Chapter 365 Stupid Sky Gods.

"It is too early for something to change. Even if something is to change, you have gone too far with the change." Someone shouted back at Harkam.

Harkam didn't even tell them about his decision or give them any kind of heads-up. He just sprang the Colossus on them. They too were as shocked as the mortals when the Colossus came.

Harkam remained stubborn. "It's alright. Nothing will go wrong."

"It's not alright you stupid fool. You sky gods are always like this. You don't think well that's why you think everything is going to be alright."

Harkam's eyes lit up like a brewing desert storm. His brown hair began to move around wildly.

He asked calmly. "Are you calling me stupid?"

His opponent didn't back down. He laughed and replied, "You stupid fool. I wasn't calling you stupid. I am calling the entire generations of sky gods fools. What are you going to do about it?"

Things escalated pretty quickly after that. It doesn't take much for an explosion to turn into a fire disaster. That requirement becomes easily met when someone is actively pouring flammable objects into the fire. You can't call the generations of sky gods stupid and not expect a disaster.

The gods started fighting with the limited strength of their avatars. Harkam was getting beaten up. He is one fighter against the group of gods. Unless the vessel is unique, gods are limited to the strength of mana entities within the mortal realm. So it doesn't matter that he is a grand god. In the mortal realm, it is 7 mana entities against Harkam.

Stelios and the other gods chose to watch as Harkam is being bullied from every side. The 7 gods chased him all around the interior of the temple. They flew into the air and threw divine spells at him.

No one interfered with the fight because their pillar of order allowed it. The Celestial Supreme just watched on without interfering. He is usually bossy and fussy about chaos but he chose to remain silent.

"Aren't you going to stop them?" The god of power and might asked Stelios.

She asked him because Stelios is the oldest god and the one with the highest authority among them. He is like their big brother. The level-headed one that they can count on.

Stelios answered. "What's there to stop? Harkam is making a fool of himself and my demigod is safe within his tent. I've got no reason to worry."

He understood the problem with Harkam and why he did what he did. It didn't come as a surprise that Harkam finally snapped. He is probably the only one that will agree with Harkam that it is commendable of him to have waited for a year. The sudden arrival of the Colossus is unexpected but inevitable since Harkam is among the gods with kidnapped demigods.

The god of war nodded his head and said, "Yes, don't stop it. This is enjoyable. They need to fight more and break stuff."

Stelios grinned. "Yes, it is enjoyable. It is understandable that he is anxious about his daughter. I would have been anxious too if Helios isn't safe. But like most things that Harkam does, he didn't think this one through."

The god of war asked excitedly. "Do you think this will lead to a divine war? I want a divine war. This heroic quest is boring."

Stelios shook his head. "Unfortunately this kind of conflict cannot lead to a divine war. It's just some demigods."

"But you and Harkam fought about a demigod." The god of power and might said.

Stelios became silent. "You may be right. Anything is possible with Harkam."

The different factions of gods chose to talk amongst themselves and watch the fight. Only one person finally interfered.

The grand god of knowledge flicked 8 sheets of paper from his body at the Fighting gods. Different spells came out of the sheets and canceled the attacks of the gods. Golden bolts of lightning shot out of one sheet and canceled Harkam's attack of golden bolts of lightning. The other sheets did the same for the different gods.

Generations of gods of knowledge have studied and recorded the powers of most gods so the god of knowledge can use almost all divine abilities. Knowledge is power after all.

The 8 gods turned to the god of knowledge. He spoke up after getting their attention. "This won't solve anything. You are making fools of yourselves. What has happened has happened. Now, do we use the colossus or send it back?"

The fighting gods glared at each other before dispersing.

The god of knowledge nodded. He asked Harkam. "So you have brought a colossus. What's your plan? What do want to do with the colossus?"

Harkam didn't answer. He looked around shiftily.

The god of knowledge rubbed his eyes. "So you brought a colossus here without a plan?"

Harkam looked away without admitting it.

The gods began to laugh. Even the gods that just beat him up couldn't help themselves from shaking their heads. One thing went through all their minds and it is "That is so Harkam." It is not strange for the sky god to act without thinking. He chose to fight 7 other gods with equal strength as him and he was the aggressor too.

"What do we do now?" The god of knowledge asked everyone. Then his head shot up all of a sudden.

"The ants have moved. They have sent a royal guard to the frontlines." He told everyone.

"What for?" Stelios asked.

The god of knowledge shook his head. "I don't know yet. But we'll know soon enough."

He wasn't spying on the ant mound. No god is. They haven't used their divine vision to watch the ant mound for a while now because they don't expect anything to happen soon. There's no way they are going to fix their attention on the ants for years of time. But the god of knowledge found out about the changes immediately after one of his believers became aware of it. It is the role of the god of knowledge to horde knowledge. He knows everything that his believers know.

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