Chapter 301 The Law Of Order.

Legion-4 was selected to reincarnate as a giant of order because of their unique power. Gehaldirah had done some research on them and confirmed the common knowledge that their power is due to their divine ability being related to the law of order.

The law of order is a very unique law that is almost impossible to learn. It is very rare to come across like the law of chaos, because anything that comes close to order gets overwritten. That's why spells that come close to a giant of order get unraveled into their basic form of mana.

The law of order is very important for an Origin god to become a world god but it can't be comprehended. Instead, it is created. Since Origin gods can't learn it, they create a substitute for it using the other laws that they have learned. It may be artificial but it is under their control.

Legion-4's mission is to learn the true law of order. It is a difficult job and he started facing the difficulty of it right from the moment he was reincarnated just like legion-3. The law of Chaos wanted to corrode legion-3 and return him to the primordial form of pure entropy. The law of Order wants to mold legion-4's soul and make it rigid, immutable, and forever immune to change.

Now, legion-4 will like to be impervious to external influence but it means he can never change. Change is very important for adaptation. If he can't change, then he won't be able to grow in any way. It is not as if the immunity is absolute either. Powerful spells can overwhelm the effect of the domain of immunity around giants of order, maintain their form and hurt the giants.

Rigidity only means you will rather break than bend. If their immunity was so strong giants of Order will be among the top races of the realm and dragons won't be able to kill them. They won't be forced to stay in a plane that isn't fertile. They caused infertility to their plane but they can't change location because they don't have a choice.

If you think they are being forced to stay in their plane because of their ability to destabilize the environment, then you would be right. Their entire race has been barred from entering the Ancient battlefield because of their ability. If you think it took a lot of strength to force their race to stay in the plane then you would be wrong. How threatening can a race that can never produce a lord of law be?

The law Order has made the race of giants big for nothing and it is trying to do the same to Legion-4 in the womb. But he will have none of it. Unlike the law of chaos that starts its modeling from the soul and extends to the body, the law of order starts from the body and extends to the soul.

Legion-4 could see the law fragments of Order modifying his entire body. It is a marvelous sight and he would be able to appreciate it if they are not trying to make him obsolete.

He looked at it and said, "Interesting."

It is undeniably interesting. The divine abilities of other races occur in specific body parts and organs. The giants of order have their divine ability based on their entire bodies.

It is interesting but that's the limit of his appreciation. He knew how to combat such over-controlling laws with no boundaries. He just has to contaminate the law of order just like legion-3 contaminated chaos with laws.

"I have to hurry." He exclaimed as he got to work.

He began cycling through different laws as fast as he can. He doesn't have as much time as legion-3 to fix his problem. The law of order isn't combative like the law of chaos. In a way, being immune to external influence is a good thing. The body likes control and homeostasis, so the law of order isn't being resisted by his body.

The second problem is that the law of order is modifying his body first, not his soul. He would be able to resist better if it were the soul. To call the body of a fetus weak is an overestimation. It is worse when that body is siding with the enemy like some traitor.

His body couldn't resist on its own so it became the battlefield between legion-4 and the law of order. Their fight had far larger implications than he expected. Another thing that happens to be connected to his body is his pregnant mother. If the battlefield were happening in the soul, his poor mother wouldn't be implicated.

We've already seen how Soverick, who was yet to be born affected his mother with his bloodline as a fetus. And his own divine ability was just his two small eyes while Legion-4 has to deal with his entire body acting up. Legion-4's mother couldn't take so much justling within her. She will definitely prefer if he kicked her all day long because this is life-threatening to her.

That's why she is being rushed to a church. She has been in pain for quite a while and it looked like she might miscarriage. She was placed on a carriage that was headed for one of the pyramids in the city. This bronze-skinned giantess held her husband's hand for assurance. Her husband, legion-4's father, a silver-skinned and tattooed giant standing beside her on the carriage said to her.

"It's going to be okay, Hillo. You're going to be alright. I'll do my best to get the attention of the sun god. He will heal you."

She nodded and blinked the tears away. She is pregnant with their first child and doesn't want to lose it. Their race has low fertility which has become even lower in recent times. So every pregnancy is very important to her and their race.

'I hope the priests will be able to fix my problem.' she thought to herself.

It is very rare for giants of order to be sick or have complications but whenever they do, it is very difficult to heal them with external aid. Plants are rare in the Zargoth plane, so the option for vitality pills is absent. Giants of Order can't use magic and magic won't work on them, the only way to heal them is through the power of the gods. That's why they are heading to the pyramid where the sun god, their patron god descends to.

It took a while but they finally reached the church. Karak brought his struggling wife before a priest. He has a good standing in the city as an officer in the army so he is privileged enough to get quick service. He has a pretty high standing in society because only churches can have an army and he is part of the army of the sun god. That's why the blue-skinned priest with tattoos all over his skin that attended to them rushed over and examined her stomach quickly.

He looked at the couple and shook his head. "I'm sorry. Your child is misaligned. He will not make it."

The priest had sensed chaos and turmoil in her womb. It is this turmoil that is affecting the mother. Nothing can be done about the turmoil as far as he can see.

"What do we do now, father Pike?" Karak asked.

The priest felt sorry for the couple but he had to say the bad reality. "The pregnancy has to be destroyed to save your wife. It is the source of her problem. It is like a cancerous tumor within her. If it is not removed, she will die."

Hillo trembled and tried not to cry but tears were already streaking down her cheeks. Karak remained strong. One of them needs to be the backbone that supports the two of them.

He asked hopefully. "Is there nothing that can be done?"

The priest sighed and replied. "There's nothing impossible for god to do. If he gives you his attention then your wife will be healed."

Karak summoned all his willpower and spoke. "Then I wish to seek the attention of God."

The priest was not surprised. But the situation made him feel sorrier for them. "Are you certain? You know that God is very busy."

He was trying to tell the desperate father not to waste his time, effort, and wealth on seeking the attention of God. How many people have ever succeeded in such an endeavor? Gods hardly care about the affairs of mortals. This couple will be better off accepting their fate.

Hillo spoke, "Karak, maybe we should give up. We can try again."

The priest nodded in agreement. Just give up. A meeting with a priest is already expensive. Trying to seek the attention of their patron god will cost them all of their wealth and savings. It is not a wise thing to do since the odds of failure are almost 10 out of 10. The fact that you really want something doesn't mean you get it no matter how much you want it, need it, or deserve it.

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