plane that bypassed the divine plane.

He roared at the top of his divine and majestic lungs. "That fucking traitor."

It is one thing to have a hand in the invasion of demons. That is a sin worthy of death numerous times over. Still, it is manageable. Demons can't enter the mortal realm unless a channel is opened to them. Otherwise, they have to get past the gods in the divine plane. Even if they have a channel, the presence of the divine plane prevents demons from entering the mortal realm with their bodies. At most, they get to spread their influence.

Some powerful demons cannot even do that and will need a demon child to act as their vessel for them to descend into. But Helios betrayed his entire race to open a portal that bypasses the divine plane entirely for the demons to use.

It is something impossible to do without the authority of a Celestial. Only a power of that magnitude can give permission to bypass the divine plane and Helios used two. The traitorous bastard used both his Authority and the Authority of order and justice through his son.

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