Chapter 374 Patiently Waiting For 120 Years.

The Celestial Supreme frowned as he considered the proposition.

"So you're saying I should go ahead and investigate the ant mound without any care for the consequences? That's actually a good idea."

The god of fate waved his arm to disagree. "No, that's a bad idea. What if the aim of this god is to make the gods hate you? Right now we have one god on the side of the ant. Your actions might lead to more gods switching to help non-giant races. You are already disliked among the gods. This might be the tipping point. They might just decide to band together and usurp you."

The Celestial Supreme became confused. He understands that more dissent among the gods might be bad for him especially since he is aware of some of it already among the gods. He knows that the gods have a doomsday plan against him if he pushes them too far. The doomsday plan is unlikely to work against him but he doesn't want the chaos that conflict among the gods will create. What he doesn't understand is why his idea is bad when the god of fate said that he should consider disregarding chaos.

He said to the god of fate. "But you just said I could confirm my theory if I let my fear of chaos go."

"Yes, I said that. But your theory might be wrong. Is the consequence of your actions worth confirming a wrong theory?"

The Celestial Supreme sighed. His irritation has left him leaving only confusion. "So what do you suggest for me to do?"

"I suggest you wait for a time when it will be worth it to confirm your theory."

"What do you mean?"

The god of fate answered with a question. "What do you think will happen if you do nothing? What will happen to the plane if you stop being the controlling freak you are? Why do you think you must school everything?"

"You know why I must control everything. Without me, the plane will be plunged into Chaos. Gods will start to fight wantonly amongst themselves. Mortals will start attacking churches and creating their own churches in hopes of becoming new gods. It will be utter and complete Chaos. It will be a nightmare. There will be deaths upon deaths. So much death, it will be..." The Celestial Supreme grew livid the more he described the consequences of letting the world run without his control. He truly felt bad just imagining it.

The god of fate interrupted him. "That's enough. I've heard enough."

He knows enough about the Celestial Supreme to know that he really means well for the Zargoth plane. He is not as old as Stelios but he is old and he used to be close to the Celestial Supreme in the past. That was before the Celestial Supreme tried to kill though.

The Celestial Supreme stopped talking and looked expectantly at the god of fate who is running his hand across his face and muttering about all the demons lurking in the god of order's head.

"If you were to try and confirm your theory during a time of chaos, what do you think the repercussions will be?" The god of fate asked.

The Celestial Supreme's eyes lit up in realization. He said slowly, "It wouldn't matter as much. There will be so much chaos around that a little more Chaos won't matter. Wow, that's a good plan. You're a genius."

The god of fate shook his head. "You're just too tightly wound and your thinking is rigid. That's why you don't see the obvious. Don't be so excited about confirming your theory. You can be wrong about it, but the good thing is that you will become closer to finding out the aim of this new god."

"Thanks for your help. I have to go." The Celestial Supreme said.

"Before you go, I have something to say to you. Consider it a favor from me. I can't see anything about this new god but I saw something about you. You are going to die and it will be because of betrayal."

The Celestial Supreme left with that damning prophecy over his head. A prophecy that states that you will die tends to leave you brooding but he didn't allow that to stop him from exacting his plans. He instructed the church of order and justice to lie low and stop policing the mortal realm. The only thing he did is to place a large spherical divine barricade around the ant mound. He will be able to know whenever anyone passes through the barricade either to make contact with the ant mound or leave it.

Then he laid back and watched. He didn't say anything when Harkam brought a Colossus to the camp. He didn't interfere in their fight. He allowed it to escalate into a divine war. He allowed the divine war to escalate into a world war as more gods piled on. His inaction enabled the war to become more important than the demigods.

It was then that he decided to confirm his theory. It was painful for him to watch all these Chaos ravage the carefully laid out order that he had put in place but no one will care too much when he puts the demigods at risk. All the Chaos will be worth it if he can unravel the mystery that is the new god.

The evil he knows is better than the unknown evil that the hidden god is perpetrating under the cover of the captured demigods. He can always put things back in order. Things have been getting boring for him anyway, he will have a lot of fun putting things back into their rightful place.

He called for a divine council in the temple at the camp. The gods sent their avatars. It was the first time in 120 years that their Celestial Supreme is giving any order. He has been very quiet all this while. It seems all of that is about to change.

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